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Night Time Events, You Too?

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The nights can be so wierd but lately I have had new events occur. Please tell me if you experience this. One night I woke up from a dream and my whole body was tense and I was covered in goosebumps (under several blankets) and everything tingled. Last night I woke up to pee (2-3 times per night) and was so nauseous and truly thought I was going to throw up. I thought I must be getting a stomach bug but then I feel asleep and was fine in the am. Huh? I have been quite potsy lately so I think this must be pots related. It is just so hard when symptoms keep changing! I hope everyone has a goosebump, nasuea free day!!

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I occasionally wake up in the middle of the night incredibly nauseous, shaky, and either way too hot or too cold. Most of the time I'll end up being sick and sitting up shivering or sweating (or both) for a while watching TV. Then I go back to bed, and am okay by noon the next day. It is likely to occur on nights when I've been out, especially if I had a beer and/or ate too rich of food and/or was out in too smoky/loud/crowded a place. But it also happens on nights when I've done nothing strenous at all, and had felt fine all day. I just chalk it up to an autonomic blip. :)

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I get goosebumps really easily. The weirdest time I've noticed is when it's hot out and I'm running. I do know that goosebumps, or piloerection (I don't know if that's spelled right) is under autonomic control, so it makes sense that if your autonomic nervous system is goofed up, you might get goosebumps at weird times.

Hope you're feeling better today!


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I have this weird thing where I'll wake up in the middle of the night sometimes and be ripped out of sleep by a huge cough. It's like this big blast of air that I have to cough out. Immediately when I do I feel like I'm going to vomit. Like in that very second. But I NEVER do. The sensation doesn't last too long, a matter of minutes, but it's acutely uncomfortable and I totally don't understand the cough. I would guess sleep apnea except for the fact that the breath is going out instead of in. Weird, huh? Anyone else?

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