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  1. Aimes/looneymom- Where can I get more information on mcas? Could it be that I eat breakfast/lunch then 2.5hours later I want to fall asleep, could be mcas? What I find weird is I really don't have these symptoms after dinner. I wish both of you good luck on your health journey! jpjd59- I don't think I was sick prior to getting these symptoms, or at least I do not remember anything. Sue1234- Here are the results from my 5 hr glucose test: fasting 82, then every hour: 197, 212, 132, 93, 57, corresponding insulin levels: 5, 39.6, 130, 349, 113, 7.3. 6 months later my A1C was 5.2. I went on a low carb diet, which helped my fatigue only a little... Other things I forgot to mention, wounds on my hands/arms are slow to heal, motrin tends to make me feel better. I just got back my antinuclear antibody test and I got a 1:40 speckled, which sounds like it's on the border of normal/abnormal (depending on what I read online...)
  2. For seven years, I have been going to doctors, who all look at me and are not really sure what's wrong with me. I then get tested for various things and those turn up mostly normal/negative. I've seen plenty of cardiologists and endocronogists and currently seeing my first neurologist. One doctor will say I have POTS or [insert other illness] and the next will say no. So as the title says, I'm trying to leave no stone unturned, which is how I ended up here. Below is the list of symptoms and short list of tests I have had done. I was just curious if anyone has had similar experiences/symptoms or can suggest what other type of doctor I could go to. I feel like I'm at a dead end and I feel like I've basically exhausted most options. Symptoms: Biggest Issue: Fatigue. I get extremely tired within a 10-15 min period and need to lie down, which lasts between 30-60mins sometimes longer. Sometimes I feel refeshed when I wake up sometimes I don't. This mostly occurs at 10am and 1:30pm (so after breakfast and lunch, but not dinner). I usually also have a headache and I can feel my heart pound. This is worse when I'm stress (I'm a graduate student), but this occurs to a lesser degree when I'm not stressed. Sometimes during this period I will just be fatigued, but can still function, so this causes a difficulty in concernrating/mental fog effect.The fatigue is usually a bit better if I'm engaged and talking to someone, but I still usually end up having to go lie down. Other Issues: frequent urination (I can't make it through an 1hr15min class without going to the bathroom, and I usually go once in the middle of the night), I sometimes feel nauseous when I wake up, but after drinking a glass of milk I feel better, Scoliosis, I'm always cold, sentitive to the heat, I see visual snow (I think that's the term, if I look at a plain wall, I see little dots), I also occasionally see silver squiggles in my eye sight, excessive sweating, my hands can get pruny very easily (there probably a more official term for this...), very minor leaky heart valve, PCOS, severe acne, thristy, I remember my dreams is great detail. Notes: I use to feel dizzy when I walked up stairs or stood up, but I take salt tablets and that helped that. Now I just feel out of breath when I walk up stairs. I ran a 5k back in October, sometimes jogging is a struggle, and impossible if running a hilly course. Tests: Positive Tilt Table (though one Dr. told me this test is pointless...), Stress test was normal, but highest blood pressure was 137/93, which I think is a little low, but doctors seemed unconcerned, normal EKGs, normal ECHO (minus the minor leaky heart valve), 24 hour blood pressure monitor was normal, 5 hour glucous tolerance test suggested hyperinsulinemia, but a follow up A1C test said I was normal, I had a thryoid test that suggested minor thryoiditis, but all tests since have came back negative, negative for Lymes, negative for epstein barr, negative inhome sleep study (for sleep apnea), normal B-12 levels, Tests from the neurologist: Anti-DNA and antibodies sm rnp ro la all negative (I think this was for lupus and sjorgen's?) I'm going for a brain MRI soon and potentially a real sleep study. So like I said, I'm curious if anyone has had similar symptoms/experiences and can maybe suggest a doctor/medical area that I have over looked. Thank you.
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