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Everything posted by issie

  1. Note, to those receiving instant messages on this link - the above link didn't work and caused me to have some computer issues. Don't click on the link first submitted. I edited and listed the title of the article on Fox News. Issie
  2. Here's another write up explaining more what I'm saying. People may be putting too much stock in the fact that they have the genes for something - when in reality that something may not trigger and activate or happen. But, being made aware that it is in the family line to me is something I'm glad I know. It makes me more aware that if such and such occurs - to look deeper into this. But, otherwise, I put it on the back burner and not obsess over what could be ---but, only worry about what applies right this minute that I can do something about. If there are preventative things that I can do for certain things - then knowledge is power. If there is nothing that could be done about something ---knowledge is still power ---because the question is answered and there is no longer any mystery. Like for example: on 23&me there are some people digging so deeply into the EDS genes and trying to sort out if their genes are the cause and if this one snp is related to EDS, etc. I don't see the point. You either have EDS or you don't. There is nothing that can be done about it if you do. You can support your health the best you can and that's the best you can do. The only type of EDS that a person may want to know about is vascular EDS and that is to keep a watch on the veins as for aneurysms - whether or not you could do anything about that if there is an issue is still in question. You could have a rupture at any time if you have that form. It might help you to decide whether or not to have kids. But, I'm glad I was born and have quality of life and am glad that wasn't a factor in my birth, despite the things I deal with my health. I can't get the link to work, but it's under Fox News entitled "23&me whats really wrong with personal genetic testing by Rachael Rettner, published Nov. 27, 2013, in LiveScience. Issie
  3. That is an interesting article but, really has no backing of proof. Most of us that have had 23&me testing know that this is based on the others that have had testing and linking likelihood of problems based on known issues with certain genetic markers and those of others with the same markers. Comparing that to whether or not others with those same markers develop an illness. They don't tell you that you have an illness - I've never read that they diagnosis anything - but, they can tell you if you have a predisposition to develop something based on your genetics. Just because I may be predisposed to something because of genetics - doesn't mean I will get that - even if others in my family may have it. It makes me wonder if they are feeling like this may be taking away from some other forms of testing that may be more expensive - because this one is rather inexpensive. This article isn't saying that there is faulty information - just that they feel that it is trying to say concretely that a person may have something based on these markers. I, personally, haven't seen this to be the case. Of course with this one gene mentioned that has to do with breast cancer - it would cause one to want more testing. For me, I was accepted into the study on MPN which is also a form of cancer. There is a Mayo Clinic doctor on the board with 23&me and helping in the testing for this one study. Another reason I was accepted into the study. Just because I have the genes for this ---does NOT mean I will get it. But, this is also associated with MCAS in that it can be connected to mastocytosis and so many of us are coming up with this in connection to POTS. I still think that what I learned with my 23&me testing has been very beneficial to me. The download of my raw data into Genetic Genie and Promethease was even more enlightening. I hope that they don't stop people from having this info. I learned a lot about methylation mutations from this testing too and doing the treatment for this has been very helpful to me also. Issie
  4. Sountherngirl, Diet is the main thing. The one that he told me to follow the closest is the McDougal Diet. Also, Forks over Knives and Engine 2 are all similar. The key is low-fat, Whole food, vegan. This protozoa can be tested for and your blood sent to Fry Lab. Most insurance won't pay for it - but, mine did. I had to pre-pay and then was reimbursed. Quest Labs did my testing for Lyme and co-infections. I think LabCorp does testing too. This protozoa is similar to malaria and is treated like it. One thing that is an alternative to antibiotics is Artemisia. The one I have has other things in it too that address it more so. I use that 4 days a week and the antibiotics 3 days a week. I also take a very good and strong probiotic. You do that at least 2 hours away from either of these two things. You have to break the biofilms down and I do this with Lumberkonise - two hours before taking the herb or antibiotic. I take the Immune Formula of Colostrum from Symbiotics to help support my immune system too. It is an alternative to IVIG. I feel that Vit C is important for me because I have EDS and Vit C supports collagen. I was also low in my Vit D and take a lot of that to keep my levels up. Finally, up to normal now with 10,000 a day. You have to keep a