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Posts posted by DancingLight

  1. Lisa,

    What you wrote made me smile.

    My mom does the labor and I call myself the 'supervisor'. She tends to like to be a 'follower' and I tend to like to be a 'leader', so it works out well. She hates making decisions, so when it's flower time, she gets all the stuff, does all the work and I lie in my reclining chair and tell her where to plant what!

    I'm sure the neighbors and others walking by who don't know my situation wonder why I'm just watching my mom slave away while I sit there like a vegetable!

    I, too, just LOVE watching things grow. It truly amazes me. The flowers and plants and trees change every day....I am so blessed when I can take a daily walk around the yard for my 'exercise' to 'check on' all things growing! B)


  2. Welcome to the forum CJ!

    The only other member I know on the board who is from Ireland is KathyIreland (that is her username) and you may be able to find her doing a search (top right corner) and email her or message her personally to see who is treating her?

    I LOVE Ireland soooo much. Where in Ireland are you from? I was able to travel with a friend there for 10 days and we drove around the country...then it was off to University of Sussex in Brighton to study for a semester.

    Glad you were able to post today...and I hope that you find some competent medical care soon!


  3. Okay, so this is off-topic, but hopefully Pooh you will at least get a smile, b/c Corina never fails to make me smile.

    Corina...in America we have something called Tupperware (do you have it too?)--mostly famous for their plasticware for storing foods and such and also microwavable containers.

    Anyways, they have a type of Tupperware that is very, very small (I put my probiotics in them) and they are called.....SMIDGETS!!!! Isn't that so cute! So now, every time I use a smidget I'll think of you!


  4. Thanks Michelle! Stupid stuff stresses me out sometimes I guess! I worked so hard on that post and listening to the podcast, then felt terribly if I had sounded too headstrong (not the word I'm looking for, but the best I can do right now!)....

    Interestingly, Merck has now withdrawn its ads and its campaigns to try to get states to mandate the vaccines, b/c it is so new and we really don't know the effects of the vaccine on young girls yet. This just happened as we were having this thread. I guess they, as the pharmaceutical company, were really the ones pushing the vaccine, not medical professionals (to get it mandated).....

    Patti--So glad that you and Chrissy are so close and she was able to make an informed decision that you all feel good about. I'm really close to my mom too...and was even before I got sick. It's great to be so close as mother-daughter! B)


  5. Yup, I get those....

    Probably PVCs or PACs (which are basically an early or a late heartbeat thrown in there)....

    Mine are helped greatly by a beta blocker also, but not perfect, esp when my symptoms are worse.

    I agree that a 24 hour holter would help make sure what is what...just to be sure.

    They are definitely unpleasant and sometimes scary, but after 9 years...I'm getting kind of used to them. When they are really bad, I cough a lot.


    P.S. I actually think someone phrased another post the same way...flip flops....so you may get lots more with a search. Also, PVCs and PACs have been discussed and explained in great detail by our expertnursemorgan....so a search might help you out.

  6. corina,

    you always make me smile...

    you know, i think we taught you MIA before, but your POTS brain got you on that one! :D i really had to tease you!

    as for smidgen...it like saying 'tiny bit' or 'little bit' or 'teeny bit.' like, melissa was saying pooh was feeling a smidgen better--so not much better but a little tiny bit better. does that make sense?

    btw, in your profile, i remember that exact post that melanie quoted and how much it made me smiel at the time. it made me smile again to read it in your profile, b/c it so captures your joyful spirit.

    love, em

  7. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr........


    That is soooo frustrating.

    But honestly, remember this, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. I HATE that that is the way it works, but it is.


  8. That picture is GORGEOUS.

    My dad would so love a print of that....is it available (sorry, off topic)...gotta think of something for his 65th (yikes!).

    Yes, I agree with Sunfish...so sorry we have had to go from one MIA member to another. 2007 is starting off too rough for too many folks...

    Pooh............We're still here, singing your song for you when you feel that you cannot sing it yourself.

    Sohpia......mucho thanks for being our 'updater'....


  9. Michelle,

    That story broke my heart...

    I'm sorry if I sounded too political...I agree with many of you about younger girls and the need to educated and vaccinate...I was trying to stay off of the political but looks like I didn't succeed!

    I think I was just focused on Chrissy, as a 21 year old, making her own decision with the help of a gynecologist.


  10. Hello Miss Popular Sunfish! :D

    You know I have soooo much to say....but for now I will just say CONGRATULATIONS on typing out that whole post! That takes a LOT of precious energy points.

    I will also say...THANK YOU for being honest about dealing with issues surrounding death and dying.

    You KNOW I love you so much, so if I don't get to write a long post...you already know what's in my heart.

    Thank you for posting your story, in your own words...it was hard for me to choose what to say and what not to, and I wanted people to hear from you what you are really dealing with! You're a better writer anyways! :o

    Later alligator!

    Love, Em

  11. Thanks Corina and Rachel--

    I still have no idea what to order.

    It sounds like they are unisex sizes and that is why they run big--coud Nina or Amy or Michelle answer this???

