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  1. I'm an 18-year old female. 5 foot 1, 118 pounds. I have autism and PCOS already. I get lots of headaches; so does everyone in my family. I also get dizzy and things like that and I swell up in my stomach after I eat. I also get reflux all the time and feel nauseous every day when I wake up for the past 5 years. No one knows why. The main reason why I'm wondering is that I have these weird shaking fits. My doctor keeps saying it's anxiety but it doesn't feel like it is. My temperature is never higher than 97 unless I'm sick. One minute, I'll be fine. Then, I'll just feel so cold all of a sudden even though it's not always cold for real. I start shaking all over, and the only way to stop myself is to let all my muscles go. I try putting the heat up and using layers and blankets, but I'll still feel so cold that I almost look blue. Then, other days, I will be fine and get overheated really fast and need to go out into the snow dressed in summer clothes to feel better. It's usually after excercise, which I can't stand because it also makes me get all winded to the point where I can taste bile from my lungs and I can hardly stand/feel faint. So, basically, I just want to know if I might have this before I ask a doctor.
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