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Posts posted by Alison

  1. I've been juicing for four days now. My new juicer, the Matstone is really easy to clean, the juices taste fantastic. Something I've noticed is the juice seems to come out my other end the next day, I can tell by the colour (green), makes me wonder if I am actually absorbing the nutrients? Someone said to me that without the fibre it goes straight through - I was wondering if it goes too fast for you to digest the goodness?

  2. I've also been trying to figure out whether I have anxiety - I've not considered myself to have any emotional difficulties up till now, I'm 45. The experience that I had on the tilt table made me think that the POTS makes you have 'panic'. I have never fainted before the tilt table. I had an extended tilt table test (they didn't tell me but I'm guessing it was going to be for a maximum of an hour). After about 33 minutes I started to feel really uncomfortable, like I just needed to sit down, I asked for water, but I wasn't given it. This is actually how I've felt quite a lot, that I just need to sit down - and I always do, so maybe that is why I've never fainted. (I have no shame I'll sit down on the floor in an airport terminal, or where ever, I never knew there was a reason for me feeling this way). The minutes ticked on and I felt more and more uncomfortable, it was sort of agony standing there, I was very calm and matter of fact, just putting up with it, then suddenly my insides went crazy, I felt nauseous, and as if my body was frantic, perhaps like adrenalin fireworks were going off in my body, I didn't say anything, I was very calm, I realised I was going into a faint and then they lowered me down. That made me think that when people with POTS feel that they have anxiety and have panic attacks - may be they haven't, maybe they are just having a faint and that is how your body reacts.

    I also think that it is stressful having this illness and carrying on normal life- we need to rest at times. That could be why you needed some space?

    Despite not considering that I have emotional problems I have decided to try some therapy - I'll try anything and everything. I'll be interested to see whether the therapist thinks I have anxiety.

  3. I'm reading this all with interest. Like you, I feel that I just don't hold onto fluids, I drink and then go to the toilet. I too have been thinking that my body doesn't balence sodium properly. A normal person's body would just sort itself out whatever you ate and drank (within reason). I think I can sense when I have drank too much water - I feel funny in the head. I've decided to reduce slightly.

  4. I went gluten free 3 weeks ago. I've been thinking that the benefit for me might not be not eating gluten, but the fact that I am now eating a much more varied and healthydiet - for instance today, instead of a wheatbased cereal for breakfast followed by toast and butter, I had porridge oats with almond milk, ground chia and flax seeds and a banana followed by some homemade vegetable soup.

  5. I don't get headaches, but I have noticed that if I do non cardio exercise like yoga, pilates, or weights it makes me have a good day. If I do intense cardio I have a worse day, I find it harder to stand later in the day. I take an electrolyte drink, don't know if it helps. My sister, who does not have POTS said she always drinks a litre of water before she does cardio otherwise she gets a headache.

  6. I find the brain fog hard - that is my main symptom. On the bad days it is like I am only 70% here. I'm not having such bad days at the moment, I am more like 86% here now. It is hard feeling that way. On one occaision I walked my daughter to school and just cried as soon as I got home for about 3 minutes - then pulled myself together. I think its doubly hard that nobody in my life really gets it so I'm choosing not to discuss it much with my friends and family. My husband gets it but I don't want him to consider me 'ill' so I don't discuss it much with him.

  7. I have now ordered a juicer, I went for the Matstone as it was the only one that said it was easy to take apart and clean (10 minutes). It's not the top of the range one, so not as expensive as others. I looked at the nutri bullet, but I think this makes smoothies not juices - I don't think it removes the fibre. The thing is I've been making smoothies in my blender and feeling more lightheaded - I presume because all the extra fibre is hard to digest.

  8. I've been thinking about this subject too over the last few days. I had a blood test and my GP said my sodium level is low. I can't believe it after all the salt I've been taking. My other electrolytes were fine. My GP is not interested in my health and gave me no advice. She commented that they see it a lot in older people. I might have said to her that I as I am only 45 it's not right. What I've been thinking is I'm drinking too much water, my body can't cope it. I feel my body can't balence fluids - I drink and it goes straight through me. Now I think about it I notice I feel bad after I've drunk a lot, sometimes. I think this is the crux of all my health problems - my body can't balence fluids. I've decided to go easy on the fluids - to try to only drink when I'm thirsty, and take smaller drinks. Is there a doctor who specialises in this kind of thing?

  9. Now I realise that juicing is spelt juicing, not juiceing - it didn't look right when I typed it.

    I hadn't heard of the nutribullet, I've done a quick google on it. The thing I'd read about the masticating juicer is that the process preserves more of the nutrients. Don't know if it is true.

    Thanks for the straw tip. I'm starting to get used to eating not particuarly appetising looking meals, but they don't seem too bad once I get started on them.

  10. Does anyone juice, and if you do what juicer do you have?

    I've been on a healthy eating diet for three weeks now, which has included veggie smoothies made in a normal blender. I'm continuing to feel lightheaded after meals, even more lightheaded than before actually. I'm now thinking of getting a mastigating juicer as I've been told that the juice from these is easier to digest. They are so expensive! The one I've seen is £500 (don't know the price in $).

    I've been trying not to lose weight with my new diet as I don't need to, and I think as a consequence I've been overeating, which is why I've been feeling more lightheaded. I was also thinking of trying more blended soups as I think the veggies in a soup are more easily diegested? But maybe have less nutrients? I wish I had a guru to guide me on this journey.

  11. I'm jerky too. I noticed that low potassium can cause this. I had a blood test for my electrolytes yesterday, don't know the result yet. My body started jerking after I increased my salt intake, I was wondering if this has interfered wtih my potassium level - I think I heard that sodium can do this? I also noticed that problems with your parathyroid can make you twitchy and lightheaded?

  12. I think people just can't understand this illness because it is so rarely diagnosed, and poorly understood, even by the medical profession. If it was cancer people would understand. It's hard to deal with people around who don't understand. I just try not to talk to people about it now. I have some people I see regularly who I see as friends who I haven't told anything about this illness. I've been dreading them asking how my job is going as then I will have to explain that I have stopped working and then explain why. I don't want to not be 'real' with my friends, but I realise that people just don't get it, and they think I am bonkers. I am upset that some of people I know do seem to think that I am a bit bonkers since I told them about what has been going on with me.

  13. Little blue jay I read a really good book called crazy sexy diet (written by someone with cancer), which talked about the need to keep your body at the right pH and how meat makes your body acidic. I'm not sure if I want to stay off meat long term, I'm considering eating it once a week. Maybe after I've had a few months off it, and I can see how I do with it. I've also seen that people on this board have talked of a low fat diet helping, so I thought I'd try that.

    Thanks for the suggestions, issie, I'll look them up.

    TCP is that sprouting beans you can't eat? That is a shame, I grow them sometimes, they seem to healthy as they are so fresh.

  14. A week ago I started a 'healthy eating' diet. I've cut out sugar, wheat and meat (still eating a bit of fish). I'm eating mainly vegetables and salad with rice, quinoia and pulses, and other grains. I've made some vegeable based smoothies which I've eaten 1/2 hour before a meal. I've been feeling really positive about this diet that it is going to really help me.

    I had a blip yesterday when I realised how long I'm spending upright in the kitchen cooking and washing up. Wonder if I would be better off spending this time meditating or doing something fun? Is it worth it? I'm feeling as lightheaded and dizzy as ever.

    For those who have made a similar change - how long before you noticed a difference? Also any advice about diet would be gratefully received. I'm not sure whether to cut out bioyoghurt?

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