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  1. Thank you and I'm sorry for what you're going through. It's really tough.
  2. Hello, I'm so glad that I found this forum. I wanted to introduce myself. I'm 41 years old and I first began having symptoms when I was 18. I began fainting and falling when I stood up. During this time the syncope faints went away after a couple of months and my heart just began beating faster all the time. Especially upon standing and would sweat like I've never seen anyone sweat. I went to tons of doctors in my late teens and early 20s and they could never find out what the problem was for me. I was diagnosed by one doctor having Mitral Valve Prolapse. I think it was an inaccurate diagnosis. Well as things progressed quickly my heart starting beating really fast when I stood up and because my heart was always beating so fast I couldn't do the things I used to do and people just thought I was lazy. Many family members were wanting me to go to school and go to work so I just gave up sort of and went to school and got a job. I was a good athlete in my teens and could run forever, now in my early 20s I would get out of breath just walking. Finally, when I was 19 my doctor prescribed me propranolol and stayed on it until I graduated to 50mg of Atenolol twice per day when I was 24. Since this time I have really high blood pressure while standing but when I sit or recline is goes low. I also take Losartan. I pretty much gave up trying to find out what was wrong with me until I started doing research again recently. There really wasn't internet when I was 18 so my research was just out of cheap medical books at the book stores trying to figure it out since the Doctors couldn't. I had to live and so I just sucked it up for years and the beta blockers at least allowed me to function even though I know that I am nothing like what I could have been or would be now if this hadn't affected me. This problem has really has changed my life but I didn't give up. I didn't have a choice and just had to fight through it. During the onset of whatever caused this my vision changed as well. I see what looks like a fuzzy tv screen - like little fish dancing around - all the time in front of my eyes. I've ignored it over the years but they are always there. Also, when the lights are low I see shadows in my peripheral vision that fade in and out. Also, I don't know if anyone else has this but my back became really sensitive. So if someone just barely taps me on the back it will sting. I think the years of being on beta blockers have sort of taken away the zest for life. I really hope this forum helps me take the necessary steps to find a way that works for me. I found a doctor in Dallas on here that I would like to visit. So thank goodness for that. I live in Houston.
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