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Everything posted by RussianAnchor

  1. Hi MomtoGiuliana and thanks for your reply! The palps are horrible but I can kind of cope with them as like you say, I know they aren't dangerous and I know caffeine, stress, chocolate, alcohol etc make them worse! It's more the tachycardia in the morning that's getting to me now as it's quite worrying! I am going to see my GP and ask for another referral to this specific consultant who specialises. I would happily take a betablocker if I needed to. I take Nortriptyline 30mg at night for head pains which I know exacerbates tachycardia and arrthymia, but I also know I had this before I began them so I am reluctant to even mention it and have it blamed on that!! I hate seeming like a hypochondriac as I do have anxiety, but also I know this isn't right! Again thanks for replying, i'm most grateful!
  2. Thanks for your reply Lewis. No I haven't had a tilt table test as when I saw the Cardiologist I only had palps and nothing else! It's just more recently I am getting the tachycardia. Working in Cardiology you would think it would make it easier but I actually find you aren't taken as seriously and they don't give you a full work up like they would a 'regular' patient! I looked on the POTS website and one of the recommended consultants actually works here! I think I may see my GP and ask to be re-referred to him instead. I have heard extra salt and staying hydrated helps. I drink a lot and try and have a pint of water before I get out of bed but without a diagnosis I didn't want to have excess salt incase I don't need it! Thanks for your advice!
  3. Hi, I wonder if someone could give me some advice as I wonder if I have POTS. I will try and keep this short if possible! So about two years ago I started noticing palpitations. I was going through an anxious period of time which didn't help. I saw the GP who referred me to Cardiology (I work as a cardiology secretary too). I have a holter monitor confirming bigeminy and trigeminy ectopics but nothing dangerous. I had an echo which was normal with minor mitral regurgitation but again nothing dangerous. This reassured me but hasn't stopped the palps. When I get them it's like a thud and when I check my pulse it's missing beats. I then feel light headed and weird. Fast forward a year and I am noticing every morning once i'm up and standing in the kitchen my pulse is 130bpm. When I then sit down it goes down to 90bpm. Every time I get up I go slightly dizzy and everything goes black but not to the point of passing out... but I don't actually pass out. I did mention this to the cardiologist here who I work with but he didn't say much but I think POTS is often dismissed!! I am a quite slim (50kg), 28 year old female, I used to be quit fit and active but lately this hasn't been the case as I suffer with nerve pain in my head and never want to exercise. I am often cold, particularly my extremeties. I struggle with hot baths making me feel faint, tired and tachycardic. If anyone could offer any advice I would be so grateful. Many thanks Nat.
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