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Posts posted by StayAtHomeMom

  1. 22 hours ago, MeganMN said:

    @StayAtHomeMom I have been feeling sooo awful the last few weeks and finally have been trying some allergy medicine and occasional sudafed. Today I finally took a meclizine and it really helped. Guess I will add ENT to my doctor list this year! 

    Make sure if they do allergy testing they do intradermal. It is way more painful but a lot more sensitive test. Also it would be interesting what they find. I had a sinus CT. My ENT said that all my sinuses have sinus disease which is uncommon. Usually it is only in the big ones. He was more concerned about my deviated septum. Researched the surgery to fix my septum and told him no way to that. I just live with it. 

  2. I have been working on losing weight due to vanity (27 lbs down). Anyway, I have noticed the swelling in my hands is a lot less since I have been working on it. I used to wake up with them swollen and stiff. Sometimes my rings wouldn't even come off. Doing physical activity could even cause them to swell a bit. Not sure why but maybe it had to do with the fact I was at my heaviest weight I have ever been (even heavier then when I had my boys). 

    The only advice I can give would be to talk to your doctor. Maybe he would have a suggestion. 

  3. I am sorry you are feeling so unwell. I am sure it will get better. Are you getting enough electrolytes and salt? I have noticed people on here find out some of their vitamins and electrolytes are low. I would see if you can have them tested and maybe supplement.

    The smallest things can throw us out of whack. I hope you feel better soon. 

  4. 4 hours ago, ScottS said:

    I feel concerned by your stating that you are "supposedly diabetic". You either are or you are not. If you are then you should be treating the condition as your medical professional prescribes. Have you had an A1C test? If not, given what you've described (it is at least my personal opinion that), you should. Wide swings in blood sugar levels, particularly when experienced long term, aren't to be taken lightly. (Over time they can cause significant harm throughout the body.)

    By the way, drinking water won't bring your blood sugar back down. That's your pancreas at work releasing insulin via its beta cells.

    Oh and, it is not at all uncommon for people with POTS to experience the occasional hiccup with respect to their blood sugar levels. Why that is and what exactly is going on can be (sometimes very) hard to determine. Personally, I sometimes feel low blood sugar even when I'm not. (As verified by my testing my blood sugar levels with a glucose meter.) When I feel that way, my solution has long been to sit quietly and wait things out. Or, if and when I feel it will help, I'll munch on half an apple and a half dozen or so crackers or Cheetos or a few small pretzels. By the way, I don't have diabetes but I do have dysautonomia/POTS. 

    My son sometimes acts like he has low blood sugar, but his sugar is fine. And as soon as he eats he feels better. I thought it was just him being a teenager. Guess I will have to add that to his list of symptoms. 

  5. 4 hours ago, potsiebarbie said:

    Yes. Unfortunately not as helpful as I was hoping. 

    That sucks. I know chiropractic is not a cure all but it can help different things depending on the patient and Dr. 

    Have they checked your gallbladder? I know my sister in law had issues with it and would cause a lot of pain. Also her gastroparesis can cause similar pain. 

  6. On 1/17/2019 at 1:55 PM, Help4Me said:

    Hey Stayathome mom.....Dr. SAWYER is moving back to Lexington area.....or moving there..I don't know if he lived there before.....so he will be closer to you now....he referred me to a new cardio .....I am sad he is leaving louisville.....just thought you might like to know.....

    Yes!!! I miss him. I will have to check and see if he is coming back to Lexington Clinic. The PA he referred me to when I left is a good cardiologist, but not so great with POTS. 

  7. What kind of allergy test did you have? Personally I have had a scratch test and an intradermal. Nothing came up on the scratch test, but I have two types of outdoor fall molds on the intradermal. My allergist hates the scratch testing because it can be unreliable. 

    I would look into MCAS. Not sure what is needed for testing of it, but having so many allergic reactions sounds like it needs to be tested for. 

    I would keep a food diary to show foods you have tried and their allergic reactions. My cousin has a similar issue and she can have pizza from one place but not another. She has a food diary to help keep track. Also she says when she eats something she shouldn't it lays her out for 2 weeks. From one food. Not sure how she does it. 

    Good luck. 

  8. Instead of working a full 8 hour day can you try half days? Honestly working 8 hour days are hard for me. 4-6 hour days are much easier to manage. I may be tired that night but the next day I can do it again. Also make sure you are getting plenty of sleep and try to stay on the same sleep schedule throughout the weekend as well. Congrats on a "quick" diagnosis. Honestly there is no magic cure for POTS. But be patient and flexible. Things get better. 

  9. I would write down any questions you have. If you have a portal for the specialist I would email them to him. If not you can give them to your current PCP and hopefully she is willing to research the answers to your questions. 

    Have you considered cutting down your hours at work? I know if I cut my hours I have more energy for other things. A lot of it is finding that balance. Especially considering the fatigue.

