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Posts posted by fc3schick87

  1. long story short:
    when i was 15 i was stuck in bed for 2 years, after seeing many dr and doing many tests i finally was told to keep hydrated with gatorade. this helped alot. i was then able to focus on my ibs symptoms, which i figured out when i was 19 , after getting everything in check from constant blood pressure issues, ibs issues, headaches, migrains, and even asthma when i was 24. im doing well, but not "great" , i thought i was doign great but turns out i got better after a DR told me to try Succeed! S!caps which contain as much electrolyte (and potasium) as a 20oz bottle of gatorade, with out the added sugar.

    so here i am now, i recently tacked on p.o.t.s to my Dysautonomia diagnosis, about 7 months ago, i went in complaining i could not do the things i love any more and i was having issues thinking, and even being able to do an hours worth of hobby.

    since taking the salt caps, i been 10x better. but i still can not live a normal life.

    I enjoy the automotive industry. i have the ability to prep and paint cars, the ability to buff and polish and do a professional detail on cars, and now i can do what is known as vehicle wrapping, which is a specialty trade which not very many people can do.

    i have with in my reach the opertunity to work at a local shop that does many high end car wraps, one of the largest and most known shops in texas, i worked there for 2 days as a freelance worker helping with a vinyl install for a friend of tim duncans (spurs player) but i started running low on energy the 2nd day.

    keeping hydrated, eating every 2-3 hours, taking small breaks, pacing myself while doing the work, and i still have issues going onto day 2-3. i still have issues waking up early in the morning. its the only time i get IBS urgency, is if i have to wake up early. it is inevidable that i have to rush to the restroom.

    if any one has any advice for me. i have such an amazing opertunity infront of me that i feel i can not grasp becasue of physical limitations.

    my name is Jessica Hewitt, i am 26, and i wish the sky was the limit. . .

  2. in 2010 i was having issues feeling confused and out of breath , for about 8 months i had this issue i couldnt complete a train of thought when it got bad. i kept forgetting what i was doing, what i was thinking about... it got bad.

    i did a stress test but nothing really showed up. they even took pictures and video of my heart. nothing showed anything.

    in september of 2010 i got sharp pains in my chest. my friend offered me xanex , she thought i was having a panic attack. i took 0.50 mg and i felt better.. the next day i had lunch with my mom and i told her what had happen. she offered me her inhailer. it also helped...

    i went to the dr and he perscribed 0.25 mg of xanex ( i take half of it) and a rescue inhailer. i havent had any issues like that since. i also take singular but it makes me extremely moody and irritated and i even have thoughts of suicide (such panic i want to crash my car? ya im not taking singular any more lol) which helpd but i just dont want to risk taking it.

    so yeah..... but the only down side is the inhailer makes my heart race if i am not hydrated.... but it works good when i need it too

  3. for stomach cramping i use bentyl. it makes me a lil dissy and light headed but its much better then being in so much pain.

    birth controle can definantly play a huge roll in our condition. i benifit from birth controle (nuva ring) because it shortens my periods to 2 light days. 1 heavy day. and 2 light days, i only get effected ONE day during my period if that..

    if it is because of blood loss, you might want to have her increase her magnesium and potassium and b12 (riboflavin).

    there is this smoothy like fruit drink called ODWALLA, its over in the produce section. or if you dont have it in your area you could look for other premium fruit smoothy drinks. in my opinion odwalla super food (the green one) helps alot with any type of imbalance due to low blood pressure or low blood volume. she may just have a deficiency while on her period because of loss of blood.

  4. Gatorade saved my life....

    from age 16-17 i was stuck in bed. it wasnt untill a doctor did a tilt table test on me, and then after the tilt table test he said " i want you to drink gatorade untill your urin is clear, and keep your urin clear" that i started feeling better. from age 17-20 i was dependent on gatorade, now i barly need it , i do need it durring the summer and i do need to drink water often but my body regained its balance and now i have reduced symptoms.

    i had tilt table tests, and blood volume tests to determin my low blood volume. and my electrolyte deficiency

    i do notice. as stated above, that now if i drink to much gatorade i also feel loopy and tired and odd... so its just picking a nice balance between gatorade and water. we have to ask our bodies what they need and be aware of how we feel.

