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Everything posted by Colleen

  1. Hi all, Thank you for your comments. I am pleased to report that I am on day 23 of Wellbutrin and it has had a wonderful effect on me! For the last week I have felt as close to "normal" as I have felt in 9 months! My spells of not feeling well have declined and I typically only have 2 or so hours a day where I feel weird. Of course, if I don't get a good nights sleep, it's all out the window then. I will have to say the first two weeks of starting this drug were wild and I certainly went through every side effect I think they mention but my dr wanted me to stick it out and I'm glad I did. It's made a big difference for me. My husband is thrilled to not hear "I don't feel well" every hour
  2. Hello, I am fairly new to this forum. I first noticed symptoms while pregnant. They went away after giving birth but almost one year later, came back with a vengence in Sept of 2006. Finally found cardiologist to diagnose correctly in March, 2007. Did not faint during TTT but came close. I have tried Toprol and Florinef - no good. Made me worse. I use Xanax daily to control anxiety attacks when I don't feel good. My cardiologist has started me on Wellbutrin XL at 150mg a day. I have heard the first two weeks are rough but that it will get better. I had 2 days of heart pounding, then 2 days of chest pains, then 3 days of weird sore throat and now I'm on my 2nd day of bad headaches. HOWEVER, I do need to say my symptoms seem a bit calmer, I'm a bit calmer and I feel like I can manage my day better with less anxiety. BUT, I'm nervous about the side effects being long-lasting. My cardiologist keeps telling me to get past the 2 week mark before making a decision about this. Has anyone else tried Wellbutrin and had good/bad luck? I'm happy that it makes me calmer with less ups/downs but the headaches don't do well for me and I feel like I'm having some short-term memory loss (but sometimes felt that before I ever went on any meds). ???? All these trials and errors on meds can drive you crazy!! I would love any feedback if someone has tried Wellbutrin.
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