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Posts posted by cmreber

  1. I know there isn't much to say that can make the pain of losing someone go away, but I am sorry for your loss. Stress and POTS definitely do not go together well! Keep your chin up, and just remember that nothing is permanent, including the bad times.

  2. Kayjay, I hadn’t actually thought about the adrenal glands, but that would make sense, since they sit right on top of the kidneys, though I really don’t know why they would only hurt when the bladder is full? But it is interesting that you’ve had the same kind of issue and nothing has been found. When all of this first started from me in January, I had a lot of right flank pain, but nothing ever really came of it. Then it went away, and now it’s back on both sides, though not too bad the past couple of days.

    Sue, on the report it said they were on the kidneys… I think maybe one very small one on each, but I can’t remember now exactly what it said (and I don’t have a copy). At the time, it didn't seem to be anything of concern to anyone, just something the person reading the scans noted.

    MomtoG, I have been wondering about that possibility. I haven’t actually mentioned it to my Dr., so we haven’t checked it out. Would small kidney stones be picked up on an MRI? They weren’t looking specifically at the kidneys at that time, but I don’t know if they would see them while looking at it anyway.

    Thanks everyone, hope everyone is having a decent day to day and not too "POTSy"!

  3. Thank you both... I actually had an MRI checking for adrenal tumors a few months back (before they had diagnosed the POTS) so I'm assuming it would have caught an issue with the kidneys in that? They did say there were a couple very small cysts, so maybe it has something to do with that? I was just curious to know if this is something other people with this might have too. I suppose if it keeps up I will have to go and get it checked out ;P Thanks again for your responses!

  4. I was diagnosed with POTS at the beginning of the year, and as to be expected, there are seemingly a lot of issues that go along with it. Most everything has been so much better since I have been taking Metoprolol Tartrate twice a day. I have had a lot of digestive / bowel issues lately, but I was wondering if anyone else has had flank pain? I sometimes get slight pains when I have to private, but the last time it actually hurt pretty badly on both sides (lower back sides) but more so on the left. I'm trying to figure out if it is just another thing that goes along with the POTS or if it might be something else altogether. Just curious if anyone else in here has has the same issue? Thanks!!! :)

  5. Like Endure, I too am on the Metoprolol Tartrate and it has been a life-saver! I couldn't even take a shower before I was on it and now I have a somewhat normal (ish) life back! It really helps with the Tachycardia as well as the severe shifts in blood pressure I was having. The only side effect I get from it is fatigue ( unless that's the POTS-its really hard to tell!) But I can live with that compared to how things were! Hope you find something that works for you and start feeling better!

  6. Hello :) I was a CNA for about three years and then worked in the lab as a phlebotomist for three and a half. But I didn't actually develop POTS until a year after I left. Although my doctor really isn't sure what happened to set this off, its probably unrelated to working in the hospital so long before it happened. It is very interesting though! Maybe that just goes to show how much popularity of jobs in the medical field is growing!

  7. I was doing yoga for a little while once I started trying to get back into exercise. Always before I was too hyper for yoga and opted for kickboxing, but POTS definitely changed that! ;) I was going to a studio just once a week and the instructor knew so had the condition & helped me find the modifications I needed to be able to make it through an hour an a half long class. I'd have to say for the most part it was something I could do...with a few exceptions here and there (or if I was having a bad POTS day). I had to stop going around July because it just gets too hot in the studio in the summer and that really aggravates my symptoms, but come fall and winter I'll be going back for sure. The best thing you can do is listen to your body. If you can tolerate something then keep doing it, and if not maybe modify and try something different. And don't be too hard on yourself! The first thing I had to learn was patience and giving myself a break when I couldn't do something I used to be able to. But as I have kept at the mild exercise thing I have noticed some definitel improvement and I've been having a lot more good POTS days. If you go to a studio just let your instructor know and maybe they can help you make the most of your time there. And I'm rooting for you on that handstand! ;) Hope things get better for you :)

  8. Seems like everyone is having a pretty hard time of it on here right now so sending you all hugs and heres hoping for a better week ahead!!

    And by going through the threads, it seems that a lot us do not have much support from all our families really - is it because we don't look sick and we just deal with this autonomic dysfunction?? Such a shame really.

    I am having to go over my writing today as my hands are not typing what my brain is thinking lol....for autonomic I wrote something like cnatmco(what the !!)....brain please get in gear!!

    Hope you all have a better day today :wub:


    It really is a shame because having support is so important. It is so easy to feel alone with this because you feel like no one understands. I have been truly blessed with a husband who has supported me all the way, but even at that, I still feel alone sometimes. I think you're right about ppl not understanding because we don't necessarily LOOK sick, we just feel awful! I have to say that people going through this are some of the strongest people because of how hard it can be, and its so nice to have places like this where we can all go to share and connect with ppl going through the same thing.

    And I have the same problem with the typing sometimes when I'm tired! And finding the right word when talking which is maddening! (& since I write for a living both of those can be really aggravating! LOL!)

    Have a good day! :)

  9. This is my first time in here, but it's really great to find a place like this! I was diagnosed with POTS just this year (it came on suddenly end of Dec/ beginning of Jan) and I'll admit it can be very frustrating! From reading everyone else's posts, it seems like having good and bad days just goes with the disorder. I think sometimes that can be worst of all. Like Tuesday I felt better than I have in a long time and then yesterday I was right back to feeling lousy again! I did want to put it out there, though, that I don't know how many of you have tried medication, but it was night and day difference for me once I started taking a beta blocker. I went from not even being able to take a shower or walk through the store to leading a somewhat normal-ish life again. I still have a long ways to go (& I do the other things like stay hydrated, take vitamins, eat a high salt diet, stay away from things that trigger symptoms) but I would definitely have to say I was feeling hopeless there for a few months and the Metoprolol seriously helped me get my life back! My doctor said not everyone responds to it (& of course there are downside and side effects) but I definitely thought it might be worth mentioning for everyone! Hope everyone has a good day today! :)

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