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Posts posted by shan1212

  1. Today I got the book Primal Endurance on the advice of a fellow POTSie who claims that training in a low heart rate threshold (which appears to be about no higher than 140s) will allow you to build endurance and work up to more vigorous exercise at a lower heart rate. IDK, I'm worried about losing fitness if I start working out less hard, but I haven't read the book yet, obviously.

    Today I did a workout video that was mostly cardio with some slower cardio with light weights sections. During the weighted sections, my HR was much higher, even though the moves were slower. Then we'd finish and put down the weights, and the instructor would say it was time to get our HR back up, as though it should have been lower during the weights sections. I wondered if using my arms with weights, which always seems to wind me, is why? Is it a POTS thing?

  2. I had a terrible reaction the first night I took Zoloft, lots of adrenaline surges. I wound up in the ER. I stuck with it, and I remember that after 11 days, I had a few glorious days where my POTS symptoms were nil. I started at 50mg and eventually went up to 75. 

    Eventually I realized it was blunting my emotions and killing my libido, plus I had never lost the baby weight that was above my natural weight. I weaned down to half of my dose but the weaning was a pain (always felt like I had a withdrawal/hangover feeling for a few days when only cutting my dose by a fraction), so I went back up to 50mg for a year or so. Finally a year ago I weaned off completely. I do think my POTS has been a bit worse since then, but having a full range of emotions, a better libido, and weight loss has made up for it. I would not go on it again now that I know what a pain the weaning is and how I don't like the side-effects, but I think most people are fine when they go off SSRIs. 

  3. My 4 year old is off from school and with me all day now. I decided (stupidly) that we needed to slide a brick under the middle leg of our king size bed (my husband and I put bricks on the outer legs a couple of weeks ago, but I noticed the bed sagging in the middle and realized that we missed the middle leg). So I hoisted up the bed while my four year slid stools underneath it, but the first stools were too short. Long story short, and some cursing later, we got the brick in place, but I feel like I pulled something in my back. It's not too terrible, so I decided to work out anyway. My buddy and I did The Firm Time Crunch (her with one and two pound dumbbells, me with heavier). I'm glad I worked out as I think my back feels looser. If I feel up to it, I will join my family for yoga in the park tonight.

    I do hope this season of high functioning is not a blip and is attributable to some or all of the many things I am trying (like the bed). I do think that eating lower carb and working out more vigorously and regularly is helping me. 

    I was surprised that during crunches on the floor (which were hard and I was feeling the burn), my HR was only in the 80s/90s. Contrast that with doing overhead arm work while stepping up on an 8 inch step -- HR was in the 160s. It goes to show how great a factor gravity is.

  4. I just got a heart rate monitor today and used it during a workout. During aerobic weight lifting like squats with weights or climbing a tall step with weights, it went up to 175. During the cardio only segments (which were not as quick as I would have liked), it was only in the 120s. When I walked upstairs carrying a basket of laundry, it was 135. I have one workout that really gets my HR in a good feeling zone (I am guessing 140 or so), so I am curious to do that workout and confirm what zone makes me feel good and gives me a nice exercise  high the rest of the day. Like Lily, I tend to go by how I feel. I am trying to increase V02 max capacity by running as fast as I can for 3.5 minutes (which is about a 10:15 mile), and then walking at a 14:15 minute mile to recover, times three. Some days I can do this just fine. Other days I struggle to do about 2 minutes at the 10:15 pace, give up, and walk the rest. Some days I slow down to a 16 minute mile. I am curious to see where my HR is during all of this, though I can tell you for sure it gets higher than 85% of my max. Ultimately, though, I doubt it will change how I exercise.

    It's just so much trial and error. I feel like I'm more in tune with my body than a couple of years ago, so I don't get into trouble as much. Before I might have pushed through and done the workout I had planned. Now I say, uh oh, nope, this isn't going to work today.

  5. It's hard to know what will work with your BFM, so I guess I would recommend a variety of strategies.

    1. Set boundaries and stick to them. When she tries to steer a conversation into uncomfortable territory, simply say, "I can't explain that" or "I won't discuss that." Answer in as few words as possible. "I can't do that?" Why not? "It didn't work." Why not? "It just didn't." Etc.

    2. Try giving her the benefit of the doubt. She sees your pain and she feels frustrated that she can't help you. Instead of approaching you with empathy and support, she's manifesting her feelings as frustration directed at you, as though you could just fix your health with some different stockings or BP medication. Realizing that her ultimate goal is for you to be healthy might help you feel a little more compassion towards her. You just need to remember that she's lacking in the self-awareness and compassion to be of any real use to you.

    3. Set up emotional walls. I've dealt with a crazy in-law, and I just do a lot of smiling and nodding. A good trick is to turn the conversation back around onto something to do with her so you don't have to talk about yourself. Lower your expectations. She's unlikely to change her ways at this point in her life. I expect nothing from my crazy in-law so when they exceed expectations, I'm pleasantly surprised. 

