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Posts posted by mindylee1

  1. merill,

    I know how hard it is to smile right now. It seems like when it rains it pours. Just remember you are never given more then you can handle. That means you are a strong person, which may seem hard to believe somedays. A good friend once told me that after evey rainfall there comes a rainbow. Although our rainbows maybe small ones we must take them for what they are worth. I wisht the best for you. Medidtation is a wonderful idea. I also have printed out some of the encouraging responses... they sure do help.

    hang in there


  2. tb,

    I am so sorry that you are facing this. We welcome you here. I am 25 and recently diagnosed with pots. It was very hard for me because I was a gymnast and very active. Now I can't really do much around the house. I do need to tell you this, anger will get you nowhere. It's ok to be frustrated and upset but you need to focus on how you are going to deal with this. Trust me I have sat in this house for 8 months depressed crying my eyes out hating the world and it got me nowhere. This group has really helped me change my life around. Of course I still have a good cry now and then... we all do. I was told you are never given more then you can handle. I am trying to handle this as best as I can. Please find support in us this is such a wonderful place to turn. It may be hard for you because those around you will not understand what you are going through... bbut we do. I hope this make sense.

    best of luck to you


  3. Hi group,

    I thought I might run this by all of you. My doctor is from the Cleveland Clinic and it's not often that I am ablt to get to see him. Every night when I go to bed I get these horrible hot flashes and body aches. I feel like I could faint but I am lying down. I can't sleep they have hade me on every sleeping pill but nothing seems to work for me. It seems to be geeting worse. I saw an Endocrinologist and my hormone levels seem to be ok. I am wondering it this is an effect of the Pots. I mean its to the point that I dread going to bed because I know that it's going to happen. My body aches and hurts all over but mostly my legs. Has anyone gone through this? I just thought I'd throw it out there for some in put.



  4. danelle,

    It's so hard I know exactly what you are going through. I also am a pots patient. I am 25 and going through all the same changes and symptoms as you. It is very hard for us to be isolated in our homes. I feel like since I am home that it's my duty to keep the chores up but I just don't have it in me. That alone is depressing. I know what you mean about your husband. I often tell my husband "You didn't sign up for this" his answer is "neither did you". This is a great place to find support, vent and gain information. Although somedays it's hard to even make it to the computer. I told my husband about this forum and when he got on here he cried and the amount of support there is. Maybe you should advise your husband to take a look at all of the wonderful resposes you have recieved. Here are a few inspiring things other group members told me when I entered and I'll never forget them.

    1. Pots is not life threating but it is life altering

    2. Learn new ways to live with your new body - know your limits

    Please lean on us for anything.


  5. Wow, thank you all for your engouragement and experiences. If there is one thing that I am thankfull for is that I know I could have been dealt a worse hand. I know I will learn to deal with this, somedays I just don't want to.. ya know. My main problem is being stuck at home right now. I feel guilty when I'm lying on the couch then I over work myself. I guess it is going to take some time. Well I sure am glad to have found you all thanks for all of the wonderful responses!!


  6. I am new to this group and I must say that when I sat down and read through your forum I cried my eyes out. I felt like I had finally found a place where I belong. I am 25yrs old and recently diagnosed with POTS. I have been batteling an ongoing illness for 1 1/2 yrs passed through 6 neurologists. Theyall told me that I waas depressed. I'd like to go back and tell them a thing or two. My diagnosis was from the Cleveland Clinic. What a wonderful place. It felt so good to finally have an answer. I'e been through it all ( as you all have).

    I recently married this past October. My husband is the most incredible man on this earth. I can thank my lucky stars to be marrried to my best friend. He has never missed a Dr's appt. He knows every drug I've ever been on. He even knows how to deal with me.. it's not easy :) . I have not even got to enjoy married life yet. Please tell me that this will get better??

    I'm reaching out to you all because right now I am not coping with this well at all. I feel like an 85 year old woman trapped in a 25 yr old body. I don't want the things most people want at my age.. like going to the bars, going to the movies. I just want to be able to stand to do the dishes without vomiting. I just want my life back. I just lost my job because they don't understand. This has really made things hard on us because I am not able to work.

    I don't know if this letter makes any sense but it's good to know that I'm not alone. I read some of your letters and you seem like such wonderful people. None of us deserve this but at least you can surround yourself with people that understand you.

    take care


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