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  1. Thank you for the tip Kitt.Belgium is a quite small country, so most of the PT's have their specialisms but it might not be the same as over there in the US or the bigger cities.Maybe they have even more experience there or work more with these kind of conditions.But I did try pelvic therapy before, I know most of the tricks to get my bladder to try and relax etc.But only meds have worked for me, I just have a feeling my body is picking on my bladder and it's worsening it.So meds do still work, but the condition itself is getting worse. Yes, definitely Sue!It can be so annoying and tiring, all the waiting and having to come up with a plan B, plan C if needed.Thank you so much!
  2. I have seen one and he knows about my neurogenic bladder- Ihave another cystometry scheduled and also a cystoscopy.But the waiting list is untill December.That's why the ER would be my only option, getting an appointment is impossible unless I want to wait 4 weeks+.I developed my neurogenic bladder not long after my Lupus diagnosis.And they suspect the autonomic dysfunction must also be an Auto-immune thing.I also have orthostatic bloodpressure and a lot of other things.
  3. Hi everyone! I'm a new member and have had a neurogenic bladder for more than two years now.Recently, while also developing several other neurogloical symptoms pointing to autonomic dysfunction and more.I'm having so much pain every time my bladder fills and I get awful bladder spasms. I can't empty it well at all.Probably half remains inside, my bladder always feels 'bloated' and it often seems to feel very tensed up.The increase in Toviaz to 8m doesn't seem to help a lot with this problem So as the days pass, I am having more and more difficulty trying to empty my bladder. My GP said that if I can't handle it anymore, I'll have to go to the ER to get catheterised and be taught how to self cath.My question is that when they do this, and they insert the catheteter to try and empty the bladder-Do they do this by theirselves or will I be asked to urinate through the catheter?Do they have to admit you and you keep it inserted for a certain duration/days untill they teach you how to do it? I am sorry if this question is quite odd, but I am quite stressed about this because the thought of having to pee infront of a lot of people and being at the ER aswell-doesn't make me feel comfortable at all especially while being in pain.And I definitely don't like to be admitted, as I already have to be admitted for other things in less than two weeks.
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