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  1. bad symptom day. nap time.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KareBear


      Aww, I hate when that happens and you made it all the way to the doc office and then start to feel horrible. I had that happen and docs would get mad at me. Then you had to drive home feeling like that, yikes. Glad you made it home and got a good nap. I'll be praying tomorrow is better for you.

    3. Faintinggoat


      I lost my license because of the syncope (have to go 6 months without any syncopal episodes, somehow I don't see that happening). So the really sucky part is that I have to bus to and from my appointments, which takes ages. The bus route that I live on goes straight to my drs office, but it also takes about 100 other stops in between, so what is normally a 15 minutes drive is an hour long bus ride either direction.

    4. KareBear


      How do they find out about the syncope and take your license? I always wondered because I am even on disability and have syncope and blackout spells but still have my license.

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