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Posts posted by pearsjon

  1. i was told the same thing by my dys doc, that i was showing signs of diastolic dysfunction and that i needed to get my bp up. i am way on the low end of the scale. i haven't seen him since and that was 4 months ago. he is sick, and i won't see him again for at least another month or 2. but, i try not to worry about it. it showed it on my last ttt, which i thought looked "normal", but that's what he said.

    when and if i ever get to see him again, will ask what about this DD junk your laying on me.

    will come back and give info that i am given.

    sorry, you are going thru this.

  2. sue, couldn't remember yesterday, but i think his name is (doc treating my doc) is dr. coghlan (sp) but he is either at uab or auburn. he might even be on the list. i see dr.t on the 30th i will ask him. he his really great at offering info like that. i don't know what part of louisiana your from but i know the drive can be anywhere from 8-3 1/2 hours. so my suggestion is that if you still want to come see him (dr.t) then make sure you are his 1st appt. even though he likes to do new patients in afternoon. that way you can know possibly before you leave if he is having probs.

    just trying to give as much info as i can for you to be able to way the pro's and con's.

  3. he is my doc and i love him to pieces. but maggie is right, that is a long way to go. and there is a possibility he will have to cancel. i live in the same town, so it is not a prob for me, as i have had to cancel on him, also. he was ahead of me, but not i think we are even.

    it is just hard being that he is sick himself. and i cut him slack for that. as i know how hard it is. he does a much education in our local area as possible, but as we know some just don't get it.

    personally, ohio is a long way to come from. isn't dr. grubb in ohio? i know he takes a while to get appt. w/ but have heard awesome things about his nurse bev. there is one doc in alabama ( i think), at the teaching hospital there. brain fog won't let me remember which one, but i think my dr's, dr's there.

  4. you have described me to a tee. even in the weight dept. it has been between 95 and 103F here and anytime i go into a building that has a/c i have to wear a jacket. i bring one w/ me everywhere. and the looks i get sitting outside the hospital on a bench w/ a jacket on in 103 degree weather. i also night sweat.

    i do not have an answer (as usual), but wanted you to know i am w/ you in your pain and suffering.

    take care of yourself and who cares what others think.

  5. hey, i didn't want to win. :P but i am glad your scheduled too. i will let you know morgan how smoothly everything goes. it is inpatient. hoping i will not have to stay overnight, as i am not a good patient. :o

    thanks for keeping up with this with me. i know it has been rough on you. and i appreciate your time. i am going to think positively that they are benign until i hear different. and yeah i have read of neoplastic ( i think that's what they call people prone to these things), and will make d*** sure i follow up if the y are not benign.

    take care morgan, until............

    and thanks to everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P

  6. not last post morgan, cause your winning now, and I want to know how you are doing. you tell your sis that i am glad she has the means and the pushiness to do this for you. cause in my family i am hte one everyone comes to. and it is never an emergency such as this. AND, i want you to feel as lucky as you should that you have that sis. there are lots out there that don't.

    take care and (not allowed to curse) but you better let me know. i am in your boat too. and i don't want to sink.

    i am praying for you as well as my parents (told them about ya'), sandra

  7. not sure, much more people w/ brains here than i. but, i can tell you that i have OI and i do not pass out either. which totally freaks my specialists dys doc out. so if you do find out, please kepp us posted. as i have always wondered and so does doc why i don't pass out. 60/40 hr67, i should be on the ground, but i am not. just really tired.

    not much help other than i can say i don't pass out either.

    hope you find answers soon.

  8. where are you at w/ gallbladder morgan? are you winning? i bet you are. i am scheduled for another US to make sure it is a polyp. and w/ size and the fact that there is only one, malignancy predominates. so, after this next US, i guess i will be off to surgery. what was funny is, he asked me what i can't eat. well, w/ my busy life i have never sat down and said "oh, it must have been the ice cream i ate", so my answer was nothing spicy. i know dumb answer. but i always get brain frog when put on the spot. anyways, he says he doesn't think it will show the polyp again (cause they are rare). pray w/ me he is right. he asked if i could eat fried chicken and i told him i wasn't sure anything would stop me form eating that. he said if i have to have the surgery (which is mandatory if the polyp is still there) i would be eating fried chicken on the toilet.

    so in saying all this morgan, i hope you are having better luck than me. or at least i would like to know how you are and where you were at w/ it.

    taking care of yourself i hope.

  9. just spoke with the nurse and got my impressions from hida scan

    1st impression- no signs of acute cholethititis (sp) w/ normal ejection fraction (morgan we discussed this)

    2cd impression- cannot rule out billary disease.

    so the news just keeps getting better :)

  10. well, start placing your bets cause dys doc said i have to do this. he said the hida scan showed abnormal contractions of the gallbladder on top of the polyps. that's why he wants it out. no garraunties though. consult is on the 1st of june w/ surgeon and i will go from there. i knew ther was more than they were telling me. had that gut feeling, no pun intended.

    and now i am having diastolic dysfunction, too.

    it was a bad day yesterday.

    i have had cancer before (cervical) so that's why i was concerened w/ that. but i know it's rare. trying to keep head up as i know you are. i will pray and keep you in my thoughts morgan if you will do the same.

    thanks for talking w/ me about this.

    oh yeah, the contractions on the lesions could be the cause of the pain. i will know more tomorrow, after dys doc talks to gi doc.

    and the race is on.

