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Posts posted by Mamawithpots

  1. We welcomed our little baby boy into the world last week. For those of you who know me I was very nervous about delivering with my Pots. I delivered at 37 weeks. I went into labor before the induction date. The delivery was super fast, but resulted in an emergency c section due to non Pots related reasons. Both the baby and I are fine. I am recovering from the c section. My heart rate does not seem to be an issue anymore, hooray! But I do think my other Pots symptoms are in full swing. So my question is, can Pots symptoms exist without rapid heart rate? Or is it all dependent on HR?

    I am trying to figure out if the symptoms I am having are related to my c section recovery, the meds I am taking for my c section, or Pots. Here are the symptoms I'm having: brain fog, dizziness (sometimes it feels like I'm floating), constant head ache (going on 3 days) the shakes, plus all the stomach ache/pain.

    Everyone was so positive Pots was going to disappear once the baby was born. I would love that to be my reality.

    P.S. Writing this with complete lack of concentration, hopefully it makes sense.

  2. Hey guys,

    I am 36 weeks pregnant and getting induced in the next 2-3 weeks. I was diagnosed with Pots only a couple of months ago. I have all the usual Pots symptoms and they are bad enough that I am bed ridden. I do not have doctors with Pots experience, they learned about it because of me. I am really nervous about delivery! I'm worried that my heart is not going to be able to handle it, or that I will faint in the middle of delivery. I don't understand how I pass out with stairs or standing/walking for a few minutes, but there's no concern for labor and delivery. I've had 2 babies, I know how hard it is.

    Their plan for delivery is: to admit me the night before and keep me hydrated, and induce in the morning for a normal delivery not c- section. They are not concerned about my heart having problems because they say it's an electrical issue not a pumping issue with my heart. I don't know what that means, but hope they are right. When I bring up fainting during delivery (which is a symptom of mine) they say it won't happen. Anyways, I'm pretty nervous about my body being able to handle a delivery, and my doctors knowing what to do if a problem arises. I don't know if I am being unnecessarily nervous, or not. I really wish I had doctors with Pots experience, I'd feel so much more at ease. Anything you can say to help me feel better, or any advice you have please share!

  3. I am 35 weeks pregnant, diagnosed with pots in January and have only seen my pcp and cardiologist up until now. They are sending me to a Maternal Fetal something something, who is not a Pots specialist but deals with all of the high risk pregnancies. Can you think of anything specific I should ask them about being pregnant and pots etc? I think I'm only going in once and I don't want to waste this apt.

  4. Welcome pictureofhealth. I was also diagnosed in January of this year. My BP does not change at all, it's actually the only thing that is perfect, lol. Sorry I can't help with your other question, I'm not on any meds yet. Good luck. This forum has been extremely helpful to me.

  5. Hi guys. So I am preparing for when I can get back on my feet after my baby is born. I'm expecting a slow recovery to life out of bed, and living with Pots. I know a gradual workout will be helpful, but don't know where to look to find one specifically for a Pots sufferer. Where should I look for an excersise program? A physical therapist? Should I find something online I can teach myself? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    P.S. Only 4 weeks to go till baby is here. This has been SO hard, but we can't wait to meet him!

  6. So, from what I gather Pots is kind of a "in it for the long haul" condition. Is that right? Or does it go away for some people?

    My cardiologist keeps saying that after my baby is born Pots will go away, (My symptoms came during this pregnancy) as if it is highly likely. But that is not the feeling I've been getting around here. Do you know anyone who is free of Pots after they've had it?

  7. I'm still curious about those of you who had Pots during a pregnancy. Please let me know how the delivery went, and how your symptoms were after the baby was born. My docs hope that since this came to me during the pregnancy that it will leave shortly after the baby is born. Don't want to get my hopes up if that is not realistic.

  8. AnaBanana, I totally understand what you mean when you talk about feeling relieved with a diagnosis. I thought I was going crazy for a while, and was so happy when I found out it was a legitamite condition. And how inspiring it is that you were able to do such good for others, and you didn't let Pots stop you! Your last line is the best, normal is all relative! Thanks for sharing :-)

  9. This is awesome! Katybug and lejones1 thank you for sharing!! I loved reading your positives! I think I can relate to pretty much everything you guys talked about. I have to say, it is so nice to converse with people who can understand and empathize with me. What a great blessing this forum is! Let's keep the ball rolling, who's got more to share?

  10. Thanks Macca. Your situation sounds very similar to mine. I'm very glad to hear your story. I too am bed bound, (and pregnant) and play with the kids from bed. I love that you took some online courses. After my baby is grown I'll have to remember that.

    It's very encouraging to hear that your physical capabilities have improved SO much! That definitely gives me hope. Especially if this doesn't magically go away like the docs hope after the baby is born. Thanks also for the link :-)

    Anyone else have positive things to share? I'd love it if we started a list of positive things!

  11. So I am a newbie, still having a hard time adjusting to life with Pots. I was just wondering if any of you who have had it for a while are able to look back and see anything good that has happened as a result of having Pots? For instance, a strengthened relationship, new friendships, lessons learned, etc. If you think of anything let me know, it gives me hope to hear about the good things that happen and not just the bad. Share even the smallest things.

    So far, I think I have started to learn how to accept help from others. I've learned to let go a little bit, and not be such a control freak. And hopefully through this I will be better at not letting stress get to me.

    What about you guys?

  12. My spouse is not exactly a sensitive kind of guy. It was hard for me to go through this at the beginning because of that. It affected how much help I would need when he was around. Then I realized it wasn't ok. This is not just a physical experience but a mental one as well. We need both kinds of help to get through this. Here is a link about my personal experience if you are interested. I found getting my feelings out helped my relationship with others, especially my spouse, even when I thought it wouldn't help. Tell her how you are feeling emotionally trying to get through this and maybe she will see your perspective.


    Good luck to you. You have support here!


    Now that he understands my husband is the one telling me to go rest. Give it some more time, and if you pray try praying for your spouse.

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