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Posts posted by Jenn202

  1. I thought I would throw this out to you guys..its kind of off of Dizzygirls last post......

    I'm curious to know what the problems with Overhydration would be besides Hyponatremia which can easily be monitired with electrolite work ups to make sure sodium levels are stable....

    Does anyone know of any other health concerns that overhydration can cause?

  2. I know a hydrodistention is the only real way to get a sense of IC... although I think it requires going under a general which is not always the best thing.....

    I think there is lots of Unknowns in the medical field....

    I have had recurrent bartholin cysts, pelvic cramping going around my back and burning on and off for years now.....

    IC has been the only possible dignoses...

    Bactrim relives the problem but cant live on bactrim forever...

    I feel for you b.c I know how difficult it is to have this......

    DId you see a Urologist yet? Or your Gyno? They have much more experience with this....

    Feel better.

    oh BTW: heres a good site for IC pateints.... They have a really nice discussion board as well where you could ask questions and maybe get a sense of whether you can relate to others with IC


  3. Hi Linda - you do not nessesarily need to have a bacterial infection for it to be IC... Did they do a hydrodistention or a cystoscopy? B/c those are the 2 diagnostic tests for IC.... My OB/GYN sent me to a urologist for my persistent bladder, pelvic cramping.....

    I would definetly try a urologist and see your OB/GYN

    Pain means there is something wrong with your body..... So dont give up!

    I hope you feel better soon :o

  4. I think that with any chronic illness its important to eat clean whether or not you are gluten intolerant or have any other food issues....

    Eliminating all processed foods, sugar containing foods, yeast containing foods, and possibly corn, wheat , and dairy if you are highly sensitive.

    Adding lots of whole foods like fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains like spelt, quinoa, millet, and oats, and lean meats like chicken and fish help keep the the burden off your body.

    Of course if you were to start any different type of diet definelty see a good naturopathic Dr to help you out and that can answer specific problems.

    I know that If I go back to eating "regularly" and fall off the wagon I pay big time... My body feels so much better in general when I really try and stick to the basics......

    Hope this helps! :)

  5. It could be yeast related or an active HHV6 virus which is the herpes/chicken pox virus most of us carry...when our immune systems get compromised it can make it active.

    I have this and take Zovirax an antiviral for it...

    If it is yeast related you might need an antifungal like diflucan and to go on a yeast/sugar free diet for a while....

    Definetly check with your Dr.... Feel Better! ;)

    Oh forgot to add if nothing else I would add some acidophillus in my diet to help balance the bacteria.....

  6. I'm so sorry you had to have someone tell you that...it is SO invalidating to someone who has to struggle everyday!

    I've had it all said to me too:

    Years ago I would have relatives call me up and say " now you would tell ME if you had an eating disorder right?" ! :o

    And then all the Dr's who would take me aside and ask me if I made myself throw up or was abused by family or my husband! :)

    Several specialists including one well known one had the magic answer " just stop drinking so much and you will be fine" :angry:

    and then I always have my mother in law to remind me on one of my bad cycles where I am just trying to get through my daily chores/ and acivites that " yeh she feels really tired too today.....its the weather" :)

    And my lovely friend who decided to write me a long letter 2 weeks before my wedding when I was feeling great to tell me that she was gravely concerned about me and how I live my life.... Hmmm Lets see.....

    I was 31 and just getting married to the man I loved more than anything, bought a new house, started school, and was looking forward to living life as best as possible.....

    And she was 32.....in an unhappy marriage, in the process of leaving her hubby and kids behind, and doing things I will not mention.....

    Its amazing how people can pass their judgement .......

    Oh well.... I guess all you can do is laugh at the silly comments and feel sorry for the ones whose comments are made from deeper problems in their own lives.... ;)

  7. All 4 of mine were impacted and infected when I got them out a couple years ago ... I had to get the tooth next to it out as well...

    I did it in the office with novacaine and a small dose of versed to relax me....

    They wanted to use a general on me and give me all these different drugs....

    I am glad I refused b.c the prodedure for me was nothing...it literally took 10 minutes for it to be done with....

    I worried for nothing and was happy to be able to get up and leave without having anastesia in me.....

    I do not know the severity of your POTS but the hospital will do it there if its medically nessesary...

    Good Luck..... and I hope things go well :)

  8. Hi Jacquie - I am not a Dr but I do believe that you can do too much of a good thing which is why its important to follow mixing instructions and not over saturate yourself with anything......

    For every liter of water I drink 16 ounces with electromic and celtic sea salt and then the rest I drink is hexagonal puryfied water so that I dont over do too much on anything.....

    Take Care! B)

  9. I use nothing but whole celtic sea salt.... it has all the vital minerals needed and is not processed like table salt...

    All table salt is is processed to become sodium chlodide..... Which is not the healthy kind of salt.

    Most health food stores sell Celtic or himalayan salt.....

    Since switching I would never go back.

  10. I wrote about my burst appendix in another post.....

    Went all day through tests screaming at the top of my lungs from pain.... told they didn tknow what it was, and discharged me due to a snow storm that was causing a lot of patient traffic in the ER...

    Had to go back to the ER after I got home the pain was so unbearable..

    Long story short: I had a burst appendix that had I not gone back it wuld have not been a good scene......

    SO even with a cold case of appendicitis I was overlooked.. I lost ALL faith after that!

  11. If you were hospitalized or had Er trips I would definetly get the reords from those visits... even if you have had Home Care through the years.. I think thise things add up and are important to show how hard it is to have this problem.

    Good Luck Let us know how it went!!

  12. I dont have a freind like that, but I do have an old High school friend that seems to have a smooth, effortless life...

    I have known her since we were 12 years old, and she has never had any type of trauma in any way in her lifetime.. Everything has gone smooth sailing..... Great home Life with Parents together, paid for her college and expenses...got into her dream college, got the perfect job right out of Graduation, met and married a nice guy, built their dream home, and even now eveything they do just goes well .....

    I have trouble with it sometimes b.c It just seems so unfair, when in my 34 years I have had so much difficulty....

    Anyway I do sympathize....and no time is more stressful than waiting on dissability...

    That is such a hard thing to do.. I have been there.

  13. I have the same problem b/c although I have some sx that fit dysautonomia my TTT shows only a mild POTS....

    Right now my Dr's are exploring possible Mast Cell disorder along with some adrenal disorders.

    I have Lyme disease and it has done a real number on my system.

    Although I have had workups for adrenals before my new GP does not think I got the proper testing and attention...

    But I do know its a tough one to sort out...

    Good luck and I hope you get some answers.

  14. SSD reviews me every 3 years... Its ridiculous the way they word the questions b.c they do not even touch on how difficult it is for us.

    They are more geared toward people with bad backs, stiff mucles etc etc.....

    I just send in ALL my Dr write ups from the 3 years.. Its a pain in the you know what!

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