check on your D levels when you take this much. I take methyl form of B12 a few times a week. I take Kelp once a week for iodine. I eat pickled okra - two pieces a day for iron. I take a lot of other things for one reason or the other. But, none of them daily. If we can get our nutrition from our foods that is more complete than isolating our nutrients from supplements. This is a whole new way of thinking for me. As I used to believe we should supplement everything. I no longer think this way. I drink a lot of lemon water through the day. This is good for the liver and aids in detox. I don't believe in salt loading or drinking electrolyte drinks. I do however use sea salt on my food - but, not massive amounts of it. I have tricks that I use for when I have severe tachy and want rid of it. Black strap molasses and Motherswort. Not at the same time. Depends on if I feel I need more potassium or not. The molasses is high in potassium. If I think of more, I'll add to this. But, this is a quick run down of what I do. Issie
  5. Yogini, Glad you have/had a "simple" form of POTS. Not sure I've ever heard it referred to that way. Glad you are doing so much better! Issie
  6. Not everyone is using the antibiotics and I only use them 3 days a week and only one pill on those days. So, this is very low dose. This is a very planned and calculated use of antibiotics. I'm not sure how the doctor I met is using his - but, that is how I use mine. I've had problems with overdosing of antibiotics in my past history and it is in the back of my mind the same concerns. But, this is something that I'm paying very close attention to. I appreciate your concern Chaos ---let's me know you care! I know that Dr. Fry does different things for each of his patients. One of my other friends type of antibiotics and amount of use was different than mine. So, he treats each person as an individual case and it is different for each patient. There is a lot of information on the net about the low-fat lifestyle and why it is felt that it is better for a person and their long term health. This is something that I had to research a lot before I was willing to commit to it. That is the hard part of this diet. It's not hard being vegan. It IS however, hard to be low-fat. This is a very controversial subject even among the vegan/vegetarian crowds. The biggest reason for the low-fat with this protozoa is that it feeds it. It makes it happy and keeps it around. I don't want it happy and around in my body. So, it's worth lowering my fat to try to contain it. I can definitely tell the difference when I have too much fat (and yes I've done too much more than one time) vs. staying low fat. I feel awful with a high fat diet now. However, I do think we need certain fats and I added a vegan DHA to my supplements called Neuromins. That gets the proper type of fat to your brain to keep it functioning properly. This was an acceptable addition with my doctors approval. We are all different, yet similar in that we suffer from the same type of illness in label (POTS) but our presentations are all so different. I think this is true for a lot of the illnesses that people are dealing with that is not completely understood. I personally, feel that CFS/ME, OI, FMS, POTS, MCAS and maybe even HEDS may all have similar issues and be like the elephant and the blind men. http://wws.peacecorps.gov/wws/stories/stories.cfm?psid=110 Depends on our presentations as to what DX we get. I also think that once a "cause" is found for one of these, very likely the "cause(s)" of the other illnesses will be soon to follow. Issie
  7. Yogini, interesting that saunas help you too. I really can't stand the cold. I like the heat and my heating pad. I know the heat also vasodilates the vessels. I've always thought I was too constricted and found herbs that dilate me - made me feel better. Rachael, glad to hear that diet is also helping your son. Going more low-fat, vegan has sure improved my health. I Just have to make sure I get enough plant protein. That is very important. If I find I didn't eat enough beans, peas or high protein veggies in the day - I'll have a pea protein smoothie with frozen fruit. It's yummy. (I use the LifeExtension one.) If I still feel hungry this is very satisfying. The other little girl that has Pandas and POTS was found to also have protozoa and Lyme. So, may be a good thing to check. She is doing a very similar protocol to mine. I haven't heard from her mom lately - so can't say how she is doing. But, last I heard - she is better. Issie
  8. If you have this protozoa there are several ways to "tame" it down. Once you have it, you always have it. So far, they don't know of a way to totally get rid of it. The low dose antibiotics are one way of eliminating the protozoa once you get the biofilm broken down enough to expose them to the immune system. They are very good at hiding from the immune system and creating havoc in the body. Doxycycoline is the antibiotic used most of the time. There are also articles showing that low dose antibiotics have been used with success to improve the immune system. I posted that article in another thread. http://forums.dinet.org/index.php?