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Posts posted by kim5204

  1. the canadian system is different the government pays for this so I think they fill out form send it to government and they set it up. I hoping to here in the next few weeks when it will start. he also said 50 percent chance showing up in ana bloodwork. he is also sending bloodwork to the us for some more ana panels.

  2. I just got back from london, Ontario and saw neuromuscular doctor and he feels my dysautonomia is possibly autoimmune related and is ordering 6 months of ivig treatment. wont be set up for a c ouple months. has anykne had this frr aautonomic neuropathy? and was jt successful?

    He sad that he has patients respond to this treatment, and that half of people dont test positive to ana. praying that this will help me.

    he is hopjng for the low blood and tachyardia will get better. He wasnt that confindent that the gastroparesis would get better but fingers crossed that it does.

    happy with the visit and looking forward to starting ivig soon.


  3. please send me a message because I have the exact same thing when I lay on my left side you can feell it pop ovrr and laying down it goes where its suppose too standing up drops but it almost feels like it sits sideways when I stand. I am interested in what happens my doctors thought I was crazy to think that it could cause problems it hard for me to hold up though. I also have gastroparesis too though.

  4. the doctors were the problem they have never seen a case and are completely useless to me until my gi sent me to a neurologist thankfully he picked up on all the problems. I live in canada and we are short doctors where I live and I cannot find another gp in in my are, frustrating. sorry everyone is having these problems too. i like being able to communicate with everyone else.

    thanks for the info alsowho test for mitochondrial diseases, mast cell diseases?

    thanks kim

  5. I have had every test cat scan, hormones, ekg, heart monutor, endoscope, colonoscopy, small bowel follow through, cortisol level checked cant have mri because of nj tube flipping, autoimmune testing. they cant find what is causing it. I have tried propulsid, florinef, restotran, domperidone, all mess my nerves up worse. I am doing hydrayte salt, water mixed in formula to keep my blood voljme up. love having this form my neuro has never seen a case. nice to talk to others with similar issues. I am in Canada and they dont have facilities to test this up here. funny I went on amoxicillin fof an infection and symptoms got much better on them was tested for lymes blood and spinal fluid came back negative makes me wonder though. thank kim

  6. I have to make my own formula up I take organic baby formula and mix it with protein powder, add some hydralyte, salt water and have this during the day and run fluids salt at night. I cant handle sugar jn the formula they have for j tubes, it makes my symptoms so much worse. I take a multivitiam, calcium, b 12 too. everytime is was hospitalized they would hook me up to saline and with in hours of bei ng off I coulnt stand up striaght heart would beat outof control so this is the only way I can keep my blood volume up enough to even tolerate the feedings. I have another meeting tuesday wi th surgeon to decide on j tube peg j not looking forward to it. kim

  7. I am new here and wondering anyone else with autonomic failure have a feeding tube or ivs and how long have you had them. I have nj tube wiaitng on a j tube and have tacyardia low blood pressure. does no ndurologist where I live has ever dealt with this type of autonomic failure and would like to know more aboutlong term survival with feeding tube I just turned 30 and have two very young childern any advice would be really appreciated.

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