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Posts posted by dsdmom

  1. I've had one for the last 2 years. I find soft tissue work around my neck and shoulders and jaw and head from a chiropractor can help. I found out I have TMJ but that's not the only thing causing these headaches. Maybe some of my drugs too? I've been through the ringer trying to get a hold on them and I feel like I finally am getting there...but I sympathize with what you are feeling. Every day all day is not fun!

  2. Welcome!

    It sounds like you would benefit from seeing a dysautonomia specialist. Do a search on her for "Atlanta" - I feel like I saw somEthing recently about docs in that area.

    Please remember that even if what you have is *just* syncope, you deserve to be feeling better with treatment. You don't need to jus suffer and hope this ither doctor's suggestions work. Therapy is very individualized for these types of things and you need to find what works for you best!

  3. I recently went gluten and dairy free for stomach issues. I have found now if I do it gluten my dys symptoms are worse. And let me tell you that I was carb queen! Never ever thought I could do it and in fact I'm not just gluten free but all grain free. So no rice, millet, quinoa etc. So gluten free options at the store are not options for me.

    At first I was terrified about what I was going to eat but its easy now. And I have not lost weight, which for me is a good thing. I eat a ton of nuts and have upped my fat intake to make me feel full. My husband did the diet with me though and he lost weight.

  4. I guess I'm confused - are you saying florinef is actually estrogen? Because I'm pretty sure that's not the case. Its possible that it can mess with your cycle since I'm on prednisone and it being a steroid can change a woman's cycle. Just one of the many side effects. I just don't want to confuse people about florinef. Do you have any links to information about why you believe it to be estrogen?

  5. I recently read projections that said 90000 may die in the US from the swine flu. As opposed to 30000 from the regular flu. So it is thought to be serious.

    Personally I am up in the air as to what to do. I have gotten the regular flu shot and do have reactions to it - last year I felt very symptomatic for a few days but figure it was worth it not to have the flu. But I am very nervous about the new vaccine because of the issues in the 70s and don't know if I want to have my preschooler vaccinated as well. I am so nervous about her getting sick because preschools are germ manufacturers so then I think I'm nuts not to give it to her. Then I think what if what happened to me and my dys is because of some genetic oredisposition and what if I pased that on to her and the vaccine triggers it for her?

    I am going to talk to my doctor and her pediatrician but honestly don't know if they will be much help. I'm expecting both of them to say its no big deal and not to worry. And maybe they'll be right but I just don't know what to do!

  6. I haven't had them switch my drugs to include different brands in the same month's supply, but my pharmacy's supplier apparently switched generics of one drug I took and I didn't realize it until I picked it up and got home. I am super sensitive to drug changes so my doc now writes the generic brand name on my prescription and the pharmacy special orders it for me. Better to be safe than sorry - if your doc writes it on the prescription they may be more inclined to stock the one you need.

  7. I just want to give you some support - it sounds very scary what you have been going though. I've only had one near death experience and that was more than enough for me. Can't the two doctors who want you to go to vandy start the process or at least steer you in the right direction as far as who to see? It seems to me that they should be the ones setting this up for you.

    Hang in there.

  8. Yes, it was the hangover!!! The first 5-10 minutes were HORRIBLE for me - mainly the previews and the first part of the movie. The noise set off my ans big time. I just felt awful - my heart wasn't racing b/c I checked but it felt like it was. And I just didn't feel good....

    I made it through the movie but I've been feeling crappy ever since (doubt it's from the movie) but I doubt I'll be going to another anytime soon.

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