    Also, could someone tell me what brand the tshirts are--like Jerzees, Hanes, Champion, etc? This would help a LOT as I am sure we have a tshirt in the house to compare it to!!!!


  12. I'm trying to figure out what sizes to order for folks or what sizes to tell others to order.

    It says the t-shirts run a little large. Is this because they are unisex sizes? Should we buy as if we would by other unisex t-shirts? (Like college t-shirts, etc).

    For instance, my mom and step-mom would normally buy a large in a misses sizes, but perhaps a medium in unisex sizes? Just a bit confused and wanted to make sure I ordered the right sizes.

    Also, are they shrinking at all for folks?



    P.S. How do you think Asher would look in one of the shirts???? :(

  13. Congratulations Megan!!!!!

    That is wonderful news!

    I loved my study abroad time in England...however, I went a bit more south to Sussex where it's perhaps a bit less dreary than Manchester! :)

    Remember to check in from overseas every once in a while! :D


  14. We've had such a wimpy winter here in PA! I called my friend in South Carolina and said HOW HAPPY I WAS to have SNOW! If I didn't want snow, I would live there, I told her!

    So, I am soooo enjoying the white snow brightening everything up.

    Of course, I don't have to shovel or drive in it.

    All winter I've been saying, I WANT SNOW! And my mom just gives me that, uh-huh, and you're gonna shovel it? look! :) At least even the university closed and she had a day off of teaching!


  15. Roselover,

    I am soooo glad you checked in with us! So many folks seem to be 'disappearing' and I am wondering where they are!

    Thank you for checking in and saying 'hi'....

    I understand your need to escape through art (and am grateful you can do it! Like Sophia said, you are very, very talented.)

    I wear my bracelet every day too, just like Corina, and I framed the butterflies you painted that I ordered. So, even when we are quiet and seem to not be able to keep up with eachother...we're in each other's hearts. I have tried to fill my bedroom with things that channel an energy of life.

    I think I 'get' your feeling of being overwhelmed. I have been feeling this myself. I find that I can't get it together to respond to emails--it seems like such a huge task. Yet, I'll come here and type away. Why is that easier? I'm not really verbalizing this well at all. I'm just feeling like every task is a mountain. I made myself pick up my knitting needles for the first time in months and months. It was so hard! And while it felt good to knit again, I felt discouraged at how hard even that task was physically.

    I also have been just in this 'grieving mode' and it sounds like perhaps, even though you didn't put it that way, you are feeling that too? It doesn't help when we feel like poo and it's hard to do the things that bring us joy!

    Okay, I am in serious need of Whine-1-1 as Morgan would say, so I need to frankly SHUT UP!

    I did get your email, and when I am able, I will write. Please understand that when I don't respond--it's not about you! Thank you for writing. And thank you for checking in on the board. I miss you here! But, you must use your energy points where they most bring you joy and life-affirming energy. I can see with my own eyes the growth in your art just over the year that I have known you. Amazing!

    I have so much to be grateful for...so not sure why I am so whiney!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry! This was supposed to be a post about you! At least it's in the chit chat forum so I can't get in trouble for going off topic!!!! hahahahahaha.

    Okay, Later alligator!

    Wait, one time didn't you write another phrase that goes with later alligator, after while crocodile? and then there was a third thing???? I remember you writing it but what was it???? It was so cute. (just like your Hippo birdie song! which i now sing to everyone on their bdays!)


  16. Rita,

    I take mine after lunch...

    I don't know what to tell you in terms of switching the time. For those who get nausea as a side effect they often do worse taking the pill in the morning.

    There's no reason you have to switch now while messing with other stuff. I always, say, go with your gut and also try to keep the number of variables you are messing with at one time to a minimum so you know what's doing what! :)

    You don't have to switch times at the beginning of a pack, you can do it any time. You can also just sort of gradually work on changing the time of day when you are ready. (i.e. when you are ready to see if time of day matters, try lunchtime, for a few days, then try dinner time...etc.)

    Sorry I don't have a clearer answer...I'm going from just learning about this over the years not a lot of solid medical evidence. I just know that we taught the young girls at the clinic that sometimes mornings were harder in terms of nausea etc.


    So funny...you just asked ME the exact questions I thought I was asking you but I must not have been clear! Sorry. That is what I was wondering....what you asked. B/c I don't care about pregnancy protection, I just care that I get the hormones. I do have much more breakthrough bleeding on the abx, but also b/c I suppress my periods.

    If you get an answer let me know!

    I wonder if the NuvaRing would be a better choice? Would that make us absorb the hormones better, if what flop said is true. B/c the NuvaRing doesn't go through the gut. My ANS doctor and I just talked about switching to it for a different reason (no milk in it) but he said he'd had mixed results from patients using it--but he didn't expand on that in his email, so I wanted to follow up with him more before making the switch.

    Food for thought, I suppose...

    Okay, MUST lie down.


    P.S. WAIT...so are those of you talking about the pill acting like florinef saying that it has nothing to do with hormones for us????? I'm so confused.

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