  5. if you remove your gall blatter. there is no blatter for the bile to go into. you will have an ever flowing bile duct.

    i recently had horrible horrible pain and suffering from what i thought was acid reflux and indigestion. i had many tests done, doctors couldnt find anything but i was suffering and i went out finding my own answer.

    i was in pain for 3 months. from october to december. i lost about 15-20 lb because i could not eat much.

    otc medications were not helping. even at perscription doses.

    i started on nexium along side zantac. the both, together, worked great. i then changed my diet since anything i ate left me in such horrible pain..

    after speeking to an older friend of mine they said something about vinigar. apple cider viniger. he said to take a sip or 2 of it... so i did. and guess what it worked...

    i then went into researching bile issues. turns out there is acid reflux. as well as bile reflux......

    bile is alkaline. ant-acids wont help the pain. but guess what will? vinigar.. if you dont want to drink 2-4 oz of vinigar. try vitimin C tablets.... they work just the same! the vinigar helps remove the pain. the vitimin c tablets help prevent it. i drink orange juice with every meal and i have very limited symptoms.

    i stopped drinking vinigar and my symptoms returned slowly. so i started back on drinking orange juice with meals. i still take nexium, but i came off the zantac.

    you said

    "I'd mentioned the persistent nausea that really gets bad with near syncopal events"

    this is because when your blood pressure drops the blood rushes out of your stomach. when i have my blood pressure drops i too feel really really really sick to my stomach. it usually lasts about 20-40 min then slowly goes away. the easiest way to solve that issue is to increase blood volume by increasing electrolyte intake. please check with your doctor before increasing your sodium and sugar intake by drinking Gatorade. it is a delicate balance.

  6. about 2 years ago(2010) i was in the ear nose and throat doctors office. i had made an appointment to get allergy testing since i was having alot of issues with sinus pressure and headaches. since i complained about dizziness they decided to hook me up to this balance test machine. basically you sit in this special chair and they put ear plugs into your ears that have tubes threw them. the tubes pulse air into your ear drums and basically check your balance and resistance inside your inner ear i guess.

    about 30 secconds or less, into the test, i started feeling funny. i didnt feel dizzy i just didnt feel right. with in 5 secconds i could feel all the blood rush out of my head and pool in my feet. my feet felt heavy my hands felt heavy and i yanked the ear buds out of my ears and told them i was having a blood pressure crash. the poor lady ran out of the room to go get the dr asap.

    with in about 2 min i had fully recovered from my near passing out episode that i had not felt for years.. since 2005.....

    the dr came into the room. she knew my condition and told me i must have had a Vasovagal response, which has to do with my nerve system ect....

    i took it up with my cardiologist and my internal med doctor... they both agree....

    if you go in to get a balance test. be aware!!!

  7. yes. sometimes if i am not well hydrated i feel like my heart is racing. i feel a rush like feeling and my stomach sometimes starts to become upset.

    the best way to coupe with it would be to first, check with your doctor to see if you can increase hydration, and then drink more water. basically whats happenging. if it is anything like what happens with me. is that your blood pressure drops when you lay down. then for w/e reason our body thinks its to low so we get a dose of adrenilen, which makes the heart race. this is, at least, what happens to me. basicaly, to prevent it would be to fix the low blood pressure issue upon laying down/relaxing low blood pressure like this is often caused by low blood volume.

    please check with dr first before you try to do anything. i do not take medication for any issues, so i can freely increase my water and gatorade intake to what ever my body needs. the sodium wont hurt me. nor will the water.

  8. i have had horrible migraines for years. i thought it was just my DA, i then realized it was sinus pressure...

    i started using a nasal rinse


    and i started using nasonex nasal spray... i successfully rid myself of any start of any migraine and pressure by using the rinse and i prevent other issues by using the nasal spray daily..

    i also drink odwalla juice, superfood (the green one) and it also helps a great deal with any headaches too. i have been migraine free for about 2 years now. i still get some but they are reduced by 80% since i been using a nasal rinse i also dont suffer from colds or sore throats.

