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Everything posted by Rah

  1. I haven't tried compression stockings. That's a good idea, thanks. What I'm doing at school right now is more than I was doing back at home the last few months. Before my POTS symptoms came back this summer though I was really active physically and was jogging and doing pilates and yoga, so I don't know why my symptoms came back even though I was exercising so much. When I read articles about POTS it seems like exercise is supposed to get rid of POTS. I think it probably would be best to listen to my body but I really want to be at school and I don't want to go home, have my symptoms not improve, and then be told by my doctor that it's because I'm not exercising enough. I feel like at least if I'm doing too much it won't be my fault if I'm not improving.
  2. Thanks for replying to me, Sylvie. I have registered as a student with a disability and am a part time student taking three classes (full time at my university would be 5). What I've gotten from the disability center is allowance to record lectures and to be able to take class breaks (to use the restroom or eat/drink, if the professor doesn't allow food or drink in class.) I asked to have not being penalized if I was late to class included in there, since walking to class is difficult for me, but was told I could take care of that by always leaving earlier. I am considering dropping one of my classes. I have met with all of my teachers to give them my disability letter and they've all been receptive. I don't feel anxious about school in general or my classes. I like being here and am confident in my ability to succeed academically. I also don't know how anxiety would increase joint pain or muscle spasms? I think what would be most useful for me right now is more communication from my doctor. It doesn't have to be a wheelchair, obviously, but tips on how to reduce symptoms or even a definitive answer on whether I'm doing too much right now.
  3. Hi everyone. I have POTS and was just diagnosed with JHS. I'm seeing a geneticist in a few months to see if I have EDS. I took last semester off school and just came back about a week ago. I've been advised to do 15 minutes of physical activity, including walking, and go up slowly from there by my specialist but ever since I got back to school my symptoms have skyrocketed. My chest pain, fatigue, migraines, brain fog, dizziness, joint pain, and nausea are a lot worse. My knees buckled in the elevator yesterday and I've had muscle spasms in my legs for five days in a row now. I've also been dizzy enough that I've started falling into walls, which I think is one step away from falling to the ground. I've been doing the absolute minimum at school but am logging physical activity (walking) at an hour a day and am still not accomplishing everything necessary. I've tried to address this with my specialist but am not making any headway with him and am not sure what to do. I asked if I could have a wheelchair so I wouldn't have to walk to and from classes and he said no because it would contribute to deconditioning. But then how am I supposed to just be doing only fifteen minutes of exercise per day? Is this what is supposed to be happening? I am feeling really confused about exercise and POTS. I'm also feeling like I am attempting an impossible task with no help at all.
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