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Everything posted by jillny

  1. I am wondering, once you get diagnosed, does anything change? Is there medication that makes it managable? Diet changes? I know this must have been answered , but I am just so confused . Has anyone in NYC seen a doctor that specializes in this? There are just so many symptoms, how does everyone deal?
  2. Thanks to everyone! I saw my cardioligist and neuroligist this past week. I am now wearing the halter moniter until tomorrow. When I mentioned POTS to him, he looked puzzled! Not a great sign I guess! My neuroligist did lots of tests last week, and was the one who said my pulse increases "significantly" when I stand. What exactly is the "tilt table" test? Thanks again.
  3. Hello..I am in the middle of seeing a few doctors. I was wondering, when you all were finally diagnosed, who was it by..a cardiologist, neuroligist? I have been bouncing around from doctor to doctor. I have been having this off balance, dizzy feeling. My right side feels weird from my head to my toes, my right eye looks smaller than my left and I cant seem to focus at times. The neuroligist said my blood pressure is good (lowish) and my pulse increases significantly when I stand. I am so tired of not feeling well..I was wondering who put it all together with all of you and made the diagnosis?? Thanks
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