  9. i have sinus pressure too, it contributes to my migraines. i use over the counter walgreens brand nasal spray and it does wonders, bad thing is you can only use it for 3 days in a row, i only use it once a week only on my really bad days. wound up with a nose bleed too....

    i use saline nasal spray too. doesnt really do much.... but it does help clear stuff out.

    i tried the neti pot and i darn near killed myself. it ran down my throat. i am sure i didnt do it right but i tried again and same thing. i guess i just cant close my nose off right by breathing threw my mouth?

    i tried nasonex nasal spray and it didnt do anything for me btw.... :) the walgreens stuff is the only stuff i have tried that helped.

    my osteopathic doctor gave me some sinatrol which is a supplement that i should take 3 pills 3 times a day but its just so expensive.. hasnt helped yet.

  10. When I went to the endocrinologist he noted a stare.

    This makes me a bit nervous talking about it but he had me look at him.

    It was something my eyes or the pupils of my eyes were doing as I fixed on an object.

    I have had difficult too with focusing. With feeling comfortable with my vision.

    I get a sensation when I'm driving that everything is coming at me and it overwhelms me.

    I have been practicing using a focal point to deal with this. I imagine myself pulling myself closer with a rope to that object. As I get there I change to another focal point up ahead otherwise I have a tendency to go into panic mode. I have done this while walking too. Get overwhelmed with visual stimuli. If I focus on one thing I can usually walk towards it no problem. If I see everything before me I can start to feel a bit dizzy and like everything starts to swirl.


    my doctors also notice that my pupils do not contract as they should when light is shined into them. kind of an interesting thing to have looked at when you see a new dr, so they can actually see physical proof that your different from every one else. that your body isnt reacting as it should

  11. So glad you are getting some good results! I too have been using adrenal support tabs and I really think it's helping! I saw a new doc who is a medical doctor who uses naturpathic medicine whenever possible. It's great! Anyway, she said my adrenals were shot along with my other female hormones. I have been reading a book on the adrenals and am shocked at how dead on it is! Look up some of my posts and read about it! Have a great day! :-)


    wow i would love to hear more about how your hormones are involved if you want to shoot me a private message. i've been struggleing with this for some time now.

    adrenal is still sported by the autonomic nerve system. which is why ours isnt really working well. adrenal saport seems to be helping :)

    though i hve found it makes me slightly jittery towards the end of the night. but i just have to experiment how long this stuff stays in my body and use it accordingly.

  12. Not sure how typical it is but I get this way from time to time. Have been almost "catatonic" at worst of times too. I don't know if it's seizure or just "dead tired" fatigue but I wonder about both myself. I've had other things suggestive of seizure/migraine aura too so I keep that in mind but have not been scoped out for such. Benzo's happen to tamp down on seizures so if a benzo like Klonopin is prescribed for POTS, it might happen to help even if there is seizure activity too. The "wearing off" period of a benzo (like a quicker up/down version like Xanax) can be a seizure zone so if things coincided with that it is a subtle clue.

    Otherwise I guess real testing (even "provocative" seizure testing) is in order? Many things that make POTS worse and are involved in POTS also increase odds of seizure: dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, hypoglycemic response (reactive/relative hypoglycemia), oxygen deprivation (odd flow regulation), "excitable state" such as sympathetic overstim, sleep deprivation, etc. If not a direct link, there are ample indirect interactions to choose from too.