    If you think about it though, it is not so surprising that we are always tired. Imagine going through life and running everywhere, and jogging in place as fast as you can. That is what we are doing. It would make any normal person beyond exhaustion.

    Be well. And I am glad you finally got your answer. Even if it brought you more questions. 

  10. I take metoprolol tartrate. I didn't feel like the succinate worked as well. It was easier to take but the tartrate gives me more control. If I need to take an extra pill during the day to help my heart symptoms I can. Succinate I don't think you can. 

    I also take midodrine to help out with my other symptoms. My Beta Blocker only helps with tachycardia and heart palpitations. 

    Just as an FYI I have normal BP. If I take both medications it averages out back to normal as well. 

  11. Getting disability can be difficult. Be prepared to do a lot of work and fighting. But it will be worth it in the end. I am planning on applying this year. I have to finish getting my medical records all in a row, but financially I feel like it would significantly help not having to worry about how much I make. And honestly if and when I no longer work at where I work, I don't believe there will ever be a job for me to work. I have so much flexibility where I work now. If I laid on the office floor at another job they would think I am nuts. 

  12. I have had my POTS diagnosed for 2 years (3 since I got sick). 

    My symptoms are a lot better. When I first got sick the symptoms were overwhelming. Just going to my youngest son's football games were unbelievably hard. Now I function sort of normal. It is a lot slower paced life but I can do normal things if I plan for them. 

    Cleaning is hard for me. I can shop but it is tiring. I work part time doing office work. Showers are exhausting. But other than the things that make me tired I do OK. Every Saturday I go to my friend's house to game with my buddies and I walk there (it is across my apartment complex). I can drive easily around my city. Longer trips are a little harder but I can do it. 

    Without meds: HR is 80s, 90s, 120s. 120/80. With meds: 70s, 80s, 100s. 120/80 (if I take both beta blocker and midodrine)

    I have always had high HR so I suspect I have had POTS since I was a teenager. My oldest son has signs and symptoms. Just waiting for him to see my specialist to confirm. 

  13. Yes. I have it day in and day out, every day. For over 3 years. It is my number one symptom. It varies in intensity and thankfully the last year hasn't been too bad. No doctor has been able to explain it. My specialist ruled out MS and then shrugged saying it is my POTS. 

  14. Sinus tachycardia is what most of us talk about when we talk about tachycardia. 

    Also you are not alone with the HR of over 100 that doesn't seem to want to come down. Try meditating while laying down to get it to come down. It sometimes helps to "relax" one body part at a time. I have had people notice when I am walking any kind of distance I kind of shut down. It is me meditating to keep my HR down. If I don't my POTS bothers me way more. 

  15. 22 hours ago, dannyg said:

    Made an appointment and as usual ... cant get in till mid February. Can never get to any doctor when I need to.... Frustrating.

    I have been trying to get my son into my specialist. Just got rescheduled again yesterday. Have been trying to get him in since October. It will be worth it though in the end. 

  16. So I take my midodrine on an empty stomach. Midodrine can be used as needed. Make sure your last dose is at least 5 hours before bed. And don't lay down on it. I take up to 5mg up to 3x a day. Honestly I usually take 5mg in the morning and sometimes 5 hours later.

    I have taken the full dose but that was when I went on a family outing to the Ark.

    Beware the tingling. It is weird but no one warned me. If I hadn't seen it on here I probably would have freaked. It is harmless but weird. 

    It ups my BP by about 10 points bottom and top summers. It counteracts my Beta-blocker perfectly. I do notice that it helps my non-heart related symptoms nicely.

    This medication made everything a little better when it was added to my Beta Blocker. Be well. 

  17. I was worried about the same thing. Turns out I didn't need to worry. It showed up very clearly. I would recommend a driver if you can though. TTT can be very exhausting. Did they tell you to stop your meds a few days before?

  18. 10 hours ago, dannyg said:

    I'm going to have to start paying attention to see if there are any "triggers" that cause them. Today I started out weak and not feeling good, but pushed myself and did a lot of walking and keeping busy today. I'm wore out. Head hurting, ears ringing, but It turned out to be a decent day.

    Going to get a Oximeter soon also. My BP is all over but never really that "extreme". It ranges from 95/70 to maybe 150/100 at times. I get light headed, and the head ache and ears ringing, and I can work through that. The Pulse is what I need to watch so I know when I have to sit down.

    Smoking .... Im going to experiment with. One thing I noticed when I was when Im in the hospital and cant smoke, after 1 day, I walked around with the monitor on me and my Pulse was pretty regular 90% of the time. I could stand still, it would go up to about 115, then come down and pretty much stay  between 90 to 105 for about 5 minutes. I didnt try and push it more than 5 minutes. At home, smoking, it goes to 135 and up all the time. Going to see if not smoking helps the Pulse. 

     And .... going to keep records of BP and Pulse during the day sitting and standing to see exactly whats going on. 


    Smoking seems to help some people, and makes others worse. It takes at least 2 hours for nicotine to leave your system, and good luck with your experiment. 

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