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Everything posted by Latacia

  1. Well I hope everyone is doing fine in this hott weather...summer heat is not my friend I have been on bystolic for 3wks and my hr is still around 114-125 but has went as high as 140. My blood pressure has also been somewhat high. I notice that after walking to the other room or doing light cleaning that my bp is rising. Yesterday I tested myself with my bp machine it was 100/70 and after vaccuming my floor it was 136/92. Also I notice I am getting more chest pains after cleaning or basically doing anything that gets my hr up. I've had two of them this month. I've even had them while laying down at night. Has anyone had these problems? Thanks in advance!!
  2. Ok so I have pots and found out recently that my thyroid is outta wack. I know I need to get those levels back where they need to be so that I can try to lose weight. I have gained so much within the past few months. I can't stand up for that long without feeling faint or actually fainting. Question is how do you excerise and how have you lost weight while having pots? All anwsers are appreciated and thanks in advance!
  3. Thanks to everyone that took the time to respond to my post.
  4. Well I just came back from my electrocardiologist app today and I just got my blood work back. I was told that I have hypothyroidism. I always get my blood checked every month and this month this stuff shows up!!! I have been diganosed with pots and and now this. I haven't been to a rheumy yet because there backed up so I haven't been checked for any other types of autoimmune diseases. Now my question is does anyone know of an autoimmune disease that would cause a person to develop pots and the hypo? Sorry it took so long to get to the question. Thanks! Oh yea I forgot i've been put on bystolic anyone on this? Does it help? Any side effects?
  5. Hello,no I don't take that kinda medicine and I am not on a high salt diet. Putting all the exra salt in my body doesn't help my symptoms at all.
  6. I don't know if this can be related to pots or if it's something new. Maybe my body is just retaining to much fuild I don't know? Anyway,I have always had some swelling in my legs,feet,hands,and arms but it seems to be getting worse. I was on toprol xl almost a month ago I stopped taking it due to my body swelling even more and my skin feeling tight. Has anyone had this problem? Do you know what it may be? Also I don't over do it on the salt it doesn't do anything for me. I see my electrocardiologist Monday so i'll talk to him about this then. Thanks!
  7. Sorry to hear about the trouble you are experiencing.I know how frustrating it can be.I see an electrocardiologist. There are cardiologist here in the town that I live in but they don't know anything about pots so I travel to a bigger city in the state to see the doc that i'm seeing now.
  8. Thanks to everyone who has responded.
  9. Thought I would introduce myself and do a little venting at the same time. My names Tasha I am a 23yr old mother of two beautiful kids ages 2 and 6. I was offically diganosed with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome2 months ago but I have been dealing with it since teenage years. Not quite sure where I actually originated from though? I had symptoms since age 16 but it didn't affect my life that bad. I found out that I was born with cervical stenosis. Then after I had my son(which was two yrs ago) it seems to be gettin worse. I have also been diagnosed with sleep apnea,fibromyalgia,tmj,ibs,depression,anxiety and interstital cystitis and I don't know if I have some of these issues are due to pots. Sometimes I feel as though my life is spiralling out of control. I feel like I have lost apart of my life. I can no longer go outside for long periods at a time,play outside with my kids,take them to the park. The people closest to me do not understand what I am going through. I finally found a doctor an electrocardiologist who understands my condition I wish I could say the same about all the others I see. I'm glad that I found this forum so I can talk to people who can actually relate to me...thanks for listening!
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