    Despite all that, I think many folks would just say it's an extreme fatigue state... but hard to know. The obvious seizures go general and move muscles, next obvious involve memory loss and such, the most stealthy are just waves of intense emotion or odd "mental state" without any other likely clues. Those latter type are hard to distinguish from painless migraine, too, it seems.

    medications as stated above i have found to be "bleh" i didnt like them and i didnt take them for very long.

    when i am not feeling well i zone out. when your body is doing so much at one time and you can feel things happening inside your body, or at least i do this, i zone out and focus on whats going on inside me not really noticing much outside of me. i also notice my eyes are unable to focus on things. and things tend to glow like i have poor vision. i can not comprehend things i see and i can not make choices or count money or even take phone calls while i am working and this happens. its a sort of confusion that comes and goes with blood pressure crashes. almost like some of the senses are dulled in order for the body to try to repair itself cuz it knows something is wrong.

    i once thought i was having seizures and problems. the tests SUCKED. blinking lights, electrodes pasted onto my scalp, cat scans MRI , the feeling of being in that tube!!!! uhg! none of it showed anything because it wasnt happening all the time. even if it was happenign i dont think they could scan for it and capture the activity in my brain. or even they wouldnt know what to look for ....

    hope this info helps you.

  13. well im pretty ballanced now that i have my condition "figured out"

    i have a pretty good understanding of what my body will do, why it does it and how to recover from it. i can feel myself going off the deep end slipping into a relapse of all symptoms and i can feel when my body is recovering from over working myself.

    day to day i do still have troubles. migraines, stomach issues, fatigue being the biggest one. one that i dont want to treat with just normal stimulant medications....

    once i found this site i checked out the FAQ area and i found a doctor in my area, well he was a 90 min drive north to austin but still in my area.

    i went ahead and visited this doctor, though not covered by my immediate health care. spending 263$ for my first time appointment.

    though i dont understand the entire practice of osteopathic medication i do believe that it can help balance my system. being that i am extremely sensitive to any prescribed medication and i HATE the way they make me feel, i thought why not see one of these doctors.

    speaking to him for about 45 min he asked me alot of questions that made sense. he spent alot of time with me asking about my diet too. he then gave me a list of things i should buy from his office. well i dont really know much about that. but i figured if i bought a few it couldnt hurt... i bought a supplement to help my sinus pressure that i believe is the last controllable reason i have migraines (ie: diet, stress, birth control, sinus pressure) it includes things in it like turmeric root extract and licorice powder and other extracts. so far no real noticeable change on that. its day 3. im sure it may take a few weeks to boost my immunity.

    he also told me that i should try an adrenal system stimulant. which is a liquid that you drip an eyedrop full under your toung (10-15 drops) hold it there for a min then swallow. this one i noticed an immediate result!!! (i personally wouldnt recommended if your still having adrenalin attacks from blood pressure drops)

    yesterday i woke up and felt really sluggish. i ate and then had my drops of "adrenal pep" i then went on about my day, i cleaned house, took care of my reptiles, swept and mopped, sorted threw more boxes (i just moved to a new house) and i even went out back, washed the dogs, played with my new leaf blower i bought from an outlet mall on the way back from austin. and even was able to go to work and work my 4 hour shift with out a nap, with out feeling sluggish and with out feeling tired!!!!

    around 3pm though, i got shaky and i had to come in and eat something and rest for a few min. i think i over stimulated myself but after i ate (because i didnt eat enough yesterday) i felt great. and continued working around the house.

    today i went to 2 different health food stores and then kohls and then to a greek place for take out. still feeling perked up. slightly tired after eating my meal. waiting for the adrenal pep to slowly bring my body back to normal energy level. (i mostly get tired after i eat lunch)

    best part is, at work i usually tapper off towards the end of my shift, and get really tired, but i havent been!

    brand is futureplex botle says antitox homeopathic formula name of product is adrenal pep.

    all natural extracts, strong flavor but not bitter or sweat, hard to enplane flavor but not intolerable.

    research product and consult doctor before trying. it has alot of natural ingredients but that doesnt mean you dont need consultation.

    i bet i sound like some sort of saleswoman. but heck. i'm trying natural things and i'd love to share them with every one.

