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Posts posted by poppetkazutaka

  1. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia pain and they tried to put me on lyrica but I gained ten lbs in a week and my face swelled up with fluid. I had to stop. I found that the pain got better when I started going to the dietician and she found I was only eating 500 cals a day when I should be getting 1450. I find also the pain is worse when I over do it or when I exercise\strength train. If I don't sleep enough I also hurt and get the body aches.

    Tylenol and rest helps. Make sure you are eating enough and are getting all your vitamins and you are sleeping like you should.

  2. The only problem I encountered today was of course salt has a clearing out effect to my tummy! XD I sat down in the bathroom and was suprised to find water coming out the wrong end! [laugh]

    So yeah. Not thirsty anymore, but...uh...I don't think I have much to give! XD

  3. I usually get those if I've been moving around too much, and then I sit down. In 15 minutes, like clockwork, I flush, pant, and start shaking like my body is going haywire. I also get it if I haven't been drinking enough water and have been up and about too much on my feet.

    It's the flushies~ I don't get them so bad if I take it easy and since I've been on beta blockers. :3

  4. So...because of some of the things I've read here, I thought I would try adding salt to my bottle of water and drink it down. Well, I couldn't get enough of it at first. I drank the whole bottle because it was delicious! Then I was sitting here typing up a computer inventory report and I realized something.

    I drank water. And for the first time in as long as I could remember, I wasn't dying of thirst. I was sated. I haven't been sated in years! My mouth isn't dry, and I don't feel like I have to run to the water machine to fill the bottle back up!

    Wow. Just...wow. I mean...this is like...weird. I'm sitting in a dumb stupor because I haven't felt this normal in my mouth in so long that I can't believe it. I'm waiting for the dying thirst to come back and it isn't.

    Amazing. All this from salt in a bottle. [hugs the salt]

  5. Okay, so sometimes to get myself to go to work, I bring one (or two) of my babies along with me. This led to me gaining a reputation (when I was on the floor) of being the 'crazy girl with those creepy dolls'. Which in the world of Asian ball joint dolls is something to be proud of. XD

    Today I brought two of my ball joint dolls with me, Carmine and Thomas, which you can find on my Deviant Art account which is linked in another post a couple down from this. :3

    Some might think its silly that at 28 I still play with, cuddle, and tug my dolls along with me (they're in the shopping bag under my desk being good children) but if it helps with me dealing with the symptoms I think its okay.

    Does anyone else have anything they do to help them along? A cuddly toy or a pet? A favourite pair of socks or funky hat? A "silly" thing they do to get by?

  6. It is through my employer and I would go to my HR department except I am the HR administrator...

    There should be someone above you that you can contact if its not just a small business. Someone in the corporate office that handles the insurance claims. Or a third party that can deal with the arbitration between you and the insurance company. I had to go through this and am still fighting with BCBS about a claim so I know about the process. You should definately not give up! It's been nine months and I'm still fighting. :3

  7. [hugs] For the migraines, I'm on Topiramate 50mg (this can cause some funky side effects, but the help can be worth it) and also Propranolol 80mg (because the blood pressure was causing them, so they had to fix that) so you could ask your doctor about those. They would start you small, probably. The Topamax\Topiramate is known to cause vision disturbances, a funny taste in the mouth, crazy bad thirst (more than the dysfunction), and weight loss (which I'm so not complaining about, this is what its used for in some cases! It makes it so you can only eat small meals.).

    Nothing over the counter works anymore.

    Good luck with the move, hun~! [hugs again]

  8. I applied for short term disability through my work and was denied. We then appealed it and were still denied. I did some research on the insurance company that denied me and, apparently, they are known for denying people. We are having a hard time finding a lawyer or any office that handles short term disability. We have found long term disability and, of course, social security disability, but not short term disability. We live in Dallas, TX. Does anyone know of anyone who can help me, please? Thanks.

    Have you gone through corporate HR? Is the plan owned by the employer?

  9. Poppet,

    .4 - 4.5 is what Quest considers normal for TSH. I'm strongly suspecting you are referencing another measurement, like Free T4 or another measurement.

    Yeah, I'm thinking I'm remembering a number they tested before they checked the TSH. Like I said, I've had so many tests I get my numbers mixed up between what I read and what it was and what it should be. XD

  10. but not drinking just makes my POTS symptoms sky-rocket, so that's not such a great solution either.

    Ooh, yes. If I don't drink, I get really dry feeling and flush and dizzy and I feel like I haven't drank for days! It's horrible! >.< All they can tell me is its my medicine but I don't think so because it's changed over the years. I see my neuro next month, maybe he can come up with something! I'm going to mention this place and a few of the symptoms I've found are related that I didn't think were. :3 This forum has been extremely helpful. :3

  11. Poppet,

    TSH of 1.5 means you are on the HYPER side, not too low. 1.5 is in the normal range, I think, but I just wanted to clarify for you which side you are on.

