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Posts posted by nsirois

  1. I sometimes have the fullness in my throat and difficulty swallowing. I was told this has to with my nerves not communicating with my brain, but I seem to notice it is worse when my heartrate is really fast or BP is up. Used to have ringing in my ears when I took Metatoprol but you should still get it checked out.

    Do you have a blood pressure cuff(sp) and pulsometor at home?

    Thanks for your input. I don't have a BP cuff at home, but have noticed that my HR has increased lately. I too, thought the fullness was from a lack of communication between nerves and muscles, but I have also read that it could be secondary to a constriction of the carotids. I will mention it to my MD when I see him again in the near future. Since, I just had a baby, I am not on any meds which, I am sure, is contributing to the rise and increased intensity of my symptoms! The whooshing and pressure are the worst! Thanks again for sharing. It truly makes a difference knowing that I am not alone in this-although I wish we all could feel better:) All the best!!!

  2. I was dx with POTS last year with a questionable secondary dx of hypermobility syndrome (EDS??). I have fleeting whooshing, tremoring, and extreme pressure in my ears and neck. It's truly debilitating!! I had a baby 9 weeks ago and it has magnified since giving birth. Not sure if it's b/c of the decreased blood volume. It worries me. It can't be good to have that much pressure in your head!! I had a cranial angiogram to rule out a AVM in 2007, which thankfully, was negative. There is also accompanying fullness in my throat and pain in my ears. Any thoughts? Does anyone else experience symptoms similar to this?

    Thanks so much!!!

  3. I have grown to fear exercise because of the symptoms it causes, but I am trying to ease back in because I know I am not doing myself any justice by not exercising. I used to be a Division 1 athlete in college, so exercising has always been HUGE for me. At first, after I got sick, my heart rate would go up into the 220s very, very easily immediately after exercising. My heart would palpitate non-stop it seemed. I since started taking beta blockers, which has helped my heart issues a great deal. However, I am still very uncomfortable during exercise, and wondering if anyone else has similar issues.

    Now, my heart rate stays around 170, and if I am on enough of a dose of beta blocker, that usually doesn't bother me. If my beta blocker is wearing off/not enough, 170 will make my heart feel like it is racing. Many time when I exercise, my heart rate will suddenly start to drop into the 140s, even lower, and I'll get this aura of extreme fatigue. I also become very cold and pale. I think it is a vasovagal episode, as I've read on the internet, but I am not sure why it only happens when I exercise. I do not have vagal episodes at all any other time.

    Also, after I exercise, my chest feels really really tight for at least a half hour, sometimes all day. I don't exactly feel short of breath, just like my lungs are resisting a full breath. And, my heart rate will stay high for the rest of the day after exercising, like in the 130s. No matter how many beta blockers I take, it seems.

    Lastly, after any kind of exercise, when I am done and sit down/relax, I will feel numerous little twitches throughout my legs from the knee up. Like muscular spasms, only many small ones all over my thigh/butt region. They last for a half hour or so.

    Not being able to exercise has been one of the greatest losses that being sick has caused me. I used to rely on exercise daily as a stress-reliever, and I am the type of personality who likes to push my limits physically. I've tried yoga and more easy-going types of exercises like that, but they just don't do it for me. I have always been into extreme sports, like triathalons and such, so I don't know, I'm just trying to understand why this has happened. I am wondering if anyone else experiences these issues? I imagine a racing heart is common with exercise, but is it for the rest of the day? What about the sudden changes in heart rate? The chest tightness and muscle spasms?

    Thanks, everyone!

    This is my first post, so forgive me if I am doing this completely wrong! I was recently (a few weeks ago) diagnosed with POTS and Hypermobility Syndrome. I have had twitches (medical term is fasiculations) in my legs following exercise since college-which was 15 years ago. It is just a sign that your body is working hard to regulate itself. People with neuromuscualr disease often have this, but people with other conditions can have this as a secondary response, ie vasoconstriction issues, autonomic dysfunction etc. Typically, it's more annoying than hazardous to one's health.

    I hope this helps:)

    Fellow twitcher

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