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Hello all. I have been a country girl all my life and thought I knew just about everything about bugs that bite. Chiggers find me like a magnet although my husband could roll naked on the grass and never get bitten

Last weekend we were sitting in the living room. My daughters boyfriend, also a farm boy, was sitting next to her. The dog who doesn't go out unless we do had gone out for just a second and when she came back in jumped in my dau. lap. a couple of minutes later she said mom the dog must have gotten in the potting soil i have black specks on my shirt. she and i both luckily had mostly white t-shirts on and then as i looked dog over i realized th "dirt" was moving rapidly. it was just rolling off her front paws. i real quick had all three of us strip into other clothes and washed in hot water. Well i have never!!!!! seen baby seed ticks like this. I called the vet on mon. and she said this year has been off the charts!! We were lucky to have a white dog!! she suggested to use a bug spray on ankles and waist when getting up in the morning. I told her I was very oder sensitive and she said to use the milder sprays but deet was really the drug of choice. I don't know if i can handle Cutter. I got the dog washed off and used a lint roller for about an hour on her paws

I really want everyone to please be careful even if you live in the city. once a Nest of ticks hatches the are born voraciously hungery! I never saw anything move so fast! they were only the size of a speck. had i had on jeans or a darker shirt I wouldn't have noticed tell they bit.

i have tested negative to lyme and don't need that on top of pots. Please be careful!!:-)

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Oh my goodness!!

Yeah we have alot of trouble with ticks here out in the country too, especially Pa.

I too have been tested for lymes disease and thank goodness it was negative. I don't think I could handle having both.

Thanks for the warning though,


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