    Really? Maybe I'm remembering the wrong number then... XD Because I always had them tell me it was slow but not slow enough to warant any treatment. I've had so many tests I have to keep the stack of papers because I get so confused and forget. XD

  12. It's where you write 50,000 words in the month of November, roughly 2,000 words a day for a novel, ignoring all the quality and going for quantity. I failed miserably last year because I was so busy with Christmas and other things and when I wasn't busy I was dead. XD

    I'm going to try again this year...I must be insane. But it would be nice to have other dysautonomia peoples with me. :3

  13. SO! My hair is falling out. Not just a little. A whole lot.

    I asked my new doc who doesn't know pots and she said it's because i just had surgery under General anesthesia. I've had 7 surgeries under general and never has my hair fallen out. I also don't think this doctor knows me of cares that much (she is temporary).

    Anyway, has this ever happened to any of you? Any ideas as to what is causing it?

    I haven't changed products. No more stress than normal. I checked my meds and they aren't the cause.


    My hair has been falling out in clumps when I shower and through the day when I brush it for about three or four years now. At first my mom said it was the antidepressants, but I stopped those for two of those years so I don't think it was. The hair falls out so much I have to clear out the drain once a month because it clogs. XD I used to have very thick hair and now I look like a recovering cancer patient its so thin and fluffy.

  14. Grippy-socks! I got a pair from the hospital when I had some test that have PUPPY PAW shapes on them! I love them to bits cause they're blue, and they have grippy paws. I wear them in the winter, too! XD I love cold weather because I get to wear layers. It's only 70 degrees here now but I'm already doing layers and long sleeves thanks to A\C and propranolol. XD

    I want to move to Maine soooo bad.

  15. I never get a flu vaccine. Every time I did before, I would still get sick and be just as sick as if I hadn't, and they would tell me, "Oh, the way a flu vaccine works is we take a gamble, randomly select which three we think it'll be this year, and sometimes you get the ones we don't put in there." Or my favorite answer, "You got one that mutated."

    So yeah. Why spend money on a vaccine to get sick, only to get sick when it mutates? XD

  16. I'm not a medical doctor or anything but I try to push myself to the limit I have. I go as far as I can and then a little further. I try walking, strength training with hand weights, and I was doing leg exercises until that was simply making me too dizzy. The walking will strengthen my legs enough, according to my dietician.

    It's very hard, and I find that if I have a day where I can't do it, I don't. I don't beat myself up about it, I just don't do it. I'll do it tomorrow. So long as I get in all the other stuff I do (parking at a distance, taking the stairs, walking a long ways around instead of short cuts, staying on my feet instead of crashing immediately at home) then I'm okay.

    So far, I'm still at a decent weight and losing, so I'm quite happy. I just need to stop forgetting my belt in the morning because one of these days I'm going to feel a draft on these legs. XD

  17. I might have to start trying that. I love salt. I always have. I just can't get enough of it ever since I was younger. I would glisten my green beans and potatoes and carrots and meat and even ketchup! It was so much that people would look at me funny like 'how can you stand to eat that' but it would taste fine to me. It's like I HAD TO HAVE IT. I try not to, and that just throws me into withdrawals and I get very very dry and thirsty, too. It's so confusing. XD

    They need to make salt water drinks. XD

  18. I have good days and bad days. On the good days I frequently say, "I'm so going to pay for this later!" But I live for the days where I can clean my room, shave my legs, go shopping, and wear myself completely out due to boundless energy and health. Even if it does mean the next week is going to be spent in bed when I'm not dragging my behind through work with the help of prescription drugs.

    Though it seems for me the worse health comes when the seasons change, once the cooler weather comes I'm better. Hot weather hampens me and sudden changes (which are frequent here) from cold to hot to hot to cold make me have issues. It's a struggle but one I've learned to deal with on a day to day basis. Thankfully, I'm still able to work, but I foresee a day when I won't be able to.

    I also foresee a day where I might be able to run people down with a powerchair but I don't know, that might be wishful thinking. XD

  19. I know I crave salt like the dickens and the other night I was so tired but I had to pee really bad, so I dreamed I was about to go and actually almost did! So I had to run to the bathroom. It was so embarassing!

    I got to where I just stopped going so much at night, I ignore the need until its painful and can barely make it. Probably not a good thing...

  20. I've noticed something odd over the past few years and I'm not sure if its related or not. When I drink anything else it takes a while for it to go through. If I drink water, it goes through me in ten to fifteen minutes and it doesn't matter the amount, I have to pee like crazy.

    Is that a symptom or just my kidneys being weird? I stay thirsty constantly, and I have to have a lot of water during the day or I get dehydrated.

  21. I dunno about Florida, I guess it depends on the climate you come from, but they were talking yesterday at work about travelling from Kentucky to California and Tucson for weeks at a time and how they were getting 'dehydration sickness' (nausea and the bathroom runs) because the climate was so much humid or dryer depending on the place. How they had to drink over five gallons of water to feel normal because they weren't used to it.

    So any change in climate can cause your body to go out of whack, especially since out bodies are so sensitive. Were you drinking enough water?

  22. Frequently when I sit too long or when I'm stressed, I get a pain up my spine from the base upward and my left hand and foot go numb and go upward. I don't know why or what causes it, but if I get up and make myself move around, it tends to fade away. I think it's because blood is pooling on my spine and causing pressure. I'm not sure and I haven't mentioned it to my doctor.

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