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  1. Hi guys, I have a question for the people who use propranolol and have stomach issues! I've overcome the symptoms of fatigue I got from the BB, but since I've increased my dose to 10mg in the morning and 5mg in the evening, my stomach issues keep worsening.. I keep being hungry (like I always am because of blood sugar issues), but can only eat little bites before I am completely full, my esophagus is irritated and my back and side hurt. This sucks because my gastroparesis symptoms had improved quite a bit since I'm on a very restrictive diet! I was wondering if other people experienced these kinds of symptoms too from propranolol and if so: if they got better over time? Thanks in advance!
  2. Thank you @corina! That definitely sounds like it's worth the try @Kaitlyn thank you for your explanation, that's good to know! I'm lucky that my blood pressure isn't that low, so I guess it would be safe for me to give it a try :). Interested to hear what your doctor will say about it! I always start on an extremely low dose with everything, because my body can react really badly to meds sometimes. That makes me feel a little more safe :).
  3. That's too bad @DizzyGirls I hope you'll find something that helps her soon! @roxie I don't know, but in any case my HR doesn't drop that low so I don't think it's the cause of my symptoms... I'ts weird though isn't it? I thought that I must surely feel better when my heart isn't racing all the time. And it is nice to not feel 'wired' constantly, but like you say it gets exchanged for something that doesn't feel good either.. Thank you for your input though!
  4. @Katybug I don't know if I have MCAS and as I understand it it's very hard to diagnose (or even impossible where I live if I'm not mistaken!) but I definitely have symptoms of it... Thank you for that heads-up - I don't have asthma and on this dose I thought my shortness of breath couldn't have anything to do with the propranolol but I hadn't thought about that issue... @statesof yes that sounds a bit like how it feels for me too! @Stephanieann the adrenalin thing is what I like about it too... If this turns out not to be a good fit for me, I really hope there's another med out there with the same effect but without these side effects! I haven't checked my blood pressure while having these symptoms @Kaitlyn, because at that point I'm so eager to lie down again but good point :). I'll do that! According to my doctor Ivabradine should give the effect of a lower HR, without the drop in blood pressure, but maybe I understood him wrong - I'll check that again too :). @DizzyGirls that definitely is a good point and worth checking for me.. I've noticed that my bp fluctuates a lot more even while lying down since starting the propranolol. Mostly lower, but sometimes higher than my normal values too. Has your daughter found her right med yet? Thanks everyone, this is a huge help! X
  5. Hi guys, I started with propranolol a few weeks ago (2 times a day, 5mg) and I was wondering if some of you might have similar experiences with it! The first week I felt really bad, in the sense of being terribly exhausted and 'out of it'. My heart rate immediately slowed down about 10 bpm though (lying down as well as sitting/standing). Now, the side effects have lessened a little so I'm able to judge the overall effect a little better. What I'm noticing is that I love how it slows down my heart rate, even when I've had a really bad night (waking up with a heart rate of 110, which slows down to 85 after taking the bb). But, it doesn't seem to improve my symptoms with sitting or standing up at all. It even seems as if my shortness of breath and muscle weakness have worsened on it. Does anyone recognize this? I'm curious what my doctor will say about it in a few weeks - he told me ivabradine would be another option if this one wouldn't work for me, but I've also heard things about the combination of propranolol with midodrine? I'd love to hear your input :). Thanks in advance!
  6. Thanks for your input everyone @ks42 Maalox might be an idea indeed, at least to be able to try if the Florinef does something for me . Thanks!
  7. Thanks ANCY I don't have a tube, for which I'm VERY thankful - except when it comes to medication . It's great that I can manage my stomach symptoms with mostly liquid diet, but when I make a little mistake or add something to it (like irritating medication), it could actually push me over the line to needing a feeding tube . I'm sorry that your blood pressure is so low that you absolutely need the Florinef! I'm just trying it out (hoping something will get me out of being bed bound), but it's very frustrating that my stomach puts a halt on so many things . Good luck with everything to you as well!
  8. Thanks @Corina . @Robsthalobstah I don't believe I can find exactly what you mean but thank you for your input!
  9. Hi guys I'm on Florinef for almost a week now, on a tiny dose of 31 mcg. I have gastroparesis and always have a hard time with a lot of medication, and unfortunately I'm getting increasing stomach pain and GERD this time as well (my swallowing problems are showing up again too, probably due to an irritated esophagus). I know that I'll probably have to stop the Florinef in the end to prevent my stomach issues from worsening a lot, but I wanted to ask: has anyone else had problems with Florinef too, and if so: did something help you so that you could take it anyway? I'm already on ppi's and am taking it with food (although I can't eat a lot in one time so that might be an issue). I know milk can help sometimes, but unfortunately I can't eat dairy products. Thanks
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