  14. Thanks for sharing the things that help you. I might give the Odwalla a try next bad spell.

    For fatigue, I take 10 mg. Adderall. Really can't function without it.


    omg really?! that would even help with my concentration omg thank you for letting me know that. i'll recomend it to my doctor. worst it can do is give me headaches, as i remember from when i was younger and usto take it

    <3 thank you!

    odwalla, dont be intimidated by the green coloration of the super food drink. it taste like banana and apple and mango. no hint of green flavor hehe... its best for you so just go for it!

    also check out bolt house farm drinks. read the back of them for the nutritional information they have alot of goodies in them too like riboflavin, and whats best is they taste good, whats bad is its slightly expensive. but worth it

  15. Also, the POTS affects the contractions in my esophagus and intestines

    wow now that you mention it. sometimes it feels like there is a lump in my throat, usually with the onset of some other symptoms like racing heart and shortness of breath... thats so interesting i always thought i just swallowed something wrong.

    thanks for the info about the sports related electrolyte stuff. im going to try that out. fortunately right now i am balanced with electrolytes for the first time in about 7 years, yesterday i tried Gatorade and it gave me a headache! guess it was just to much for my system. to much of a good thing is not to good :)

    i still hydrate with water and eat as healthy as possible. and i still swear by electrolytes. so every one drink up and keep hydrated :)

  16. Hi Rene,

    If they had to premedicate you, that might explain a lot. Steroids make my heart race terribly. And coming off them is not pretty.

    maybe they overhydrated you, just a thought.

    is your urin clear at all?

    stay with it, rest, relax. it may take many days for the medications to leave your body. and i am sure the stress of the whole entire situation is adding to the anxiety and heart race.

    i know when i am really stressed i have shortness of breath and my heart rate feels elevated.

    also, did they give you morphine or anything for your headache? they did to me once and that had me at bed rest for about 5 days.

    edit: oh and to add. maybe, if you trust your primary doctor, they can do a blood test to rule out potassium problems or any other weird level they may see.

  17. one thing i am seeking an answer for is why am i so tired all the time. what can i do to not be so tired all the time. caffeine makes me sick so i cant use that. eating food usually adds to the tiredness.

    i just woke up about an hour ago yet i feel like going back to sleep for a nap already..

  18. its hard to say if the medication is helping or making your problems worse. i usually notice more side effects then good with perscription medications. pain pills could be causing upstet in stomach, pain pills also cause constipation which can lead to further IBS symptoms which lead back to dehydration and which agrovate migrains and blood pressure crashes and stomach problems, its a vicious circle.

    you need to achieve normality in your body. but in your case you have back problems so that makes things even tougher. i usually just take charcoal pills for my stomach problems and it usualy cures most everything in about 3 days. but if you take them then your medication will have a hard time absorbing. thats the ONLY side effect other then blackend stool, upside is if you dont notice a change right away then you know its not going to help your situation.

    keep hydrated, keep trying to eat what ever you can. smoothies or real fruit juices and even supplements. Gatorade or pediatric helps hydrate better then water in some cases.

    i wish you well.


  19. i cant do caffeine what so ever, i get dizzy with a blood pressure crash and stomach cramps to high heaven.

    soda i do ok with but not coffee!

    i usually wake up about 10-11 and go to bed about 1am or so. i work usually 5-10 and about 3 or 4pm i start getting so tired, usually right after i eat lunch.

    i usually lay down to nap or just relax and it seemingly helps me get threw my shift at work. 30 min of napping usually just makes the issue worse. i have to nap for 1-2 hours for it to take effect...

    i still dont have an answer for the tiredness, im still seeking that answer myself.

  20. I am not sure I know about the powdered form of gatorade. I had a physician tell me to drink mega amounts probably a dozen years ago. I did that for perhaps a year or more drinking 32-64 ounces a day as I was able. I ended up with systemic candida -- my guess was because of the high sugar content of gatorade.

    poweraid, i think if you look at the back doesnt have as much essential ingredients as Gatorade.

    gatorade is proven to replenish electrolytes. idk if poweraid is qualified to do that. next time im at the grocery store i'll pick up a bottle to read the back.

    gatorade does have a high sugar content. my doctor recommended only using the powder form, the powered gatorade apparently has something else instead of high fructose corn syrup. also with the powder form you can add or remove according to how you feel :)

    i personally like G2, it has way less sugar and calories.

    to much of one thing is defiantly not a good thing as i found out from the constant hunger that i was taking in to much sodium. over hydrating is as dangerous as being dehydrated too...

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