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Posts posted by opus88

  1. Hi, Migraine!

    Emergen-C can be found at most health food stores, some grocery stores, and online. (I found the best prices online, even after shipping fees.) I liked the cranberry best, and it helped with bladder/UTI trouble, too!

    Have you tried magnesium? I had great improvement with my fatigue after only 4 days on magnesium lactate. That was more than 2 years ago, and still if I start skipping dosages or switch to a different form of magnesium, I spiral downward again. It hasn't been a "cure" but has definitely been a huge help.

  2. Lorrell,

    Have you tried the Emergen-C powdered drink packets? They are low/no sugar and high in electrolytes. I used them for a while (tastes like weak Kool-Aid, comes in a handful of flavors), but since they are high in potassium and my potassium is too high already, I can't use them anymore.

    You can also just eat the powder if you need to (remember those tart powder straws from childhood?). I always kept a couple of packets in my purse for emergencies.

  3. Hi, Hayley!

    When people ask me about my health (they never believe I'm "sick" because I look quite "normal"), I tell them that "my autonomic nervous system - which regulates automatic body functions such as heartbeat, breathing, digestion, elimination, thinking and more - has a mind of its own and there isn't much I can do to stop it. I therefore struggle with numerous seemingly unrelated symptoms (often I will give examples of what I've dealt with), sometimes experiencing what seems to be all symptoms at once or very sudden, and other times it's relatively mild."

    If they are curious, I'll tell anyone whatever I can about my own experiences and what I've heard from others . . . until I see them glaze over - ha! But I feel a need to educate people, hoping this will someday be taken more seriously.

  4. Hi, Pamyla!

    Switching to Celtic sea salt instead of using table salt will help - it retains most of its natural nutritents, whereas table salt is basically dead from overprocessing.

    I love hard-boiled eggs (I always have them in the fridge, peeled and ready to go). I enjoy them most when I can heavily salt each bite. I actually stand over the sink to eat them, but you won't waste so much salt if you eat it over a plate.

    Air-popped corn with lots of real butter and loaded with the sea salt is another of my favorite things.

    I've also learned to salt all my meat/poultry/fish, vegetables, and even add some to each glass of water.

    These aren't exactly creative, but it's what has helped me.

  5. Jan,

    Is it possible you have phytophotosensitivity that is unrelated to the POTS trouble? When you mentioned the stinging, it made me wonder.

    The most common culprit to trigger this is ingestion of lime, parsley, celery, carrots and a few other things which escape me right now. It can even be triggered by outdoor plants growing in your area.

    I have this problem - for me it begins with stinging then itching, and usually ends up with numerous tiny welts that itch like crazy. But I don't think the welts have to appear in order to be diagnosed with this.

    You may want to do some research to see if it could be part of what's happening to you.

  6. Hi, Cherie!

    Just sharing my top 10 list of what has been of MAJOR help to me (in no particular order):

    1) switching from table salt to Celtic sea salt (kinda moist stuff, not easy-pour)

    2) complete elimination of all sugar or sugar substitutes AND absolutely no caffeine or alcohol - yes it can be difficult, especially at first, but I've been sugar-free, caffeine-free and alcohol-free for around 15 years and it's no longer an effort

    3) following the highest level of the Metabolic Typing program - testing, dietary guidance and nutritional supplements based on you as an individual, not a one-size-fits-all kind of "diet" - it's main premise is to rebalance your body chemistry

    4) water, water, water (add a pinch of sea salt to each glass)

    5) short-term, larger-than-normal doses of B6 (I took 9 times the RDA for a few months, which completely rid me of all palpitations, etc., and gave me greater resistance to stress plus more energy)

    6) magnesium lactate - this is probably THE most successful thing I've tried - other forms of mag just don't do anything for me, but after only 4 days on this form of magnesium, I had greater energy, a better mental outlook, much less brain fog, could deal with life again, and much more - like you, I was petrified that I was headed for the funny farm . . . until I learned about this magnesium

    7) this is a new one for me, and I think it's pretty positive but I'm still in the early stages with it: lots of RAW butter

    8) stop going to doctors and taking their poisons (more commonly called prescriptions) - after 20+ medical practitioners and either getting nowhere or feeling worse, I've taken to doing my own research and my own trials - there is absolutely no doubt ever in my mind that I am MILES better off with alternative/natural/complimentary/whatever you want to call it than I ever would have been had I allowed myself to be stuck in the modern-day paradigm of "doctors know best" - I am living a relatively normal life because I refused to give in to their way of doing things

    9) give yourself permission to be less active, to take naps or just lie down when you need to, to admit you are not superwoman, to listen to relaxation tapes or do yoga or other calming activities

    10) NEVER GIVE UP - I have my moments, days and even weeks when I think I can't do this any more - but then I get angry about it, because I used to be "high on life" and I despise what this condition has done to me - this sets off a renewed determination, and I once again jump into research or tightening up my routine (maybe I'd been getting sloppy, which triggered a backward slide)

    I hope that even one of these things strikes a chord in you (and others here) and will create something positive for you.

  7. Hi, Danelle!

    Great idea! Actually, the folks from MVPSupport.com tried this a few months ago and got nowhere. (Yes, I sent one.) I don't know how many may be aware of this, but MVPS and POTS have been considered by some experts to be the same thing. They indicate that it may just depend on your most prevalent symptoms, the type of doctor you go to and the knowledge base of the doctor who diagnoses it.

