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Posts posted by Pearlie

  1. Thank you bombsh3ll. I read a case study from 2017 that successfully used a nitroglycerin patch. I offered to provide my EP cardiologist with this information, but he flat out refused to review the case study or consider ordering this for me.   He did tell me that I read too  much. I may need to look for a new clinician.

    Has anyone in this forum with supine tried any of these strategies?

  2. I have been advised to consume 64 oz of water and add electrolytes to the water. The EP was not specific as to how many milligrams of sodium and potassium I should consume daily.  I called him his office to ask, but I was given a very vague answer. I understand why I am supposed to drink more water and electrolytes, to help increase my blood pressure when standing. I tried using a low dose of Midodrine twice a day. I have supine hypertension. The Midodrine exacerbated my supine hypertension and I started to have headaches, so I stopped taking it. My blood pressure has gone up to 170/100. The EP wasn't concerned about this high number. I take 160 mg of Valsartan at night, but it doesn't seem to help lower  my supine blood pressure. My question is, does anyone know if  extra water and sodium intake will also increase supine hypertention, in your experience. I realize that we all react differently to non pharmaceutical therapy.

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