/topic/23784-doxycycoline-possible-help-with-neurodegenerative-diseases/?hl=doxycycoline Some people are controlling this with diet alone. Though I think the ones of us that are using either the antibiotics or the herbals that address it are noticing more improvements. This is treated a lot like malaria. It is very similar. When you read this thread you will find out more about the whys and how to. I know it's a long thread and has had a whole lot of viewers. Hope it gives you a direction. Diet is one thing we all have complete control over and the one thing people refuse to change. My doctor feels that there is a problem in the vena cava. There are two parts to this vein. One goes to the brain and the other brings blood up from the lower body. If there is a blockage of this with biofilm and pathogens that live in it - unblocking this should improve our function. This would increase the blood flow to the brain and improve all over blood flow. I found an article of another doctor talking about this when I was researching it last night. Here is the article I found. http://mdwme.blogspot.com/2013/04/dr-paul-cheneys-latest-observations.html If we breakdown the biofilm that adheres to the walls of the veins and unclog the veins and that should improve the function of the vein because it's not something rigid causing dysfunction with contraction ---that should iimprove our POTS. This protocol also address the immune system - the protocol of low dose antibiotics, anti-malarial herbs and diet. There are certain things that we have to avoid. The main thing is high fat - that means we have to be low-fat vegan. The other things he has found to be important is limit arginine (wheat) and also magnesium. Arginine and magnesium keep biofilms strong. My doctor feels that we crave magnesium and he feels that we deplete it due to use by the biofilms. If you get the number of biofilms in the system down – then the magnesium levels balance out. There will be a period of low magnesium until you can get your system working better. Magnesium was one thing I was very resistant to give up when I started this. But, now that I’m having such improvements by doing my diet – I have to trust that my doctor knew what he was talking about. I also have less tachycardia now. Not as many problems all the way around. I asked him one time about continuing the magnesium because I felt it helped my sleep and he said in the long run you just keep yourself sick because you increase the strength of the biofilms and then you can’t get to the pathogens that live there. You will get worse before you get better —but the end results will be worth it. (That’s proving to be true for me.) I’m not advising anyone to stop their magnesium —-you have to have a plan and that in place before you can consciously make changes. I had to research this —to death —-before I was convinced that this was the proper way for me to go. Once I understood the reasons behind it and the science. I could finally commit to it. You have to be willing to commit to it for the long haul. It won’t happen over night. This has to be a slow process. You can’t break off the biofilms in a fast way. If you think about what the consequences of that would be —-blood clots. It has to be done slowly and gradually. There are many ups and downs and times of thinking you are worse (cause you are). But, each time I’ve gone through a bad spell, the other side has made me stronger and improved. Issie
  9. I asked the doctor if he was still taking his antibiotics and he said he was and never wanted to get off them. He felt that those along with the diet is what is keeping his issues at bay and said that even though he sometimes gets tired of the diet and trying to do it correctly, when he doesn't do it correctly ---he pays for it. He felt that it was essential. He also said that he started doing saunas. I was like ----WHAT? That would kill me with POTS. He said it did him too at first. But, now he feels that since he's worked into it - it is actually helping him. I know I prefer heat to cold. Cold weather makes me hurt so bad. But, I do better with heat. But, not thinking I'd like a sauna at all. I have to be careful with my shower water. He said this is one thing that helps with the pathogens. Issie
  10. A bit of an update and a surprise meeting. I'm in some sort of flare with my back and was sent to see a Spinal Therapist Rehab doctor ---guess what!!! He also "HAD" POTS and was treated and DX'd at Vandy. He no longer has tachycardia and says he is not completely well but would say that he "HAD" POTS and doesn't any more. He says he still gets dizzy sometimes if he stands too fast. But, he is able to work and function in life and guess what he says was his "CURE". He started going to Dr. Fry, changed his diet to low-fat, whole food vegan and takes low-dose antibiotics for the protozoa. He has been doing this for 3 years. Before his POTS was so bad he had to move in with family because he couldn't care for himself. He was nearly totally incapacitated. It was so encouraging to see that someone else is taking the path that I'm taking and has had such wonderful results. He totally believes that Dr. Fry's ideas and findings and his treatment is the best direction for us to go. I know for myself, this has made more improvements in a positive direction than anything else I've tried. And I can honestly say ----I've tried it all. I'm sticking with it. It's making positive changes. It will just take time - since my body has so much going on. This mostly addresses the immune system and breaking down biofilms and getting to the pathogens that live within. Diet, I think is our key. Issie
  11. More indications of vaccines triggering something. Issie
