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Status Updates posted by KareBear

  1. Not sure what's causing what :/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Faintinggoat


      the point of the forum is to bring people with the same problem together with others who understand. But that doesn't mean that you can't share other problems in your life. Most people don't just have one problem. But I definitely get the feeling as if you are lacking support. I hope that you can find help from people who you feel like you can share with, and feel support from!

      Your Friend,


    3. KareBear


      Thank you Megan, that makes a lot of sense. You're right we all dont just have one problem and I didn't think of it that way. Thank you for your support always, you are a great friend and I am thankful for you!

    4. Faintinggoat


      Its easy for us to isolate ourselves and make ourselves feel like we don't fit in because we are different in some way. Its hard to think of it differently. I am glad that I could help! Please take care of yourself and let me know if you ever need some moral support :D

  2. Starting chemo cycle 2 today and feeling very crummy. I think I'm gonna try and sleep this off.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KareBear


      Thank you! That is very comforting and would be nice to have happen. I try to not go on the ovarian cancer forum often because not only are people dropping like flies lol (ok that was inappropriate, but true) but also it's sometimes better I think to be surprised and not expect to experience a lot that most do! Thanks for the info! I like it.

    3. Faintinggoat


      I can definitely see that. This isn't the same as cancer, but I have OCD and PTSD, and I would get on forums for both of those issues. I struggled a lot because I could just see how everything was going wrong for everyone else, and not the good stuff that was going on. A lot of the time people go on to forums because they need support from other people who understand what they are going through.Its great that forums exist for that reason, but the downside to that is that it isn't ofte...

    4. KareBear


      I'm sorry you have to deal with OCD and PTSD on top of everything else! I had no idea. It seems like dysautonomia increases anxiety levels and mood swings a lot so I can't imagine how much harder that is for you. Do any meds help those conditions?

  3. I'm always amazed at how immature some adults can be

    1. Faintinggoat


      Oh my goodness, I definitely understand that!

    2. KareBear


      Lol, dont you sometimes feel like you're back in junior high?

    3. Faintinggoat


      lol, that's a brilliant way to describe it! I feel like kids are more mature than most adults anymore!

  4. Not doing so good

    1. Faintinggoat


      oh no! Sending well wishes your way. I hope that you feel better very soon!

    2. blueskies


      I'm sorry to hear that, MedicGirl. I'm thinking of you.

    3. KareBear


      Thank you Blue, you are so kind, I'm getting help, my doctors are wonderful. :)

  5. Back home again! :)

    1. Faintinggoat


      welcome back home :D Hope that you are feeling better than you were yesterday! Take Care, your friend, Megan

    2. KareBear


      I am feeling some better than yesterday. Only passed out once today yay! And not as bad tachycardia, no fever, and headache is just mild now. MUCH much better!

    3. Faintinggoat


      from one fainter to another, I completely understand how only fainting once a day is a huge achievement :D

  6. Goodbye hair!

    1. Faintinggoat


      I'm sure you'll rock the no hair look! :)

  7. Happy Turkey Day! Enjoy your families :)

    1. Faintinggoat


      Happy Thanksgiving to you as well! Hope you have a great day!

  8. Next CA-125 this week! Finger's crossed it goes down :)

  9. Start treatment monday!

  10. Ascites is my new companion, great!

  11. If I could dance I would do the "I'm almost done online Christmas shopping dance"!! :)

  12. So many Hostess brand delicious treats in the pantry, where will I begin? Lol. Tough decisions.

  13. ......very confused

  14. Nausea has already begun

  15. Finished first chemo! Staying overnight for fluids. Today was tolerable, lots of meds to help. The end of this week will be the toughest. Bring it on!

  16. Crazy day. Pain, nausea, tachy, the works. What timing

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