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Posts posted by MandyBrook

  1. I was prescribed klonopin to take for the first two weeks with my lexapro. I took 1 mg of the klonopin nightly for two weeks and then tapered to half a pill nightly for a week and now I am taking half a pill every other day. Since I haven't been on it for very long, would it be safe for me to just stop? I have noticed, however, that since starting to take it every other day my adrenaline surges in the morning have come back. Is this a side effect of coming off the klonopin or was the klonopin actually reducing the adrenaline surges?

  2. Jon--

    I have been dealing with this mysterious illness for the past three years. It began during my second pregnancy. My symptoms would come and go, I'd see my doctor, and always leave with the same diagnosis... Stress, anxiety, hormones... But, I knew inside that there was more to it. A few weeks ago I had my worst flare up yet. I was terrified and confused. How could all this be stress?? I completely understand your fear. I am 24 years old and a mother to three children, ages 3, 2, and 1. Thankfully I have a wonderful support system in my husband and family!!! After the flare up began I revisited my doctor who told me it was GAD and I needed to begin an AD. I knew it was more so I started doing my own research and found this wonderful forum and it's amazing supporters!! I immediately contacted my cardiologist who agreed that my symptoms sounded like POTS and I am now on my way to a diagnosis!!!

    I don't know I you are religious but I gained a lot of my strength and peace through God. I will be praying for you, Jon!!!


  3. I've been dealing with symptoms off and on for three years. Always with long stretches in between a flare up. However, it wasn't until recently that I discovered POTS and all the symptoms described what I was going through. I am now going through the process to get diagnosed. And, eagerly waiting for this flare to pass :)

  4. Thank you all so much for sharing with me!!!

    I am so thankful to have found such a wonderful group of people that I can relate to!!

    I will keep you guys posted on my journey. I will be wearing the event monitor until March 28th at midnight. I then see my cardiologist March 30th. Hopefully we will have some answers then!!!!

  5. Jangle-- Do you happen to know what her exercises were? After I have my complete cardio check out at the end of March and am deemed healthy enough to exercise I would like to begin exercising again. I snowboarders and wake boarded and did Zumba before all this mess started....

  6. Thank you all for the warm welcomes and sharing your experiences with me!!!!

    MomtoGuiliana- May I ask what symptoms increased upon starting the AD?

    Also, is hand tingling normal for POTS? It doesn't seem to happen every day but it had been the past few days. I also get short sharp almost shocking feelings in my chest mostly below my breasts and right over my heart. Is this something commonly seen? I've never had the typical angina pain. So, just curious.

    Thank you again!!!!


  7. Hello Everyone!!!

    I am so thankful to have found this website!!! It had been such a blessing these past few weeks to read your stories and find encouragement through your own stories!!!

    Let me begin by introducing myself, my name is Mandy, I am 24, married to my wonderful husband, Jeremy, and we have three beautiful children, Josiah(3), Skyler(2), and Maddy(1)!!!!

    I have not been formally diagnosed with POTS but am on my way to find some answers. I began having tachycardia during my pregnancy with my youngest son (2008). I would have an episode then it would go away for months at a time. I was prescribed metoprolol 25mg to take as needed and very rarely needed it. After giving birth it seemed as if my tachycardia went away until becoming pregnant with my daughter in 2009. It was the same scenario, a spell of tachycardia, then nothing for weeks or months. The doctors always assuring me this was common with pregnancies as the veins are dilated while pregnant. After delivering my daughter I was having some difficulty breathing and my heart felt very off rhythm so my doctor called for a EKG, CT scan, and chest x-ray, all of which came back normal except for some minor arrythmias. I was told to go home and rest, the stress from having three babies within three babies was what caused it......

    The symptoms did subside for some time. The tachycardia began to come back and my heart would race upon standing or after eating. So, I made an appointment with my internist who sent me on to my cardiologist. All the appropriate tests were ran, EKG, ECHO, chest x-ray, nothing out of the ordinary. Very healthy heart, but I still didn't feel "right".

    However, I trusted the doctors and just dealt with the symptoms until they got better. I started to notice the summer of 2011 that my body wasn't tolerating heat as well. As soon as I'd go outside I could literally feel the blood begin pooling in my feet and hands. I also started to notice that after I would take a shower or bath I would have to rest and my feet would be very red and swollen for sometime after. And, I also began to have spells of severe dizziness and migraines. I saw my internist during this time and he recommended I begin taking my metoprolol daily. I tried to take the full 25mg but it would drop my BP so low I couldn't function. So, I cut it in half and although it lowered my BP it wasn't enough to cause concern. And, it did seem to help.

    I had been feeling pretty good up until a few weeks ago. I had went to get some lunch with my sister and children and afterwards I stood up and was very dizzy, my left arm tingling, and heart racing. This was unlike my tachycardia spells, my heart was racing, 130's, but nowhere near the 190-200's like I experience with my normal tachycardia. Also, I was lightheaded, which I never was with my tachycardia, and my left arm was tingling. So, we headed to the ER. After seven hours in the ER they sent me home saying everything looked good, and I was probably just stressed....

    That night after returning home I felt very withdrawn from everyone. It was hard for me to concentrate and everything seemed to overstimulate me. The next morning I was awoken to severe adrenaline surges. They were terrifying!! I had never experienced anything like this! I was told to follow up with my doctor after three days. So, after the three days I made an appointment to see my doctor. Still very fatigued, still lightheaded, and feeling emotionally drained.

    My doctor recommended I begin taking my full metoprolol instead of just the half. And, offered an AD or Benzo in the mean time. I declined both. I HATE medicine!!! I'm a very stubborn person and I believe I can do just about anything by myself LOL

    That night I did as prescribed and took a whole metoprolol. Within minutes I began having full body tremors. Quite scary. I attributed it to my BP being so low and allowed it to subside then went to sleep. After a few more days of agony, I went back to my doctor who recommended I make an appointment with my cardiologist to wear an event monitor and be rechecked and he also advised I try an AD. So, reluctantly I filled the prescriptions for Zoloft and Klonopin. And, I also began my 21 day event monitor. The first day on the Zoloft was terrible. I am such a happy person and it made me morbid. It was AWFUL!!!! I decided to cut it in half and try again the next night. Again I felt AWFUL!!! During this time I found your wonderful forum and felt like I was reading about my own life! Finally, someone who understands!!!! I also read up on the usage of AD, especially Lexapro, and how they have helped so much! Finally!!! Some encouragement!!!

    I immediately called my doctor and asked him to switch me to lexapro!!! I have been on the lexapro 10mg for three days now as well as a klonopin at night. My doctor recommended to take both the first two weeks because those are the hardest weeks. So far I haven't noticed any real improvement, but I haven't gotten any worse either!! I have a LOT of faith an hope that this is going to help alongside my metoprolol!!!

    So, my question is what effects did you feel from the lexapro? In what areas/ways did it help? Did it help with the adrenaline surges? Also, how long does a flare normally last for you? And, if anyone else has any other info or tips that would be greatly appreciated!!! Thank you so much for your time!!!!


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