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Psalm 63:6-8

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Everything posted by Psalm 63:6-8

  1. Thanks Sarah, Janet, Becia, and Katie for your replies! An update: I did decide to go back on my pyridostigmine after less than a week off. I believe the right dose is something I'm going to have to work out by trial and error. I started out yesterday on a tiny dose of 30 mg in the morning only. I had noticeable improvement again even on that little bit. It was a much easier day getting around my house and my stomach felt better, too. Maybe this will be a medicine I use lightly, every now and then. I have an appointment with a new-to-me POTS doctor at the end of the month, so hopefully I will get some good direction there!
  2. Hello! This is my first ever post here, so greetings to you all! My question is for any of you who have taken Mestinon or Pyridostigmine. I began this med October 2014 and was so encouraged with the benefits it gave me which were: less orthostatic intolerance, less muscle weakness, less dizziness, and much less bloating. I started with a low dose and gradually increased to 60 mg 3x a day. Along the way as I was increasing the dose I experienced side effects of bouts of diarrhea and muscle twitching (especially my eyelids to the point I couldn't see straight sometimes). Still, it was worth it! When I attempted to go up to 4 pills a day I started having nastier side effects, such as slurred speech and muscle weakness along with the muscle twitching and diarrhea. My doctor and I decided to cut back on the dosage but the side effects did not subside, so we discontinued it. Have any of you had similar experiences and later gone back on Mestinon? Do our bodies just need a break from it every now and then? This med has given me the greatest results of anything I've tried except for beta blockers and I would love to be able to get back on it.
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