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Everything posted by lhough20

  1. HI thanks for the info and reply. I think I'm on the meds as my BP does drop a bit when standing but not so much that I faint. They think I have a really good cardio response so the heart rate goes up to 160-180 to conpensate for the drop, although becasue of the heart rate, the BP reading is still 110/80. This is on sodium chloride and florinef 200mcg. I do still get all the symptoms of low BP though (headache, wooshing, hearing loss, dizzy, fatigue, mild tremor, etc.) but without the actual recordable drop in bp. Weird! Lee
  2. Hi guys, My first post! (34yrs male, UK) Hope everyone is ok? I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and last year (2010) was diagnosed with POTS after a tilt table and 24hr ECG. I'm now on fludrocortisone 200mcg, Voltarol 75mg and sodium chloride 1.2g twice a day. A few days ago I also started Midodrine. Currently on 2.5mg three times per day which will probably be upped to 5mg. I'm slightly furtunate in that I've never had a particularly low BP even when standing, but my pulse does rise dramatically (up to 180 sometimes). I also get the usual head rush, headaches, lethargy, pale face, etc. This is as well as the EDS stuff as well. My question is what can I expect with the 2 drugs together? is this usual? I'm already getting the skin crawling, goose bumps etc. I dont mind this though and can easily tolerate it. Thanks a lot for any help. I've read many posts before joining. Lee
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