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Posts posted by Jemima

  1. On 18 June 2015 at 12:20 AM, gjensen said:

    I find drinking water etc. is a habit either way. I do well in spells, and then not well at all. I have to keep drinking to keep drinking. If that makes any sense. Kind of the body in motion stays in motion . . .

    I have totally lost my sense of thirst. I am so weak i can not get out of bed and breathing is flat dry and airless for me. My body feels numb.

  2. On 5 June 2013 at 12:45 PM, lieze said:

    I had both symptoms that you describe feeling as if my body was no longer breathing on it's own and needing to mechanically breathe. During this time my diaphragm did feel very weak almost paralyzed along with the other chest muscles that help us breathe so it was laborious and painful when this happened. The other was feeling as if I was not getting oxygen and suffocating. Each session of these would last maybe an hour. The other for me was feeling as if everything was tightening up and it would start down low in the base of the lungs and move higher until it felt like I only had maybe the top 1/4 of my lungs able to work and exchange air.

    All of these situations were very anxiety producing,

    I was not able to climb stairs, read a book, laugh, get animated with voice or have very long phone conversations. I would feel as if The wind was knocked out of me and I was starving for oxygen.

    There are times now while active I have to pace my breath because it seems my body can't handle several activities at once like walking and breathing. Or it's like my bodies screaming more oxygen more oxygen and so I start to hyperventilate if I don't take steps to counteract that.

    The situations I described first got much better for me so I hope that can happen for some of you too because the symptoms really are awful to go thhrough, I still have difficulty with climbing stairs and It has not been that long ago that these things happened for me so I am still cautious of what I do that requires air volume. I can't remember the other term right now sorry POTS brain.


    Do you, pr anyone out there, wake during the night fee.ing as if you can not breathe and with a very flat dry sensation that makes you feel like you are in a desert unable to breathe? Sorry if sounds crazy!

  3. On 23 January 2011 at 3:56 PM, lieze said:

    I just wish I could tell the difference-whether it is POTS or panic.

    My episodes don't stop when I lay down, they often intensify.

    They feel so real, hard to describe like something isn't working right in my body.

    I feel short of breath, my heart feels like it's not keeping up., I get lightheaded, and I feel as if I'll pass out or die.

    I get somewhat disoriented unable to focus on things around me.

    I am in sheer terror thinking I am going to die.

    I haven't really tried to take an anxiety med during I'm too terrified to do that thinking it will be the thing to throw me right over the edge.

    Maybe it was in fact an anxiety attack the day I got the false blood sugar reading of 24. My blood sugar was going up but I couldn't tell that. I got symptomatic while it was going up and thought I was going out.

    I'm thinking now it could have been panic.

    I'm sorry if I got off track.

    I wouldn't even know how to begin to differentiate Pots from panic because I can't tell them apart.


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