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Posts posted by Rubberarm9862

  1. Hi.  I've been on Florinef for a few weeks now, and I was feeling really good at the beginning.  Then, I crashed due to overdoing it.  Anyway, for the past four days, I've had a headache that begins in the afternoon and lasts until I fall asleep at night.  Along with it, I have dizziness and I feel like my ears are full.  Has anyone else experienced these symptoms on the Florinef?



    Yes, I have had alot of headaches while on florinef, while not recently but earlier this school year I would get headaches almost daily and it would drive me insane. I am actually thinking of stopping taking florinef and maybe switching to a different medication or not taking one at all and see how it goes with my changed life style.

  2. I have been debating over wether or not to stop my medication (fludrocortisone). I feel that medications can mess with you in the long run if not absolutely neccesary. I also just want to see how my changed life style has affected my POTS and if i can cope with it without medication or maybe a different medication. I will definatley consult my doctor before this and see if it is possible to have a trial time during the summer to **** my condition. If anyone has information or similar stories please reply.

  3. :) I would assume you are taking the fludrocortisone to keep your BP stable?

    That is different than what you take for weight training.  Sorry to say, with this, trying anything like any steroid to bulk muscle will onkly harm you in the long run.  The most important thing is to keep up with cardio and weight training.


    I'm not trying to take it as a steroid but am wondering if it will be hurting me while i'm weight training, because then i will stop weight training right now, and or switch to a different medication or stop the medication over all.

  4. Hello, I was wondering if anyone knew if my heart rate while exercising was normal. I was running and would be around 185-190 and jumping to 200 every so often. I have been diagnosed with POTS and I think exercise is beneficial to me when I am not feeling so bad. I'm 16 by the way. I am just afraid my heart may be overworking. Also can anyone tell me if they have ever woken up and had horrible chest pains that last for an hour to hour and a half. This occured over the summer and just last week. I hope it's just gas or something. Thanks give me some responses.

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