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Posts posted by Agreeky

  1. Looneymom thanks for the response. I do have fluid in my sinuses and constant nasal drip. They did not menrtion this to be a problem. They did not mention asthma only upper airway obstruction. They gave me an inhaler during the test and it did not make a difference. Worried it could point towards neurological. Freaked sorry to hear you did not have an easy time. My blood oxygen is always normal too. I check it at home all the time too. Acid reflux could cause breathing problems too. Let me know your results!

  2. I have posted before about my problems breathing. I know a lot of other people here have issues too. Reading old posts though I see most of them have normal breathing tests. I do not... Both my tests indicated upper airway obstruction. And all my lung volumes reduced from March to May. I am really scared. My ent checked down my throat and it looked normal? Lung doc confused... My old fear of MSA is creeping up and consuming me again. Especially because of my sleep apnea too.. Anybody have any advice or similar situation??

  3. I am glad you asked this because I have been wondering myself. I find I can still do a pretty good amount of excercise. The only thing I will not do is run. My symptoms basically go away when I work out. Other than my neuropathy which gets worse. Even my breathing gets better. Thught it would be the opposite. But I worry I will make my body crash sometimes.

  4. Jknh9 I have had weird period issues too. My last 3 periods have been extremely short. They used to always last 6 days now it is barely 3. I have never had issues with this before. I am on not POTS meds. I am very worried I will not be able to have kids because of all this. I am seeing the gyno in July. Not much help sorry.

  5. My dad, aunts, an uncle, and Grandpa all have a history of bad veins and ulcers on their legs. They have been told it is just hereditary. Also, from standing on legs too long. If you look at this page there is a list of causes. Some being inflammatory like vasculitis and lupus. Many other diseases as well. I actually have no issues with my legs, but wondering if there is some underlying disease in the family. I know it is a reach, but I was not sure if I should mention it to the doc... http://my.clevelandclinic.org/heart/disorders/vascular/legfootulcer.aspx

  6. Imapumpkin, I hope you and Dr. Hohler can make some progress this summer. Do you think you worked out your body too hard? I fear I put too much strain on my body at the gym. Not sure what to do. TCP the at home cardio was not sure if to put me on a beta blocker because of my bp. When I stand it rises but it usually runs pretty low.

  7. Thanks looneymom. Sorry your son has had these struggles. Hope he finds answers soon. I am on no meds yet. Guess they want me to do my autonomic testing first. My first symptoms were tingling in my left hand foot. Had multiple MRIs and other tests. It all starting while I was running. I still wonder if it is something in my spine. They keep MRIng my brain but not spine. I definitely think there is some underlying illness going on. I will update if I get answers. Thanks for sharing : )

  8. Lejones I have one called wristech. I only paid 12 bucks and I think I got what I paid for. I have tried the position you suggested and a few others. Maybe my bp is just that wacky lol. Diabeticgonewild thanks for all the links. I might get the one you suggested. It seems a lot nicer than mine. Dizzysillytak which one do you have? I might bring mine to the docs and compare it to theres to see if I should get a new one or not.

  9. Yea I have no idea why I have all the stuff I do. I have vision, digestion, tingling/numbness, bp, and even urinary issues sometimes. My friends do not get why I do not go out with them like I used too. I really miss feeling normal. I know other people have it way worse though.

  10. That's the spirit Davecom! I hope we all get better. Have those meds helped with standing bp? Also, what did your doc tell you about excersizing. I lift, do elliptical, and dance class. I wonder if I am pushing my body too much? I do not do any running out lf fear it will do more damage.

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