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Posts posted by Mapo1964

  1. Wow.  This is happening to me as well.  I don't understand it.  Sometimes I wonder if I'm thinking too much.  Have I always had POTS?  Yes.  But the difference is, I didn't know.  I just accepted the symptoms and carried on.  Worked full time, raised my kids, traveled constantly, hiked, never afraid of anything.  

    Now that there is a name?  I'm afraid to get out of bed.  Afraid to leave the house. Afraid of losing my job.  Afraid of never getting better.  Afraid that I'm afraid.  Afraid of the symptoms that I had all my life.  Afraid.  

    Its awful.  I feel there is a block and I don't know how it got there or how to get rid of it.  I hope for all our sakes, the fear will leave.  

  2. Thank you!  I hope to get back soon, but I am so scared that I won't.  I have read everything I can find.  And it seemed everything that may show promise, would be torn apart here.  LOL 

    It just seems to me like it should be simple.  If POTS is because your autonomic system is dysfunctional, balance it!  I've read how to balance your parasympathetic system.  Yoga, singing, om-ming, meditation, detoxing heavy metals, eating right for your immune system, adrenal cocktails, earthing, electrolyte balancing...it seems easy, so why is everyone still so sick? 

    Thank you for understanding.  My friend is begging me to take antidepressants.  For the first time in my life, I may try medication and the one medication I have been dead set against my whole life.  But, I am hopeless.  

  3. Thank you everyone!  Do you mind sharing what has helped you get back to "normal"? I am going to try to start the adrenal cocktail.  I know I have issues with them and I figured potassium and salt can't hurt.  At this point, if someone told me taking arsenic pills would get me back to normal, I would buy a crate!  


    Macca, I love that your doctor said "recovery."  It means it's possible.  I'm alone on this journey, single mom.  I have to be able to work and support myself and have insurance.  I think that it adding to my stress levels and the frantic search for a miracle.  My mom is also battling lung cancer again.  We found out a week after I passed out, so it hit me all at once. I wonder if my body is saying no more due to stress.  I have never had anxiety, so I don't know what it looks like.  I'm wondering if my body is on high alert and it is exacerbating the POTS.  

    Thank you again for listening! 

  4. I'm new, but having been reading for several months.  Just looking for some encouragement, I feel like everything out there in the internets is so depressing and not a lot of hopeful success stories.  I have joined a few Facebook groups, but it's hard to get anyone to respond.  

    Looking back, I've always had this.  Teenager, passing out and outgrew that in my 20's, just like literature says.  But over the years, there were symptoms, I just didn't know.  Like feeling horrible and exhausted after a hot shower.  Fatigue.  "Good lord, I'm out of shape!  Why is my heart racing?!! I feel so much better if I just laid down."  Intense headaches if I tried cardio.  BUT, I functioned.  Not like everyone else, but I raised 3 children and worked.  I traveled, I did everything I wanted to.  

    2 months ago, I was at work.  Got heart flutters and passed out.  I woke up as a different person.  I can't get out of bed.  I'm weak.  I shake.  I don't want to eat. My legs and arms are going numb.   I'm disoriented.  I sit and cry.  All day and night.  I've been in the ER three times scared, I don't know how to fix it.  I increased water and salt to no avail.  I haven't been at work.  I just search for positive stories saying that maybe I can get back to work again and I am met with stories of disability and wheelchairs.  Some sites state that 90% of those with POTS, once treated, lead productive lives.  I'm beginning to think it's a lie.  

    I have an appointment with a electrophysisist in the middle of October.  I have had EKG's, echos, CT Scans of my heart and my lungs.  MRIs of my brain.  And was given Xanax to get me over this "hump."  I can deal with the fast heart rate, I always have.  And when I say so, I will get up at walk 3 miles every day.  So what is the block?  Why cant I function?  Sometimes, I wonder if I have a name for it now and I'm allowing it to cripple me. 


    Any encouraging words that there is a light at the end of this awful tunnel?  Thank you for reading and for any responses. 

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