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  1. Hi Everyone first I want to thank everyone who takes the time to post their experiences and updates on meds and tests and really I have found this forum to be so informative. I have been battling this since 2011 and after doctors after doctors and misdiagnosis and the typical "your lucky you have low blood pressure, your gonna live a long time" and not understanding quality of life is effected and never bothering to see what is going on I have lived with this for quite some time. I have always had low blood pressure but things really went south in the end of 2010 and beginning of 2011. I am now at the point where I can't function I am practically bed bound. That's the short version of my history, I found a neurologist who is knowledgeable with POTS and got in to see him. He did the a exam and I answered all the questions he asked and he said you have POTS just based on heart rate from laying to standing and the changes in my HR. 5 years ago my resting heart rate was low 50's and now it's in the high 70's laying, sitting 90's and standing 140's. My question is this he want to do a TTT with 4 different tests and one of the problems is I have to stop my SSRI which I don't want to do. I have had an anxiety disorder from 2001 I had an Acute PE (Blood Clot in the Lung) which I have suffered from PTSD and anxiety since. I don't want to make my body worse by stoping my SSRI for 7 days to do this test if he already told me I have POTS. Have you all had experience with stopping meds for your TTT? Because we have no one doctor educated in this I hear different things from my specialists. I would like some real advice from others who have gone through or going through this then to always be in the dark with what to go with when one doc says one thing and contradicts another. Of course there is the high from seeing a light with its not all in your head and the low of NO direction. Just checkbox on symptoms and finally a diagnosis. Will the TTT rule out other things? I see some on here say you should be tested for other things to rule out before accepting the POTS diagnosis, how many have had other dysautonomic disorders with POTS symptoms? Thanks in advance and I look forward to making some new friends who understand being on this journey. -Bree
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