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Everything posted by Brekenna

  1. Thanks Sarah4. Warm broth actually sounds good. I will try that. -Brekenna
  2. Thank you. I am really struggling with the salt part that I was advised to follow. I have never been one to use salt much and so I'm not really liking it too well directly on my food but somethings are meant to be salty and I can handle that. I will search like you suggested to get more ideas. Thanks so much! -Brekenna
  3. Hi. I'm Brekenna. I was just diagnosed with POTS a week ago. It been two years since it really started and I think maybe even before then but just not as noticeable. The last two years have been really rough but I feel better now just know what it is and hoping that something can be done to treat it. I'd like to see some pieces of my old life before I became ill return to me.

  4. Does anyone use sodium chloride tablets? -Brekenna
  5. I have just been diagnosots this past week. I was advised to eat 4 to 5 gms of sodium a day. I don't care for salt much so I am wondering how others with low blood volume get in all the required sodium? Any advice would be appreciated. - Brekenna
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