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Posts posted by JeWareGT

  1. I have searched the forums for posts on EDS, but I'm still not sure if there's a possibility I have it, and I want to be a little more sure before I bring it up to my doctor.

    I was diagnosed with NMS in March (had it for about 10-12 years though), but I'm about 90% sure I have POTS as well. Going to bring it up to my cardiologist at my appt in December. I'm wondering if EDS is also a possibility because I've always had weird joint issues. Coccydynia, TMJ, pretty much chronic tendonitis in both knees, Tailor's bunions on both feet....I also crack and pop all the time. My ankles, knees, hips, neck, and back pop a lot. Both of my elbows bend backwards, but other than that, I don't think I have any hypermobility.

    Is it worth bringing up to my doctor?

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