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Light Sensitivity And Dysautonomia?


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Another question... Does anyone else have the whole need a lot of light to keep them alert and functioning during the day? I know a lot of people are sensitive to light... I am too.

It is weird too much can be bad, but to little can be bad too!

I have ALWAYS bothered my family with this in wanting a lot of lights on even during movies etc.

So, I was curious if anyone else has had this?

I have always not been sure if it is a vision thing (like adjustment to light), headache thing (struggling to read/focus in dim light), or kinda a mood/alertness type of thing (kind of like Seasonal Affective Disorder)?

But, was wondering if anyone else has this? Also, may be part of some sleep disorder? Who knows?


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I'm so the opposite! I can't handle much light and seriously need it to be low light/dim in our home. The light makes me disorientated/faint like and my eyes almost burn from light. I feel like a vampire in that way :P At night when we watch a movie, I need it dark or else it's too much sensory overload between the sound from the TV and the lights on, it's just too draining. This will be interesting to see how different we each are in this sensory area.

- Tammy

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YES YES YES!!! I like LOTS of light. It's gets on my husband's nerves since he likes to watch TV and movies with the lights off, and I can't stand that!

But then there's that point that everything is just too much, and the lights go off, the TV goes down, and everybody just has to be calm.

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I'm so the opposite! I can't handle much light and seriously need it to be low light/dim in our home. The light makes me disorientated/faint like and my eyes almost burn from light. I feel like a vampire in that way :) At night when we watch a movie, I need it dark or else it's too much sensory overload between the sound from the TV and the lights on, it's just too draining. This will be interesting to see how different we each are in this sensory area.

- Tammy

Me, too. Light & noise sensitive. I'm at a point I don't watch TV at all, I rather read a book in a quiet room. With two kids, quiet is a luxury.

- John

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Yes, I have had this problem since a teenager. I have wondered if there were a POTS connection. It is really only in the evening that I experience this, but I find I have a very hard time focusing my mind in dim light. So dark restaurants, being at an evening party where the lights are dim, etc have always affected me in this way. It is kind of embarrassing how much I have to fight to keep focused. I can't even think of adding alcohol to that mix! B)

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I find that the florescent(SP?) light at target or cub plus all the stuff going on there make me feel kind of out it and off balance sometimes. The light at home don't seem to bug me as much.


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Thanks for your responses! Some of ya'lls sounds just like me! Freaky! Wonder what causes it all...

MomtoGuilana it sounds just like me!!! Curious do you have any eye issues? I have astignitism and can't see very well w/o glasses much beyond a foot in front of me.

Preachers wife and Amy, yeah me too! I have noticed a cranky thing too with me! My family thinks I am evil. I think this is part of the reason never liked going to movies etc. very much! I hate being in the dark. The three hour powerpoint lectures at school in the dark can be awful!!!

Anyways, thanks for your responses, and it would be interesting to know more about what causes this!

Thanks!!!! :)

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