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Posts posted by lieze

  1. Maggie I was feeling things that didn't show up on my monitor too.

    I don't know if I got potsy while pregnant or not.

    I had a lot of pooling in my legs they would turn red by evening when I was standing.

    It was hard to stand and cook supper in the evenings-I just don't know.

    I've wondered why I've always rushed through things too-did I know I was going to run out of energy? I know I always have had fatigue and it was uncomfortable have I just reached a new level? I don't know that I'll ever have answers.

  2. I felt it affecting my vision and it scared me.

    So far though I seem to be okay.

    I've had my one pupil dilate bigger than the other on several occasion.

    I've heard it can be caused by fatigue and also someone referred to it as an optic migraine.

    I totally got checked out by a ophthalmologist and he could find nothing wrong with my eye.

    He said if it happened again I didn't need to do anything so I guess it's harmless.

    I saw on someone's siggy the diagnosis of Addie's pupil.

    Maybe this is what we have I don't know?

  3. I'm not on any meds and my standing heart rate just varies.

    In the beginning it was the most difficult.

    Trying to get ready to go to one of my first appts, my heart rate was at 140.

    Following that I would zoom up to 170 and go into SVT's.

    My resting heart rate has really come down and I'm not sure if it's because of the ablation or I am just recovering?

    I realize that is not that bad comparatively and I am just lucky that I am able to function on any level.

    Now over a year later I can handle more standing walking and activity.

    I get symptomatic at what seems like out of the blue occasions.

    It is probably my body just screaming-hey that's enough!

    I've noticed a shift just here recently where instead of my pulse skyrocketing my blood pressure does instead and my pulse actually comes down to about 87? or so.

    I'm sure it's just another response of my body to try to compensate but it's a different feeling.

    I shoot up to high 120's and even 130 which I know if still in normal range but to my body with my norm of 90/60 it feels very strange.

    I guess I'd much rather have it increase than bottom out.

    Both feel bad though.

  4. I was getting a lot of PAC's while pregnant with my daughter-funny I did it with her more than I did my boys-not sure if it was her gender? I did gain more weight with her and they started about 3/4 of the way through my pregnancy. They had a different feel to me than the PVC's I thought.

    And maybe it was age? I was 37 when I had her.

  5. Can you describe what they feel like?

    I started getting kind of a pain in my chest tonight followed by what felt like my vagus nerve being stimulated over and over again.

    It lasted maybe 15 minutes? After I took my bp and I don't usually take it on a wrist cuff but I got a reading of 130/80 which is way high for me.

    I wondered after if it could have been PVC's

    I felt fine before this event and after.

  6. Thank you tea rose.

    I'm just trying to figure this out.

    Whether it is just a panic attack? If there is a way to avoid it all together?

    Feeling very frustrated and wanting to just 'fix" it!

    I'm sure everyone can relate to that feeling.

    Today I am eating and drinking and resting and I took an iron tablet.

    I'm also desperately reaching out to try to understand what I am doing wrong, if anything?

  7. Well it could be. I really didn't have an appetite.

    And almost felt sick to my stomach.

    Like if I did eat I'd be sick.

    I just took a minimal amount of Benadryl -haven't taken it for years because I'm itching now for some weird reason.

    There was a lady online that said she was taking Benadryl and it was helping her allergy and histamine levels-not sure if this will work for me or not?

  8. Anyone with a clue to what is happening?

    3 hours into my shift I had another one.

    It was not as bad had not eaten onion or garlic-I think that was just the icing on the cake last time.

    But 3 hours in-my heart felt like it was not keeping up, increased to 120.

    Felt bad started getting the bathroom urges.

    Face especially was itching, lips, ears, scalp.

    Breathing not so difficult off and on mostly.

    A light pain pressure in chest nothing major or scary.

    Felt like a POTS episode with an itch.

    As I began to feel better -took bp up to 120/77 high for me but I know normal so I didn't worry.

    pulse 87.

    So whatever acrobatics my body was doing straightened out my vital signs it just felt horrible.

    I probably had to just sit for 20-30 minutes and felt out of it longer.

    The itching lasted for hours.

    Did not take anything have not taken anything for 3 days.

    I'm starting to itch again just thinking about it.

    I was able to finish my shift.

    This part doesn't make sense to me-how can I have these episodes and then totally be fine after?

    Is there anything I should try to take prior to going into work? OR during an episode which I just get scared and drink water.

    I found something online last night connecting an anxiety and histamine connection and that high histamine levels can cause anxiety.

    I'm stumped.

    I work again tomorrow in a different part of the building should be easy only 8 people to take care of.

    I don't work again then until the very end of the month.

    I am so glad my schedule is not hectic.

    I'd like to try to control this if possible and just work a minimum of days if necessary.

  9. I've had this happen several times and it is very scary.

    Let me say though that I feel just fine when it's happening.

    Totally alert through the entire thing.

    I just get scared because when I feel no pulse or the pause I freak out.

    My nurse therapist told me this is anxiety when I feel this.

    She could be right-I don't know.

    I am still here and have felt better since those episodes so I'm not sure it's anything to worry about.

    I notice my heart acts up more when I am nervous about things.

    I just read something yesterday on a anxiety group about people feeling these sensations.

    I'll try to copy and paste it here for you. It made me feel loads better after I read it.

  10. You know I noticed this a couple times when I had been resting more-which was a good thing.

    But when I would get up to walk then I'd feel pain in my calves.

    I would make sure you're getting enough Potassium.

    I don't notice this all the time but when I do-I try to eat a banana.

    I can't prove this made a difference but there is a chance low K+ could be your culprit.

  11. Oh my gosh!

    Well first of all thanks for sharing and I am sorry that this happened to you but guess what.

    My husband uses just a toke in the evening as he describes it to help with his cyclothemia (like bipolar) illness, He has racing thoughts and has difficulty sleeping and the cannabis has seemed to help but guess what now he has developed chest pain and is having bouts of pancreatitis.

    I am wondering if it is related to the cannabis use.

    He did admit it to our family physician so maybe she will catch the link there.

    His total gi system shut down last fall and he had to be hospitalized for a week.

    He just had another flare and has adjusted his diet and it seems to be improving but he was starting to get the intense pain again.

    I know that it sounds as if your system got over active.

    He has had acid reflux symptoms and was drinking aloe to try to get rid of it.

  12. My biggest fear was my heart just stopping.

    That was the feeling I was getting but for the most part that doesn't happen anymore.

    I also get the feeling that I'm not getting any air at all and it is a horrible feeling.

    I just try to be thankful for everyday.

    I think that is where I am right now.

    In trying to improve my overall situation I'm experimenting with meds right now and it's a bit uncomfortable.

    I guess if none of it works I can go back to my tiny dose of Xanax and trying to stay strong by eating well and drinking lots of fluids. I was at least partially functional this way.

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