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  1. AM i the only one who has done a poor man's TTT?
  2. Hello all, i'm new to this forum, i'd like to properly introduce myself but i'm too brainfogged to do that now. I've been suffering from POTS-like symptoms for as long as i can remember, but it got really bad 3 years ago just before my diagnosis of lyme disease and ME (Myalgic Encephalopathy). After doing some research on dysautonomia i've decided to check if it may be a part of my illness. I've made an appointment with a neurologist and booked a TTT at the end of this month. In the meanwhile i've done a poor man's TTT at home and to me it looks like POTS. I'm in no way asking for medical advice, i'd just like to know if some of you with dysautonomia recognize the pattern. My heart rate is clearly elevated and my systolic pressure drops quite low until the 5 minute mark. Diastolic increases after 10 minutes. Oxygen keeps dropping and then stabilizes around 93/94 %. My pulse pressure looks very low as well. I turned off the airconditioning because my orthostatic intolerance is worse when it's hot. The heat intolerance can be really bad at times. I'll try again tomorrow with the aircon on and the room temperature set to 23 degrees celcius. Date: 07/01/2016 Start time: 11:00 AM Room temp: 31 degrees celcius. Airconditioning off, Fan on Comment: Start after waking, Jetlag, oxygen sometimes dropped to 93% Quit after 30 mins. Jelly legs + back pain Veins prominent on arms, feel blood pooling. Heat very uncomfortable. Time Heart rate Systolic Diastolic Pulse pressure Oxygen T+0 60 106 77 29 97% T+1 104 99 78 21 96% T+2 103 95 83 12 96% T+3 100 95 72 23 96% T+5 94 103 79 24 95% T+10 100 105 82 23 94% T+15 94 111 88 23 94% T+20 100 102 84 18 94% T+25 98 110 83 27 94% T+30 104 111 90 21 94%
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