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  1. Hi, First time posting here. I am 54 yr old female who has been chronically ill since age 24,with ME/CFS, Dysautonomia, Fibromyalgia and all the stuff that goes with these dxs. I've been bed ridden since June 4 and not getting better. Very poor health providers in my area. I'm debilitated with extreme exhaustion and frustrated/frightened with almost continual panic. I have been a patient of Dysautonomia/Mitral Valve Prolapse Center in Birmingham, Al, but felt I wasn't getting anywhere and haven't been in several years. I take 1/2 of a 5 mg Bystolic at night along with several meds to help this blasted insomnia. Who here has recommendations for another doctor in Alabama? I also have an adrenal and pituitary tumor and have had some high cortisol readings, but the Endo at UAB thinks there's nothing to be concerned about and doesn't think what I'm going through is connected...but I do. I live in SW Alabama, so my location is hours from anywhere. Is Dr. Randy Thompson in Pensacola practicing now? But, I have Meducare/Medicaid, so if there is a great one in Alabama, please let me know. How do y'all handle the panic? I feel like I'm losing my mind. Klonopin I could, but don't eat like tic-tacs.
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