  12. But, thinking about it more. I think a vaccine triggered my POTS. Maybe, it triggered something. My dad got Guillian Barre from a flu shot and there is lasting neurological damage from it. Issie
  13. Dave, My father got Guillian Barre from a flu shot. It nearly killed him and there is lasting neurological damage that has not gone away. I also feel that a polio vaccine triggered my POTS when I was 8 years old. It also triggered my sisters OI and a friend of ours has some sort of dysautonomia - from the same vaccine from the same doctor. Here's a BIG clue. Issie
  14. Could you go see Dr. Afrin? He's in South Carolina. Talk to ChristyD - her son went there and still sees him. She can tell you more about him. There are some mast cell sites that you can also visit and get more of a feeling if you think this is it. Mast cells can affect breathing. Yes, we can have reactions to dye for sure. I've had a lot of those type of test and make sure I take allergy meds before I'm to go through something like that. We take H1 and H2's and that helps. Have you trialed that to see if it makes a difference? I use Zantac 1/2 and Allegra. Exercise can trigger a mast cell release. One guy has had breathing problems as his main complaint and just found out he has sojourns. Have you been checked for that? He thinks there is more to it with him - but, the breathing is his biggest concern. His name is RichGotPOTS. Issie
  15. I think I'm one that had high cortisol for awhile and then it went low. I think the docs are right about how it goes. We are in hyperdrive and just somewhat burn out. I really like alternative meds. If he is familiar with Chinese med. that is a very good thing. I'd go with him. I'd like to know what he suggest to you. Be sure to PM me or write about it. As for MCAS. The docs that mostly deal with it are immunologist, allergist and hematologist/oncologist. Depends on what you are looking for. Most of us have seen an allergy/immunologist. Dr. Afrin is the pro on this and if I could go see him that would be my choice of docs to see. Not sure where you live. There is a doc here at Mayo, AZ that is working with us too. Our neuro - Dr. Goodman is giving us treatment for it. He is working with a doc that was transferred here from MN - named Dr. Rank. I don't know him - I had seen Dr. Lewis - when I was there. But, the two of them - Dr. Rank and Goodman are working together on our behalf. Dr. Goodman is one of the well known POTS specialist and a very good doc for diagnoisis. Issie
  16. Yeah, love the Loving Hut. We actually have two of them here. There are a bunch in CA. Each one is a franchise and depending on the ethenic type of person who owns it - determines the food. They are all different. We have one here that is Philipino and one Vietnamese. I like them both. I've found a bunch of different places that I can eat. I will Google to see if that one is here. Yeah, maybe more carbs---make sure you stay whole foods though. I wonder if you could use a protein shake with fruit in it. To make sure I'm getting my protein - some days I use a pea protein powder and frozen fruit. Issie
  17. Did they check your renin levels? That could tell you whether or not there is a kidney issue. If it truly is your adrenals - addressing that probably would make you feel better. Few endo docs will address it if it is still within range. But, there are plenty of alternative type docs that will and mostly it's that type that do. If your primary is paying close attention to it - sounds like he is ready to try some things if needed. If you have high cortisol levels that's indicative of Cushings - do you have any other symptoms of that? Many of us that have been thought to have high cortisol levels - eveutually get low cortisol. My docs said that the adrenals will produce higher amounts until they can no longer do that and then things go low. I've heard of more POTS people using cortisol - rather than having high levels. Maybe, they have already gone from high to low ---if that is correct with what the docs have told me. There are many things that are in the "natural alternative" field that can help with this. Do a search on the site for more info on MCAS. There is a lot of info on previous threads about that. It can appear similar to an adrenal surge when you have a mast cell degranulation. It's hard to tell if it's a NE release or mast cell.
  18. KayJay, The brand is Udo from what you told me. There are a few from that company and I'm not sure which one you are talking about. Issie
  19. I do use probiotics. I've got to go get some more today, as I'm out. What is the brand you like? Issie
  20. All the clues eventually add up to a complete picture. Since this is a syndrome and so very complex ---there can be many things involved in the "Big Picture". Naomi, my kidney doc has patients with "nutcracker". Interesting enough - none of them has dysautonomia. Issie
  21. Thanks Janet, Hoping something I've said over the years has made a difference for others. Is you Nephrologist here in AZ, Mayo? I saw one doc there - but, he didn't have many suggestions. I love the doc I have now - he's outside of Mayo. None of them has really addressed my having low renin and aldosterone. That doesn't seem to be very concerning to them. Just glad that things are going in the right direction. It is a good feeling to not have so many unanswered questions looming. Issie
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