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Everything posted by Ulyssesm90

  1. Hello all! I'll be brief: I have the characteristic dramatic rise in heart rate when standing that characterizes POTS (my record is 80 supine, going up to 130 when standing, immediately). Since drastically increasing my water intake I have resolved many of my symptoms, especially my near faints (so frightening!). However, one remains that is a huge burden for me. When eating a meal, especially in the evening for whatever reason, my heart rate will shoot up again, within minutes of finishing the meal, and I'll get *extremely* bloated. At first this was only happening with really sugary things, and it would be accompanied by shakiness and restlessness. My doctor mentioned postprandial hypoglycemia, but said it wasn't likely because I'm not lean and I'm not female. Anyway, figured it couldn't hurt to cut out all those refined carbs anyway, so I did. The shakiness and anxiety and tremulousness have mostly resolved (yay!) but still even on what I'd consider a smaller meal I get the bloating and the racing heart (fyi, I've had much of the typical doctor stuff done already like extensive blood work, cardiac tests, just to be safe). These episodes are extremely debilitating for me, leaving me exhausted and feeling ill, and they last for 4-5 hours, give or take. Hydration doesn't help, the only thing that helps is not eating, which is obviously no solution, so I'm going to try and be really vigilant about eating many super small meals throughout the day, but to be honest my lunches and dinners aren't exactly lavish...I'm a college student haha so I make do. They are small meals is my point, so we'll see if even smaller helps at all, but I have my doubts. Does anyone understand this? What has helped you? This is taking over my life...I'm only 23 and I've got so much to do and I can't eat a **** plate of broccoli without feeling like I've run a marathon gahhh!!!!
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