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  1. My doctor gives me 30mg XR and 20Mg instant per day and was just wondering if any other pots people take it and notice a benefit? I have bad ADHD but I've never considered if it could be good/bad for pots. I take a beta blocker as well and Effexor, singulair, and Claritin at night. It's a stimulant so it obviously raises my HR and blood pressure, but not sure what the other effects are on my body and brain. Any input?
  2. Hi everyone! I'm a newbie. I have been lurking and reading posts for quite a while and finally decided to introduce myself! I'm Lauren , almost 24 years old- I'm diagnosed with POTS, I've seen Dr shields at the Cleveland Clinic, but my primary doctor is awesome and very helpful with testing/tweaking different meds to help me feel better.I developed it about a month after I had my first child in 2010. (So I've had it about 3 years now) For a few weeks or so I was bedridden. Doc finally put me on a beta blocker and I was able to get up and do some things and not be bed ridden. I don't remember when my breathing issues started but that is pretty much the only thing that bothers me now. My heart rate does still get high resting can be anywhere from 70-100 and standing can be 100-150, it varies alot, But the only thing that makes me feel terrible is feeling like I can't breath well. I don't know the triggers, it seems to happen completely randomly and sometimes will last a few hours, sometimes a few days. Tested for asthma and tried different inhalers - didn't help. The LABA's actually seemed to make my breathing worse. The tests ive had done are: TTT, Qsart, tons of bloodwork (Potassium always low, not sure why), Sleep study, Pulmonary function test, hemodynamic tilt, thermoregulatory sweat test, stress test (Showed I was above average for someone my age who was healthy, and I have POTS - haha), the antibody tests (negative for them all), 24h holter monitor (showed some PVCs and lots of tachycardia) and probably some others that I cant remember at the moment. Anyway - the meds I currently take are atenolol 25 mg , adderall 30MG XR and 20MG IR , 75MG Effexor, 10mg singular. My main question which I don't know if anyone will have any insight to is about SSRI/SNRI's and whether or not they have helped your dysautonomia breathing issues. I was going to the ER constantly last year and earlier this year and since my doc finally had my try Pristiq, now on effexor instead, I've not gone to the ER once and until yesterday my breathing issues were better - not gone, but better. I'm wondering if anyone has had experience with an antidepressant helping to some extent their breathing issues? Im wondering if maybe I need to go up in a dose, or if the effexor was never really helping my breathing issues and it was just a coincidence that they seemed to get better for a bit when I started them. ALSO - any other meds anyone would suggest looking into for breathing issues for someone who got POTS from pregnancy/immune mediated pots. (Basically saying my POTS isnt secondary to another disorder). I think ive seen mestinon mentioned, any other suggestions?.Sorry for the long confusing post!! Thanks to anyone who read it or will reply :) I'm hoping since I'm young and I have recovered a lot, besides the breathing issues that come and go, that there will be eventual improvement for that once I figure out something that helps.
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