    Please understand - I'm NOT telling anybody not to do it or that it won't work. In fact, I am thrilled you brought it up and I truly hope people WILL send the letter, and that it will make a difference. I just want people to be prepared to accept that it may not do anything. But don't let that stop us from trying!

    I wish somebody had an "in" with someone involved with the show. I think that would help.

    Anyway, great idea - you go, girl!

  8. I have heard some people mention that they do ok on mag oxide, but usually the comments are relating to the fact that they don't have intestinal trouble, not whether or not they feel any better on it. I haven't heard anything one way or the other on anyone's improvement from taking oxide, so I can't really help you with that. I guess you could get just one small bottle and see how you do.

    The Standard Process brand is generally not available in health food stores (unless you find a rare individual owner who is up on the best quality and licensed as some kind of practitioner). You may be able to find it at a nutrition-oriented chiropractor's office. It is a professional-grade brand which most often requires a health practitioner to purchase it.

  9. Hi, Merrill!

    If you get a sea salt that pours just as easily as regular salt or sugar, it's overly processed and therefore missing much of the natural properties. The better grade sea salt is damp-ish, kinda like slightly moist sand. One place you can get it is http://www.celtic-seasalt.com, but there are a number of other sites & brands as well - do a web search for sea salt and see what you find.

    My mag levels never showed to be a problem in any blood tests, but those tests only measure the available amount in your bloodstream, not whether your body is utilizing it properly. The magnesium lactate I swear by is from Standard Process. (It's a capsule, but you can open it into a little bit of water if you need to instead of swallowing it whole.) After only 4 days of taking the supplement I felt incredible improvement.

    B6 requires mag to work, so maybe it was the B6 that finally kicked in since its helper was now available. But for whichever reason, taking the mag made me feel sooooo much better. (By the way, B6 worked wonders on my palpitations, which are now non-existent.)

    If you would like to try the magnesium lactate, you can call 800-425-3115 to order it ($21/bottle of 90, lasts about a month) - and this company has free shipping. Just be sure to tell them when they answer the phone that you want to order a Standard Process product, since they will have to locate the order form.

    Oh - if you get loose stools/diarrhea, it means you are getting too much. I take one pill 3 times a day, but my dad can only take 2 pills a day or he has that kind of trouble. The lactate form isn't nearly so troublesome for most people as the more commonly found citrate, which is known for creating those problems. Others I know have had good luck with other forms.

    Of course, I can't promise that you will see the same results I did from the sea salt or the magnesium - everyone's body is very different - but it's a pretty cheap thing to try, especially compared to costs and side effects of prescriptions.

  10. The neck wraps and wet hair/skin are really good ideas.

    I went thru a few years of horrible trouble with heat, and I've always loved summer. We moved to the AL beach 9 years ago, but it hasn't always been easy. (Purplefocus - where are you in AL?)

    Besides the water (drinking and on skin), wraps, etc., here are a couple of other things that helped me:

    *Emergen-C powdered drink mix (Gatorade-type stuff can be really bad for us due to the high sugar content - these powders have little or no sugars).

    *Switching from table salt to Celtic sea salt (the moist kind, not easy-pour stuff). You'll pay more but it's well worth it, as it retains it's minerals. Add it to everything, including a pinch in each glass of water. It won't taste salty, but will taste like soft water.

    *Taking magnesium lactate. Magnesium is so important to our chemistry, and it has been suggested that everyone with POTS/dysautonomia is likely deficient in magesium. I have had the very best results from magnesium lactate.

    Just some ideas . . . hope it helps someone.

  11. Oh, my! I often stand in the "flamingo" position too! And yes, I've been teased by my friends about it, but they're pretty cool about all my weirdo symptoms.

    I had to give up singing in a choir (one of my all-time favorite things!) because I could not stand during the performances - more than once I had to walk out during a show. More recently, this blasted condition took away my ability to sing at all - and I'm a voice teacher!

    I work in an office, so I guess you could say I sit for a living, though I can get up any time. I have more trouble standing than sitting, thankfully. But often I'll tuck one leg under me, or pull one up (a little awkward for the computer work, but it's ok short-term). And then I sit as a pianist and as a sort-of harpist - the benches have no back to lean on and you can't play hunched over, so it can get pretty rough at times. My biggest problem actually comes from not having enough "padding" (I only weigh 94), so my rear end gets quite sore and often goes to sleep! Ugh!

    These past couple of weeks have found me again often looking like a gargoyle at my desk - not enough strength to sit up straight! But overall, it's MUCH better these days and often not a problem at all, after replacing table salt with Celtic sea salt, adding magnesium lactate and B6, and completely changing my nutritional habits. It's been a very long road, and I'm still working on it, but after 20+ doctors and getting nowhere, I'm happy to say that I'm doing tremendously better without them than I ever was with them!

  12. My blood pools in my hands while walking, especially when it's hot outside. And that makes it impossible to do any fine-motor activities for about an hour after returning home from a walk.

    But lately, I've been having more and more stiffness and a "thickness" feeling in my fingers when I wake up in the mornings - not exactly pooling, but a similar result. This is especially distressing to me, as I am a professional pianist!

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