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Everything posted by jkoconne

  1. Hi all, Im new to the dinet forum but ive been reading it for a few months now and think its great! I was officially diagnosed with POTS in Aug but have been dealing with symptoms for about 5 years. I've been on a long journey to finally have some answers! but as you all know the diagnosis of POTS also leading to a whole new bundle of questions. I am going to list a few and if you can relate, have experienced the same thing, have questions too or just want to comment that would be great 1) Did anyone start feeling symptoms after Mono? The first bout of mono i had started my GI symptoms, The second time i had it my chest symptoms started. 2) My GI symptoms are terrible and appeared first, anyone else have this happen? 3) I've had terrible reactions to medication, doc's always told me it was an allergic reaction but when i went to an allergist he said that was not the case. I did a blood test and said i have inactive liver enzyme pathway so medication does not metabolize correctly. Has anyone heard about this before or have it too? Its been helpful with medication dosage and which medications aren't dangerous. 4) Does anyone get craniosacral massage/body work? Its so helpful to me, best type of therapy I've found but insurance doesn't cover it Please forgive my misspelled words...i've never been very good at it. Hope you are all having a good day! there are always ups and downs but I'm trying to stay positive!
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