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  1. Not sure what's causing what :/

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    2. Faintinggoat


      the point of the forum is to bring people with the same problem together with others who understand. But that doesn't mean that you can't share other problems in your life. Most people don't just have one problem. But I definitely get the feeling as if you are lacking support. I hope that you can find help from people who you feel like you can share with, and feel support from!

      Your Friend,


    3. KareBear


      Thank you Megan, that makes a lot of sense. You're right we all dont just have one problem and I didn't think of it that way. Thank you for your support always, you are a great friend and I am thankful for you!

    4. Faintinggoat


      Its easy for us to isolate ourselves and make ourselves feel like we don't fit in because we are different in some way. Its hard to think of it differently. I am glad that I could help! Please take care of yourself and let me know if you ever need some moral support :D

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