  6. Don't mean to get off topic, but my overall symptoms are much improved since I changed my diet and began working out harder about 5 weeks ago. I am doing low carb/paleo for breakfast and lunch and trying to workout 5-6x per week. I was doing easier 30 minute workout videos, and now I'm doing harder 50 minute ones, and using heavier weights whenever I can. I believe my POTS is a problem with the heart pumping (I have mitral valve prolapse) and not with volume (I don't have pooling), though I do hydrate like crazy and take Florinef. But the only drug that I notice helps is Midodrine.

    But of course, nothing is ever a cure-all, is it? I am a lot more functional. I have attended events in the evening where there was a lot of standing in the heat and humidity and have been fine. I have had fewer episodes. But I'm still so gosh darn tired all the time. I am researching adrenal fatigue. I know it's debatable whether it's even a thing, but it sounds so much like what I have with my hyper POTS.

    I'm wondering if I should look into going full-on Paleo. 

  7. Today I did 3 miles on the treadmill, mostly walking. I tried to do some moderate jogging intervals but I was too drained on the first one so I stuck with walking for the rest. I'm not sure if I should push myself . . . I think not. Experience has shown me that it's not worth it. But I also don't want to lose the ability to jog because surely that will translate into decreased cardiovascular fitness. Hmmm. 

    On to fight another day!

  8. We are at our mountain place for the weekend. I keep a set of 3 and 5 lb Dumbbells (hold them together to heavy up) and some workout DVDs here. Saturday I did a 45 minute cardio workout with light weights (The Firm Ultimate Fat Burning Workout). Yesterday we did a 2 mile hike. I was fine with a double dose of Midodrine but was noticeably more winded than everyone else, including my 4 year old. Going uphill always gets me out of breath. Today I did a 45 minute weights/cardio workout out (The Firm Total Body Time Crunch).

    Keep on keepin' on, everyone!

  9. Today I did a 45 minute Firm workout with weights called Maximum Body Shaping. I upped my weights a bit and think I'm getting stronger.

    We raised the head of our bed a tiny bit (just a single brick on each end) and I instantly gained like 3 pounds of water weight . . . so I guess it works? I have been eating low(er) carb so I had not been carrying water weight.

  10. KayJay,

    I'm doing old school Firm workouts from the 80s and 90s. They're longer and slower without so much bopping up and down. Weights intensive but you can modify. 

    ETA: I spent some time on the website totalfitnessdvds.com checking out different titles. You can watch a clip of the videos and it tells you what equipment is required. 

    Today I jogged for 5 minutes and walked for 25.  2.25 miles total.

  11. Yesterday I did a video called Maximum Cardio Burn Plus Abs by the Firm. It was a rare video that didn't use dumbbells (only an 8 lb stick), so it kind of messed up my treadmill/weights rotation. So today I did a video called Tough Tape by the Firm that is heavy on weights. I think tomorrow will be a rest day because I have to get the house sorted for the cleaner. 

  12. Katy, good job!

    I honestly do not know the answer to the HR question. Even before I knew I had POTS, when I could run a 10k at 9 minute miles and walk all over town doing errands and stand all day  and do tough workouts, I huffed and puffed while running. I remember being surprised when I ran a 10k with my sister. I seemed to be in much better shape than she was, but she could chat at that pace, and I could not. Made me go hmmmm. But I've never worn a HR monitor because I'm pretty sure it would just tell me I'm exercising at my max, and that might freak me out/deter me. But now that I'm working on intervals, maybe I should. I'm sure my husband has one around here somewhere. I'll let you know what it is next time I jog. I'm sure it will be high. I don't know if there's any connection, but I've found that ever since weaning off of Zoloft a year ago, I get much more winded when jogging. I haven't been this lean or muscular since being diagnosed with POTS 5 years ago, and yet my ability to run is the lowest it's been since I started exercising 10 years ago.

    Today I did three intervals of jogging at a difficult pace (5.8mph) for 3:30 each time, so about a mile of jogging total, and another 1.5 of walking at 4.2mph. 

  13. I would be interested in an exercise accountability thread!

    After doing some reading about increasing your VO2max, I have switched up my treadmill time. Previously, I would run as far as I could (0.5 to 1.25 miles) at an 11 min pace, then walk another mile or two. Then I read that endurance training requires at least 30 minutes of exercise 5x per week, so I am making sure I continue on until I hit 30 minutes. And then I started reading about interval training, so this week I have started doing 3x 3 minute "sprints" (increasing my pace to 10:20 min/mile) with 3-4 minutes of walking in between, and then finishing up with wlaking. 

    I just continue to throw darts and see what sticks. I do know that sustained running at 11 min/miles does not feel good to me. Walking briskly does feel good, so maybe I should do that more often and worry less about jogging. But then, the interval stuff is OK because it's only for a short time. I suspect that my issues are not due to blood pooling in my extremities or low volume but inefficient pumping. So I figure anything I can do to strengthen my heart will help. I'm also working on losing weight which should also help with VO2 max.

    On alternate days, I'm doing 50-60 minute old school "Firm" DVDs with a 14 inch step and weights. These are a good pace for me because they are lower-impact but higher on weights. All these new "work out in 6 minutes!" exercises where you fling yourself about doing burpees and lunges at a high pace make me feel like death. 

    I do keep slogging along. It's frustrating because you would think a person exercising as religiously as I am would not struggle with stairs or need to lie down at her child's school event, or be unable to work. But we carry on, doing our best. 

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