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Posts posted by lgtaylor100

  1. What a great thread. I have also read a lot since I got sick. Here are my favorites:


    Bel Canto

    Cleaning Nabakov's House

    The Devil in the White City

    The Double Bind

    Faithful Place

    I Think I Love You

    The Paris Wife

    State of Wonder

    The Submission

    While I Was Gone

    In the Garden of the Beasts

  2. Fatigue has been my worst symptom since the beginning of this disorder. All of my thyroid tests have been normal so far. The integrative doctor ordered a reverse T3 blood test to look for Wilson's syndrome which is a disorder of the thyroid which does not show up on the usual thyroid tests. He is also having me track my temperature three times a day for a week since low body temperature is an indicator of thyroid disorder.

    In addition, he gave me a kit for urine and saliva testing for neurotransmitters. If they are problems in this area I believe he will treat with supplements.

    In addition, he gave me a kit for urine testing to test if my liver was getting rid of toxins. Although I have been tested for Lyme many times he also took blood for a lyme test that is supposedly more sensitive.

    He increased my ALA, Coq10, and gave me a mitochondrial formula supplement. I haven't started any of this yet because I am getting nerve block shots for spinal stenosis next week and the pain management doctor does not wanting me taking any supplements prior to the procedure.

    My follow up appointment is not for two months, but I will let you all know how this all works out. Has anyone been tested for reverse T3.I may start a separate thread for this.

    It seems my stamina has become more problematic so I'm hoping that some of this helps.


  3. Good poll Naomi. I often wondered how others experienced this. For me it's hours at a time, usually in the late afternoon or early evening. It is a significant improvement and during periods of wellness I experience this everyday, although the mornings and early afternoons are still bad.


  4. I just got my first pair of compression stockings which are knee high. I think they helped yesterday but of course not sure yet do to the variability of this disorder.

    If I do decide that they are a help, what do you do in the summer? Even the beige ones are very thick and ugly and I like to wear sandals in the warm weather with no socks.

    Those of you who have been wearing compression stockings or socks, what do you do in the warm weather.


  5. Naomi - I get tingling in my face also. The doctor who did the sensory test for SFN said it is part of that even though they did not do any specific tests

    on the nerves on my face.

    When I first got sick tingling under my eyes was one of my first symptoms and no one knew what that was.


  6. Lemons -

    Thanks for your post. It was very encouraging.

    I was doing well for about three weeks. I have lumbar stenosis and had nerve block shots so I was able to do some walking and did every day. Then my back and legs started hurting again ( I have to go for the second in the series of shots in two weeks) and I cut back on the walking. On top of that I got a sinus infection which appears to be lingering. It's hard to remain positive with setbacks but I need to keep pushing through as you say despite setbacks.

    Thanks for your info and encouragement,


  7. My cardologist developed POTS after his mother died. He is now recovered and is quite knowledgeable about autonomic dysfunction. It is possible that the stress of his practice plus the stress of his mother's death caused POTS. He told me he was quite sick and was thinking that he would have to close his practice. Florinef helped him. I suppose that is why he was very surprised when it didn't help me.

  8. I've been doing a little better. I've been taking everyone's advice and trying to exercise, so I've been taking walks most days. I've been trying to strengthen my leg muscles and improve vasoconstriction. I also try to reduce my amount of lying down time and sit for rest instead. I've also gotten nerve block shots in my back which helps with leg pain and enables me to walk a little bit. I still have some dizziness but it is improved somewhat. My fatigue is still my biggest problem but it's hard to fix that.

    What I am suffering with most today is the coat hanger pain ( mostly neck pain but some shoulder pain too). Does anyone have some suggestions for what might help with that?

  9. Kimbelgirl -

    I am really interested in this. My mother pointed out the red dots on me the same summer that my symptoms appeared. I had them before that but they seemed to proliferate that summer. Where did you read about the connection to mast cells? I'd be really interested in knowing more about this. Most doctors have said they are nothing and some said they were age spots. I identified them myself as cherry hemangiomas or perhaps adenomas.

  10. Thanks everyone for your responses. This is so confusing. It works rapidly for some; takes months for others. Salt loading works for some, bad for others. My autonomic doctor has not given me a specific answer about salt loading. He seems to hedge on the issue. On my next visit I will press for his opinion on upping the dosage and maybe something more concrete on salt loading.

  11. Thanks Issie. I had the genetic test for AS and it was negative. At one point, because I also have neck pain, I suggested EDS to my doctor but he said I don't have it because I don't have the usual hypermobility. Still I think there is something systemic that is causing all of these osteoarthritis and spinal issues. It is tough to convince my doctors of that. I am getting nerve block shots in a few weeks.

    Issie - What anti-inflammatory things do you suggest?

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