  11. Firewoman,

    The pain is all over. In my calf, in my thigh, in my upper arm. Those are the spots it is commonly in.

    No, I have never been on crutches due to the pain, I honestly don't think I could handle walking on them without passing out.

    I don't get the drawing up arm thing.

    You are the first person I've heard of with similar left sided issues.


    me too. that's why i was above curiosity. and in the same term no one can figure it out either.

    had the crutches at one point, just to get back and forth to potty, and it was not easy w/ those things, but i couldn't go even that far w/o them. my toes are killing me and sweling like crazy right now. do you get the non edema swelling?

    or do you have anymore specific details you can share? you can pm them if you prefer. i would appreciate it. i have scoured the web to no avail. but i do know that it is not dysautonomic in nature. nothing unilateral is, or so i am told by 2 dys specialists.

  12. morgan, no worries. :lol: i only rehashed it then, because i was so worried about you. and i knew this was what was going on w/ you as soon as you mentioned certain things. i don't want to get into it, i know you didn't mean it. i have read your posts.

    my main concern is you going through this, and i really want to keep up w/ you about it. as i am in your boat. but have been putting it off. to be quite honest it is because i am scared to death of another surgery.

    so forgive me for being so bold as to ask please let me know every detail. i am afraid w/o all the info i can get i will never do it.

    and no i have not had biopsies. then can only tell some things thru CT scan, but gastro bypassed that and went straight to you need surgery. so that worries me. other than a CT scan (not always 100%), taking it out is the only way to tell benign or malignant. see my delemma.

    i will keeeep you in pray, as i know you need it. this is a very bad place to be in, so to speak.

    sorry had spasm there.

    do you have a stiff neck? like you could have slept wrong, but couldn't have done it for 3 days in a row? the pain has moved into lower abs today, where the insides feel as if they will fall out. you?

    take care and i sincerely mean that!!!!!!!!!

  13. no i haven't yet, or at least in 6 months. see doc on wednesday, and i am letting him know. i am sure i will get all the blood work i need and more.

    morgan, i do hope you are better today. i really do and can sympathize w/ you. please don't be stubborn like me and just go get it down. i have a feeling i may be talking to the choir. i know if you said it to me, that would be the case. i am really worried about you.

    do you have a little greenish/oranegish color skin?

    do you have the water fall dumping w/cramps and blackouts?

    are your intestines audible all the time?

    sx overlap so much it is hard to tell what is what.

  14. morgan,

    sending you sympathy and empathy. as i go through this everyday. i recall you admonishing me for even talking about the gallbladder and ejection fraction.

    and you were right i was in the normal level but i have tumors and not stones, but i have all the symps you have. just had the yellow orange poo, like water flowing.

    but, i am sending you prayers anyway.

    you hurt my feelings when being admonished when it didn't seem you had read my whole post. i am worried about cancer. as i am a symptomatic patient w/o stones. just tumors. and that is rare to be symptomatic w/ or w/o stones. much less tumors.

    take care of yourself.

    do you have the orange urine too? or green look to you?

  15. honestly, i get so torqued, i literally want to hurt someone ( i am not that kind of person and would never do such a thing) , but i do get that angry. i beleive this lies in all of us, some will admit to it, some will not. but , yes a beautiful day and i can't walk, oh i am definitely pissed. but the fact of the matter is that tomorrow is another day, and i may feel better, i may not. i tend to recluse myself when i am that angry so that my words don't hurt the ones i care the most about. and other than that, i can't do much. try to have a good attitude, but human nature always takes over, and noone is happy go lucky all the time.

    don't take it to heart too much. we are all human.

    wishing much better days for you.

  16. you just described exactly what i go through on the left side. other than the head ache ( if you can really classify it as that) is on my right side but same anatomical pain areas. you are the only one i have come across w/ this same problem, restricted to left side. so let me say thank for you that. i have been trying for over 13 years now, as to the why.

    my mucscular pain gets so bad (like you) that i can hardly walk. sometimes it even feels as if it will crush my bones. is yours mainly in calf area, pain wise? i do get the face and pain on the left (just skull base to eyeball pain is on the right).

    please lord above if you ever find anything that can tell you what this is, will you let me know? it put me down for a week last time. and that was even after laying down. do you feel that sometimes the resting helps, but does not stop it? as opposed to a blood pooling issue that does resolve after rest? my arm hurts so bad too sometimes it will actually draw up at elbow, and if very painful to try to straighten. is any of this sounding familiar?

    have you had to use crutches to get around before? i mean just to even get up and go to restroom?

    i am very curious about this. i feel like a phenonmanon (sp, brain fog sometimes. i used to tell myself everytime, that i can't be the only one out there w/ this problem.

    so again i thank you for the response to my questions and the ones i just asked. and i finally don't feel like a one -of-a -kind.

    i knew i wasn't but sure did feel that way alot.

  17. this happens more often when i eat. like in the middle of a meal i will start to fall over, but concsious. then after the meal if i stand i will fall.

    try explaining to the people waiting to be seated at TGIF, after falling into the crowd that you are not drunk.

    it can also happen when i stand or sit too much.

    and don't even get me started on the word recall. i describe everything about the word w/ hand signals and still wait for someone to "get it" for me.

    i often transpose my letters (typing), if i can even remember how to spell them.

    i just thank god my hubby knows my hand signals by now. :blink:

    as everyone else said,put your feet up and relax.

    of course i like to spew things out that i don't do myself. but i know that.

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